(no subject)

Jul 24, 2009 22:59

WHO: Rictor|rictory and Shatterstar|xf_shatterstar
WHERE: BAWSTON, Massachusetts.
WHEN: July 23 - Thursday
WARNINGS: The end of this is so hideous. I don't even know what's wrong with us. It is also long.
SUMMARY: Angst. Fluff. Some crack, some getting hitched.

SHATTERSTAR: [Randomly stops at a store on the way there. When he gets back in the car, he tosses a pair of socks at Ric. He has the most serious face ever.] Put them on.


SHATTERSTAR: They are red socks, and you should wear them. We are supposed to wear special clothing to our ceremony, and since we are not we should just wear it more subtly. Like red socks since they are special.

RICTOR: Red socks because they-- /aaaaaand he finally gets it, and smiles a little/ Alright, amigo.

SHATTERSTAR: [Holds some up.] I have some too. No one will even have to see them either but we will know because we are sneaky. Do you think they will be annoyed though if we are dressed very casually?

RICTOR: /grins and waves a hand/ Nah. They shouldn't care. I mean, it's our fucking wedding.

SHATTERSTAR: [Rubs his chin.] Getting dressed up is overrated anyways. I never understood the purpose of spending such money on suits. [Pauses and looks down at his wallet.] I think I am broke anyways. Getting married is expensive.

RICTOR: Well we won't need anything after this anyway. /shrugs/ We're just camping for awhile anyway. -- well, I did set aside some cash for the surprise.

SHATTERSTAR: [His eyes widen again] Can you tell me what it is? Please?

RICTOR: I'll take you to the place right after the ceremony, promise.

SHATTERSTAR: [Starts up the car, shooting him a sideways glance before finally heading off toward the courthouse.] I will have you know that I cannot be blamed for getting impatient if they make us wait at all then. How long do weddings take anyways? Jean and Scott's took a very long time, remember? It was boring.

RICTOR: There's was this whole ceremony though. /makes a face/ We're just gonna go to the courthouse and get a piece of paper after saying a few words. Should be quick. We'll have to wait for other people to go first, though.

SHATTERSTAR: [Nods and sits thoughtfully for many moments as they approach. His brow is furrowed and his eyes are narrowed slightly, a good indication he's thinking a thousand miles a minute.] You are completely sure you want to do this, yeah? I know you have a...habit of walking away if you are uncertain about something and I do not wish for you to leave.

RICTOR: /scratches at his head/ If I wanted to leave I would have before we got to Boston.

SHATTERSTAR: [Nods and parks the car a few moments later. He is a little antsy now that they are there, and he inwardly tells himself it is a simple thing to be done. Far less difficult than most battles he has fought, right?] Okay, if you say so. You are stuck to me then.

RICTOR: /gives him a smile/ Already was.

SHATTERSTAR: I know. [Smiles back just a little bit and starts changing his socks.] But I am under the impression that, to humans, being stuck together is a very big deal. You do not even seem worried.

RICTOR: /changed his while they drove/ It is. And I did, for a little but. But then I realized that I wouldn't want it to be anyone else, amigo. I'm glad it's you.

SHATTERSTAR: [Puts his shoes back on and lets his hand linger on the door handle.] If I am the one that makes you happy, then I am happy too. This will not be like my other marriage.

RICTOR: /turns to look at him before they get out/ And you're sure, amigo? You seem to be hesitating.

SHATTERSTAR: I am not hesitating. [Pauses] I am just anxious, I believe. I do not want to 'mess it up' for you, as you would say.

RICTOR: /raises an eyebrow/ Mess it up?

SHATTERSTAR: [Shrugs stiffly] I am not human. I only try to be, and that means I can still fail at it. I have failed at it in the past.

RICTOR: It being, what, marriage?

SHATTERSTAR: Being human. Though marriage, I assume, is part of that, yes.

RICTOR: Whenever you do something wrong I tell you, don't I?

SHATTERSTAR: Yes, you do. Doing something wrong is still not preferred though; I would not like it if that made you leave. Again. Like you did back home, I suppose. [Quick glance.] I am not saying I expect you to leave, Julio, but the possibility is there, yeah? What if.... [Now he's just freaking himself out, and it's not something he does often but in this instance it cannot be helped.]

RICTOR: You told me not to worry about that, because it wasn't me. I don't know what happened to make me take off, Star, but-- /hesitates, then licks his lips/ Being in Mexico? Was one of the only times in my life I've been happy. There are very few things you could do to make me leave.

SHATTERSTAR: [Just watches him, eased for the time being.] You are certain?

