[I'll meet you in the Red Room]

Sep 29, 2009 19:23

WHO: Anyone involved in the auction. If your character wasn't, they have to make a donation of at least $25 at the door. Don't forget to tag yourselves in!
WHERE: Lensherr-Maximoff Castle, Rhinebeck County, New York.
WHEN: 7 PM, tonight.
WARNINGS: Anything can happen, so I'd tread carefully.
SUMMARY: The Lensherr-Maximoffs hold a masquerade ball in ( Read more... )

kate kane | batwoman, † john connor | demogorgon, † nigel colbie | pike, † abby boylen | cloud 9, † glados | n/a, † bruce wayne | batman, † raven roth | desdemona, † warren worthington iii | archangel, † leto atreides ii | god emperor, † m'gann m'orzz | miss martian, † gar logan | beast boy, † janet pym | wasp, tony stark | iron man, † billy | dr. horrible, norman osborn | the green goblin, † sarah altman | n/a, † wanda | the scarlet witch, pietro maximoff | quicksilver, † lorna | polaris, † shego | n/a, † kitty pryde | shadowcat, † alison blaire | dazzler, † joseph wilson | jericho, † blackarachnia | n/a, † harleen quinzel | harley quinn, † bakura ryou | shiromadoushi, trowa barton | n/a, † himuro maruko | rex, † lance alvers | avalanche, † e.v.e. | eva, † danielle moonstar | mirage, *in progress, selina kyle | catwoman, † hiruma youichi | devil ace, felicia hardy | black cat, jaime reyes | blue beetle, † arata kagami | kamen rider gatack, tim drake | robin iii, † conner kent | superboy, † shirosaki hichigo | n/a, edward nygma | riddler

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darkprophecies September 29 2009, 23:52:00 UTC
If there was anything that Raven was beginning to feel strongly about, it was the need for her team to get out and have more fun. The mood in the tower had been less than stellar lately, and that was putting it lightly - so when this came up? It wasn't as if she needed to suggest it anyway... but she easily went along, formalwear and all.

As she entered with the rest of the titan posse, her eyes began to scan the area. ... it was beautiful, rustic even. Perhaps she could have a decent night after all, even if it would be spent against one of the walls, watching the others...


123youreit September 30 2009, 00:16:58 UTC
Tim had only come back to the Tower last night, and was keeping the apartment in case of... further difficulties, but he hadn't exactly been difficult to convince to attend the ball with the others. He had his own reasons for being here, mainly to keep an eye on Bruce being... well, Bruce Wayne, a facade that was always interesting to see in action, even if it tended to fill him with an underlying sense of unease on a subconscious level, just from the completeness of it, and the way it sat innocuously over the true man beneath. Not that Bruce wasn't Bruce, rather than Batman, but there was an important, if not obvious, distinction between the real Bruce and the Bruce Wayne who was let out into the public eye.

It wasn't just about observing that, of course, but about keeping an eye on... well, whoever else was here, assuming they were involved in the auction and had enough money and influence here to be so. And it was always good to keep track of social groups and movements ( ... )


darkprophecies September 30 2009, 00:26:57 UTC
It was no secret that Raven got easily overwhelmed in large crowds, even after years of practice, meditation, and focus on blocking out unneeded emotions of others. There was only so much she could avoid picking up at any one time - and with what looked like a room full of strangers, she stuck close to the family she knew was here with her.

Tim got the first bit of her attention as she sidled up to him, careful not to trip on the skirts of her dress - she was used to more form-fitting attire, rather than something like this. It was unique, to say the least.
She had missed his presence in the tower, regardless of how short his absence really was. There was something about his spirit and drive that always seemed to perk her up if things got bad, and oh had they gotten bad.

With as sweet of a smile as she could manage, she finally made an attempt to talk to him. "Hey..."


123youreit September 30 2009, 00:43:04 UTC
At Raven's approach, Tim's entire stance more or less relaxed - just a fraction, but enough. His expression softened into something approaching a smile, as well, with mildly sheepish tones. He still wasn't exactly happy about certain things, but... he'd spent long enough away from the Tower to miss being around everyone, including Raven, and to calm down a little.

"Hey. Nice dress." Lame, but honest.


darkprophecies September 30 2009, 00:50:41 UTC
She actually looked lost for a moment when his comment reached her ears, having to look down at her dress. Oh right, compliment, focus your mind, Raven. So she smiled gently in return, pulling at some of the skirts subconsciously. "Thank you. Nice outfit."

She smirked and got a bit closer, so she wouldn't have to strain her voice over the music and bustling crowds too much, crossing her arms over her chest as an act of false security.
"... about what happened---" way to just come right out and say it, Raven.


123youreit September 30 2009, 01:03:18 UTC
Ah. Direct.

