[closed] park meeting

Aug 16, 2009 03:02

WHO: Jean and Bobby
WHERE: Pond in the Central Park
WHEN: Late afternoon, August 14th.
WARNINGS: Angst, possibly? We have confused Bobby and sad Jean.
SUMMARY: Two old friends catch up.

She remembers the times back in New York when the X-Men were still more kids than anything. When the team was small, and they were young, and things were less complicated. Sometimes, on the sunny weekend afternoons the Professor would take them all out to Central Park and they would have a picnic on the grass beside the lake. After they had eaten, they would wander, sated and lazy, down to the water's edge. Bobby and Warren would be mucking around, Hank would be reading more often than not, and she and Scott would sit and talk, or feed the ducks.

She's doing that now. She bought some baguettes from a small corner bakery on the way here and she's breaking off small pieces, tossing them to the ungainly birds with their hungry beaks. They paddle frantically for the floating bread, covering the surface of the water with ripples. The park around her is peaceful, green; children are tumbling across the grass a distance away, their laughter unsullied by grown-up worries. Jean's mouth quirks up in a half-smile. Grown-up worries is an oversimplification of the things that weigh her down.

But this afternoon, here, is a more-than-welcome respite from the hectic mess of crime and insanity that is this City. Finding herself a place to sit in the grass, Jean feeds some more baguette to the ducks as she waits for Bobby to arrive.

† bobby drake | iceman, † jean grey | phoenix, *in progress

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