Soon be here at the borderline I guessWAAAAAAANGSTwarawsihggg

Sep 04, 2009 20:32

WHO: George Sands
WHERE: Way off in the forest somewhere.
WHEN: THIS FINE EVENING of September 4th.
WARNINGS: Violence.
SUMMARY: jorg turnz in2 a wrrrwllfff and iz angstee
FORMAT: long tldr that will bore you to tears don't read it.

After Abigail dropped him off, George found himself running into the forest. His legs pumped, breathing staggered, and he didn’t stop until he couldn’t hear the sound of passing cars, smoke stacks, babbling, or any other remote sign of typical humanity. Just the wilderness. Unfortunately, a shed was lacking. If he could manage to stay far enough out here though, maybe he’d manage. At least this time around. Next time… well. Next time he’d be better prepared.

He’d only just arrived in the city, and already the darkness had fallen. Not the romantic sort where you stand outside and look up at the stars with your lover. There was nothing remotely passionate or sentimental about this sort of darkness at all. In fact, it could be described more of a putrid black abyss. At least, that was how George Sands saw it. Amidst the never-ending blanket of night however, shined the most sickening feature of all: the moon. Perfectly circular, pearly, and gleaming with light. To most it would seem heavenly. To George, it was a daunting omen of ugliness. Also known as his favorite time of the month.

The City was huge, and it was difficult to find a place where one could get complete privacy. Not only did he wish to stay completely hidden from the world at this time, but he also wanted the world to hide itself from him. The slightest sound of bodily movement would set his instincts off. At one point, he wouldn’t have even referred to his beast as any part of him. Up until recently, he saw it as somebody completely separate. While he did admit to his unnatural flaw now, he wasn’t about to claim he had complete control over it. He literally transformed into a monster. Something so incomprehensibly bloodthirsty and merciless it was beyond human comprehension. Once again, there was a time he would have denied this as well. However, now he’d come to terms with it: he wasn’t like everybody else. This wasn’t just some “thing,” nor a completely separate entity. It was part of him.

The first sensation of the change was always the worst part. It was like receiving a vaccination: the initial poke is the worst part, and then it’s all over. The only difference was that it didn’t end there. His heart stopped, and he was left breathless as it began shrinking, shifting, and twisting around to a smaller size and different internal location. Then, it began beating once more, faster even, so that the rest of the transformation could properly proceed. He began screaming wildly, as his spinal cord jerked upward, forming an arc. The bone pressed up mercilessly against his skin before that too began changing: coarse, rough, and covered with fur. The screaming transformed into a blood-curdling roar.

Everything in his body, every God-given merit and flaw he’d received upon birth was now changing, and it wasn’t just the physicality either. No, his sense of morale and self control began vanishing as well. No matter how hard he thought and tried to contain it, sensibility and reason began drifting away. The last time this happened, he’d killed somebody. While he had no regrets for that specific instance, he didn’t plan on doing it again. He didn’t want to lose his humanity; he only wished to tame the raging beast. His final drifting thoughts were of those he cared about most: Annie, Mitchell, and Nina. The three of them were what inspired him to never forget his true identity and why he would never stop trying to contain the hunger. Without them, he was slowly beginning to feel more and more lost in this place. It was as if he was starting over entirely. Was he really that dependent?

Soon however, even the thoughts of those he was so very compassionate about disappeared. Only the monster remained. It was him, it would always be him and he was done denying that. But it didn’t mean he wasn’t going to spare others of experiencing it.

The morning would come soon enough.

((ooc note: while i would preferably not have anyone BUST IN ON HIM while he's doing it this time around, I'll give some permissions to people who would plausibly SOMEHOW come across/see it iiiif they happen to/want to: Ammy, Abby, Nigel, and Ruka.  If you think you should be on this list, let me know?))

† george sands | n/a, † amaterasu | hana yamato

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