Tim shrugged one shoulder, letting his smile fade a little. "About that. I'm sorry that I overreacted. I mean, I'm still not happy about... that sort of thing being shared without my knowing about it, but. I know you were just trying to help." This is where he resolutely does not glance at Kon, but does get a little cooler in tone. "Not that I really think that there's anything to help along, as it were."


darkprophecies September 30 2009, 01:09:25 UTC
"I apologize for being so... bold." she cringes at her choice of word, but it was the best she could come up with at the time, she crossed her arms even tighter - to anyone else watching, she probably appeared to be chilled to the bone. "I should have asked you first, I know. I was just worried that if something built up like that in him, that he'd---"

She stopped herself, turning a bit away from him to let her own eyes graze over the titans scattered in the room. "... but he didn't leave, you did."


123youreit September 30 2009, 01:17:29 UTC
"Yes, I did. And considering past records, you should really have expected that to be a more likely reaction from me than from him." He takes note of her body language and reaches out to squeeze her shoulder lightly. His tone softens and he smiles in a more reassuring fashion. "But I came back. I'll always come back, Raven. Everyone... my friends are too important for me to leave behind."

And yes, she's included, he doesn't think he has to make too blunt a point of that.


darkprophecies September 30 2009, 01:28:55 UTC
She exhales slowly. The truth of the matter was, back in her world, she had no reason to get to know Timothy that well - she knew him enough, but her focus had always been on the older members of the team, the ones she 'grew up' with. So no, she hadn't been expecting him to take off like that, not over something like this. She expecting Kon to take off, as she had first-hand experience with having to track him down back in their world... but... she never said a word of any of it.

"Do you want to dance?"


123youreit September 30 2009, 01:39:46 UTC
True, she's only been around to witness this mild tendency towards running away that he has once before - and now, it was all of twice. In each case, he felt like he had proportionate cause.

He raises his eyebrows, genuinely surprised for a second, before breaking into a warmer smile. Still pretty faint for anyone who isn't Tim, but well, Raven especially should know how that goes with him. "Sure, I'd like that. Shall we?" He moves to offer her his hand for an escort to the dance floor, ingrained socialite manners kicking in.


darkprophecies September 30 2009, 01:48:11 UTC
Raven smiles as just a brief rush of his surprise crosses her empathic senses, it was always a satisfying feeling to bring that out in someone, especially one of her friends. Her eyes drifted to him, but instead of taking his hand, she instead stepped forward to fold her arm into his.

This was as good of a chance as any to get to know him better, and grow closer, after all. And in her mind, growing closer and having happy moments would prevent this situation from happening ever again...
Naive as she was.

"Good. I'd like to see if you can keep up, after all."


123youreit September 30 2009, 02:10:13 UTC
Well, that was a little different, but he moved smoothly with it, stepping close to Raven as they walked to the dance floor. They had never really had a chance to become close, at home, but... this was nice. He actually appreciated the chance to get to know more about Titans who he'd never really had that much... time with before, here.

"Oh, I think I can give you a run for your money." He smirked slightly, playful. "I did practically grow up going to this kind of thing."


darkprophecies September 30 2009, 02:14:32 UTC
"Ah, but you see..." she turns to him the moment they're on the dance floor, lips flickering a similar smirk at him as she rests a hand on one shoulder before she allowed him to take the lead.

"I was taught for years by Joseph, who could easily out-dance any of us in an instant."


123youreit September 30 2009, 02:25:23 UTC
"Uh oh," Tim holds back a laugh, raising his eyebrows, "I seem to have miscalculated." He takes the lead easily, movements smooth and fluid with practise. He'd said that this kind of thing bored him, and it did, when the person dancing with him was only interested in his inheritance. Not that he liked to stereotype all the pretty little Gotham socialites, but it was hard not to, sometimes.

And then sometimes they found one of them cut up in a dumpster, and - well. Not the thoughts for here. The City was nothing like Gotham, and the people here were nothing like Gotham socialites.


darkprophecies September 30 2009, 02:40:06 UTC
Raven however, lets out the laugh that came to her, gracefully following each step he takes, one after another. It coming just as naturally to her as walking normally. Maybe it was his height, or proportion to herself that made this easier than her previous experiences in dancing - with Tony Stark, for instance.

"It seems you have." keep the mood light, Raven. "However..." she glances down at their feet once before lifting an eyebrow up at him. "... I am impressed."


123youreit September 30 2009, 03:13:40 UTC
Being a little on the short side compared to other superheroic types had its advantages.

Tim effortlessly works a shrug of his shoulders into the dance. "Thank you. I may be more than a member of Gotham's high society, but that doesn't mean I've neglected my duties there." He smiles and adds in a brief little dip. "Though I must say, it's more enjoyable with a good partner."


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