RICTOR: Yeah. I mean, unless you like. Cheated on me with someone or something. Then I'd get pretty pissed.

SHATTERSTAR: What!? I would not do that! I am uncertain why anyone would do that; it does not make sense to me!

RICTOR: Then you've got nothing to worry about. /smiles/

SHATTERSTAR: [Fekt, it was weird being the not-calm one for a change.] Okay, fine. We should go in now, yeah? [Shakes his head and gets out of the car.] I hope they do not give me too many questions about Benjamin Russell, Julio, because I do not know if I can answer them.

RICTOR: /waves a hand/ We can say you're just too nervous. Which is a little true, yeah? /grin/

SHATTERSTAR: [Perks up.] I'm not, I can handle it! [Yep, he just contradicted what he said five seconds ago, but like he cares.] I just have to say I am from Boston. I lived here my whole life and my parents are dead, or something along those lines. [Quickly grabs wallet and starts pulling out cards to look for information-- scrambles actually, which just shows more of his nervousness.] I have a birthday. Weird.

RICTOR: Maybe we should celebrate it sometime. /feels weirdly calm right now, just waits for Star to get ready/

SHATTERSTAR: [Brings Benjamin's birth certificate right close to his face and is practically cross eyed looking at it.] September 17th. [Frowns.] But is it really mine though?

RICTOR: According to the United States it is. And unless you know a different one, why not use it?

SHATTERSTAR: I suppose I can do that. As long as I do not have to wear a party hat.

RICTOR: Aw, why not?

SHATTERSTAR: [Makes a face.] It would mess up my hair.

RICTOR: .... /just. chokes back a laugh/

SHATTERSTAR: [Rolls his eyes] It's not funny! It's true and who would want to have messy hair at their birthday party besides you?

RICTOR: /just leans over and fucking kisses that kid/

SHATTERSTAR: [Stops walking to be kissed and, god, finally shuts the hell up.] ...what was that for?

RICTOR): You just made me want to kiss you is all.

SHATTERSTAR: [Smiles] You are in a very good mood today.

RICTOR: Maybe I am. /smiles right back/

SHATTERSTAR: Well I suppose I should not complain then. [Opens the door for them to go inside, and he's totally waiting for Rictor to go in first so that he can just loom behind him.] Go.

RICTOR: /walks in, and then glances back at him/ What, are you going to glare everyone here to death so we don't have to wait in line?

SHATTERSTAR: Maybe. [Looks around at all the people because he feels like they are staring at him. He even glares at a little kid for pointing at his face. They do make it to the attendent though, and he tries to be on his best behaviour. He speaks to her, disguising his Cadre accent with a very slight BAWSTON one.] We applied for a marriage license. Where do you want us to go?

SECRETARY: [Gives them instructions and points down the hall.]

RICTOR: /follows after Star, and he is just grinning/ Nice accent, amigo.

SHATTERSTAR: [Smirks] Did you like that one? I picked it up at the store. [Plops down in a seat outside the door they're assigned to so that they can wait to be called.] I will have to get used to being addressed as Mr. Russell, so if I am him I may as well talk like him.

RICTOR: /raises his own eyebrows/ I guess I will too. Am I gonna be Mr. Russell now?

SHATTERSTAR: I never thought about that. [Rubs his chin.] Only if you want to be? Unless you want me to be Mr. Richter.

RICTOR: Maybe we should just hyphen it or something.

SHATTERSTAR: [Shrugs a little.] I do not even use my last name anyways. If it is my last name. Maybe it is just an alias. [Frowns then.] I would rather have your name than you have mine if mine is not even real.

RICTOR: So, what, you want to be Benjamin Richter?

SHATTERSTAR: [Snorts] Why not have another new name to add to my list?

RICTOR: If we get another hotel again like we did in Mexico, they'll call us Mr. and Mr. Richter.

SHATTERSTAR: You do not want that? [Curious.]

RICTOR: It's not that I don't want it, it's just kind of weird to think about is all. I keep thinking of this as nothing really changing since we're basically married already.

SHATTERSTAR: It is only a name. We will still be us, yeah?

RICTOR: I guess. /scratches head, grinning a little/

SHATTERSTAR: [Contemplating] I am not even really sure what the rules are regarding names, to be honest. But it is not a bother... it makes me feel honoured in a way, if I take it.

RICTOR: /raises both eyebrows/ How's that?

SHATTERSTAR: Because it is yours and despite your differences with your family, you have a lot of pride in your heritage. I suppose I feel honoured because I am allowed to have it too.

RICTOR: I guess this makes you part of my family, too.

