Closed to secret lab/base inhabitants

Oct 06, 2009 03:05

WHO: Blackarachnia, Open to Thundercracker if he's around
WHERE: BA's lab
WHEN: 10/6; really early morning
WARNINGS: Cutting...not in the "because I hate myself and want to feel better" way
SUMMARY: BA's testing the boundaries of her "new" ability. It's all about scientific discovery and information collecting!
FORMAT: TL;DR to start, so para-thingies

The lab was quiet save for Blackarachnia shuffling around. She was gathering materials to test out her “new” abilities.

Truth was, these powers weren’t new to her. In fact she knew them quite well. These powers belonged to and old friend. She’d used them many times in the past for fun, training or actual combat.

Eventually she had everything together. Various objects she could test her durability on. A scalpel to see how much pressure it would take to cut her skin. As well as her research journal and a pen to write down what she needed to know. Testing her strength could come later. Likely outdoors where she should really do some damage. She didn’t want to destroy her lab any further than she already had.

Of course she had the first aid kit nearby. Just in case.

She wanted, no needed, to know the limits of this ability. Such knowledge could be useful to her in the future.

Before she started she carefully hit play on her laptop to start up some music. It was too quiet in the lab otherwise. She needed some kind of noise. It helped her focus oddly enough.

The femme picked up the scalpel and looked it over. Brand new, incredibly sharp. She would have to be careful to regulate her strength while she did this. She could easily cut too deep and bleed out if she didn’t.

So very carefully and slowly she dragged the blade over her arm. Just light enough that it tickled.

The next pass of the blade over her skin was done with more pressure. Enough that on any normal person it would have broken the first few layers but not drawn any blood. A careful examination of the area showed no damage. She jotted her findings down before turning back to her arm.

This time more pressure. Enough that it should have broken the skin and drawn blood. However there wasn’t more than red mark across her arm. A grin formed as she examined the mark. It was good to know that being attacked by the average knife-wielding thug she could go unharmed.

Another note was made.

Then another pass of the blade. This time it should have cut much deeper into her arm. More than just a scratch but an actual wound, one that would have required medical attention. But upon examination she found that the mark left behind didn’t even draw blood. Just a few layers of skin broken.

She made note of this then turned back to her arm. This time she applied more pressure, more than she’d meant to. She clenched her teeth and quickly set aside the blade as blood began to pour from the wound. She inhaled sharply between gritted teeth and she fumbled with the first aid kit. She needed to stop the bleeding and get a better look at the wound to find out how much damage she had done.

Quickly she round a clean rag around her arm and applied pressure. She cursed under her breath realizing how stupid she’d been. But curiosity always got the best of her.

Eventually the blood lessened and she was able to clean the wound. As she did she examined it, realizing she had cut much deeper than she’d ever meant to. It was a deep, clean split. She cursed again, this time louder. Just bandaging up wouldn’t be enough but she wasn’t sure what else she could do. She didn’t have what she needed for stitches and there was no way she was going to go get herself sewn up by a doctor.

A quick dig through the kit turned up some bandages she’d remembered reading about when she read over first aid stuff. A butterfly bandage, used to hold a short cut closed in the place of stitches. She figured that should do that job, a couple of those should keep the cut closed and then she could just bandage it up like normal.

Once her arm was bandaged she decided she’d had enough with testing herself for the night. She didn’t want to accidentally cause more unnecessary damage to herself. So she cleaned up her work station then set about completing her notes.

† blackarachnia | n/a, † thundercracker | n/a

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