WHO: In rough order of their appearance...Sentinel Prime, Miles Edgeworth, Parker, Coat of Arms, Enchantress, Melter, Norman Orborn, Metabee, Bumblebee, aaaaand Cheetor.
WHERE: Right smack in the middle of downtown, where there's lots of nice buildings to demolish.
WHEN: Friday, midmorning
SUMMARY: Sentinel tried to go to work and lost control of Trauma's powers. Whoops. Now the only way to stop him is by force.
WARNINGS: Violence, assorted scary crap, and gratuitous property destruction!
FORMAT: Quicklog for the sake of my sanity *_*
[He's forgotten his purpose.
He decided to face the City with the best of intentions. He thought himself capable of handling it. And, as usual, he grossly overestimated his own capabilities.
Sentinel doesn't fight it, doesn't regret it, isn't even afraid anymore of what he's become. Because Sentinel is gone. His awareness is trapped far, far away from the outside world, and all that remains is the mirror.
And so he walks. Without aim or destination. He hears screams, but they don't bother him. Because this is his purpose.
He has become, quite literally, the City's worst nightmare.]