SHATTERSTAR: Yes, I think that it does. Though, like you said before, that doesn't change much from before since it was almost like that already.

RICTOR: It just makes it official, I guess. If I ever had to chase chickens around again you'd be dragged down with me. /grins/

SHATTERSTAR: [Smirks.] I would not have to chase chickens because I would catch them all in one shot. Is that what your family did on the side? Raise chickens?

RICTOR: /makes a face at him/ Amongst other things. Chickens, pigs, whatever we could grow where we were. Mama sent us younger ones down to sell at the market.

SHATTERSTAR: That sounds like an...interesting job. That is a big trade in Guadalajara, right?

RICTOR: It is big everywhere, amigo. You sell what you can make, whatever helps when you've got a family to feed.

SHATTERSTAR: [Small smile.] You have good family morals, I think. Despite your concerns about it.

RICTOR: /and that makes him glance over at him/ Eh?

SHATTERSTAR: You always get upset about your family, but you are very different from them. I think that your mind and heart were always in the right place about them.

RICTOR: ... /snorts/ Yes. I was such a good son I threw my mother behind bars.

SHATTERSTAR: [Frowns] I did not mean it that way.

RICTOR: I just think if I were a better son my family would not be in pieces, is all.

SHATTERSTAR: You cannot be to blame for something that started before you were born.

RICTOR: Not for starting it, though. But I wanted to be able to end it differently.

SHATTERSTAR: You did your very best though. I recall you putting far more effort into attempting to make it end differently than they did. Perhaps you are not giving yourself enough credit? [Nudges him very slightly.] I was there. I saw what happened.

RICTOR: /gives him a sideways little smile/ Our families are fucked, I think.

SHATTERSTAR: [Nods, and smiles right back] They are. But then again you always told me that we were never normal like other people anyways. Normal is boring, and that probably pertains to family too.

RICTOR: /grins/ Well we're definitely not normal or boring. I guess we'll just have to be our own family then.

SHATTERSTAR: I would like that. It would probably work out for the best that way anyways; there's no one else to get angry with us for acting like ourselves. [Wrinkles his nose.]

RICTOR: I like it when we act like ourselves. /grins/ Maybe we can find a good fight, or at least do a little hunting while we camp.

SHATTERSTAR: [Huge grin; he likes that idea.] What would time to ourselves be without us fighting something?

RICTOR: Wasted, that's what!

SHATTERSTAR: [He agrees totally, but doesn't voice it as a short, balding man approaches]

MAN: Mr. Richter? Mr. Russell? You can follow me now. Sorry to keep you waiting.

SHATTERSTAR: [Totally waiting for Rictor to go first again.] Go.

RICTOR: Uh, it's-- fine. /coughs, stands, and now he's a little nervous. brushes his hands down his pants and glances back at Star one last time before following the man into the next room/

SHATTERSTAR: [He's right back to being on edge too, and he sticks behind Rictor and just stares at the back of the man's head.]

MAN: You boys just step on in here. My name is Pat and I'll be officiating your marriage for you. Do you have any questions before we get started?

SHATTERSTAR: [Stares and still can't find anything to say. He just looms behind Rictor and waits for him to talk-- his excuse being that Julio is just better with words, okay?]

RICTOR: /clears his throat again/ No, I don't-- think so. /shuffles into his pockets, handing a bundle of paper to Pat/ Here's our ID's.

SHATTERSTAR: [Pat starts rambling on about technicalities, explanations, and other things. Shatterstar doesn't even nod his head to pretend that he's listening. He's too busy just tossing his crap to the man and making sure he's not looking too out of it.]

PAT: *When he's done going through their stuff, he pulls out the license and places it on the table next to him.* We can get started. All you have to do is just say a few words, exchange rings if you wish to do so, and sign your papers. If there's anything else you'd like to add to the ceremony, by all means, feel free to do so. *He pauses.* Do you have any witnesses here with you today that you wish to have join us?

RICTOR: Uh-- /feels like the kid who forgot to bring the proper pencil to his exam/ No, sorry. It's-- just us. And we don't have rings, really, we've just got-- /fumbles in his pockets and pulls out two bandannas, offering them with his best 8| face/

SHATTERSTAR: [Watches him, finally letting out a breath. He is suddenly amused.] We didn't want anyone to watch! You can watch.

PAT: 8| Are those bandannas, sir?

RICTOR: Yeah, what about it? /teefs/

PAT: *Just. Stares and takes them from Rictor as casually as possible. This is bizarre; he'd never seen people trade scarves before.* Nothing at all. We can go ahead if you're ready. *Crazy kid.*

SHATTERSTAR: [Watching Julio teef.] We're ready.

RICTOR: /nods, still teefing a little, but clears his throat/ Let's just-- do this, then.

PAT: *Sighs and places the bandannas next to the license and gestures to the boys to join hands.* Well since I've gone over all of the technicalities for you, we'll use this time to simply exchange vows. Have you written your own?

SHATTERSTAR: [Stares. WTF is this vow stuff? He doesn't even know.]

RICTOR: /he is so red right now; so so red/ I-- uh. We don't really--- .. no.

SHATTERSTAR: [Still just staring, but now at Rictor and is wondering why his face is red again.]

PAT: *Just nods calmly as if there's no problem at all.* That's fine; I'll simply say the traditional vow and you both repeat my words after me. Okay?

RICTOR: /is nervous now, swallows and nods stiffly/ Alright. /glances nervously up at Star then back at Pat/

SHATTERSTAR: [Knows Rictor is nervous now; he can see it in his face. He doesn't know what to do, so he just reaches over and grabs his hand like they were told.]

PAT: This vow will be declared official once you sign your license. After that, you will be recognized as a married couple by the state of Massachusetts. *Glances back and forth between them and clears his throat.* Julio, when you're ready repeat after me:
Benjamin. I take you to be my lawfully wedded husband. Before this witness I vow to love you and care for you as long as we both shall live. I take you, with all your faults and strengths, as I offer myself to you with my faults and strengths. I will help you when you need help, and will turn to you when I need help. I choose you as the person with whom I will spend my life.

RICTOR: /coughs, and wow, is he super red/ Benjamin. I take you to be my lawfully wedded h-- husband. Before this witness, I uh. /clears throat/ Vow to l-- love you and care for you as long as we both shall live. I take you, with all your faults and strengths, as I offer myself to you with my faults and strengths. I will help you when you need help, and will turn to you when I need help. I choose you as the person with whom I will spend my life.

SHATTERSTAR: [Wide eyed]

PAT: Benjamin? Repeat after me:
Julio. I take you to be my lawfully wedded husband. Before this witness I vow to love you and care for you as long as we both shall live. I take you, with all your faults and strengths, as I offer myself to you with my faults and strengths. I will help you when you need help, and will turn to you when I need help. I choose you as the person with whom I will spend my life.

SHATTERSTAR: [Long pause, and speaks very low] Julio. I take you to be my lawfully wedded husband. Before this witness I vow to, uhm, love you and care for you as long as we both shall live. I take you, with all your faults and strengths, as I offer myself to you with my ...uhm, faults and strengths. I will help you when you need help, and will turn to you when I-- need help. I choose you as the person with whom I will spend my life.

PAT: *Looks between them and nods* By the power vested in me by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, I hereby pronounce you partners for life, legally married. *Big embarrassing grin* You can go ahead and kiss, boys.

RICTOR: /eyes wide, face red, and-- grabs his bandanna and ties it around Star's wrist before leaning in to kiss him/

SHATTERSTAR: [Just doesn't even know if Julio's cool with kissing him in front of this random guy until he does it. He kisses him back and also ties his bandanna around Julio's wrist.] Uhm. [Clears throat and looks at Pat awkwardly.]

PAT: *Grins some more and gestures to the papers* Sign it and it's official.

RICTOR: /scowls a little, but-- leans forward, face permanently red at this point, and signs/

SHATTERSTAR: [Rubs at the back of his neck so hard while he's waiting his turn that his healing factor has to turn the colour back. When Ric's done, he scribbles Ben's name messily on the line and hands it over to that Pat guy.]

PAT: *Takes copies of what he needs, and hands them theirs.* Is there anything else I can do for you boys today? Anywhere special I can point you in the direction of?

RICTOR: Ah, no. I mean, I'm going to-- but I know where it is. So that's-- it?

PAT: *Nods.* Just go back to the attendant on your way out. She'll give you the documents you need to file for your citizenship.

RICTOR: /clears his throat/ Uh, right. Okay, then, we'll just-- /motions awkwardly towards the door, then just-- walks out it/

SHATTERSTAR: [Just watches them both for a few moments before rolling up the papers in his hands awkwardly and quickly takes off after Rictor out the door.] That was weird.

RICTOR: /scratches at his head/ Tell me about it. So I guess it's--- all-- official now.

SHATTERSTAR: You are my husband. [Says it just to see what it sounds like. Sounds weird, but that's okay.]

RICTOR: /aaaaaand he's blushing again/ Yeah. We're married. Husbands and partners.

SHATTERSTAR: [Stops at the desk and waits for Ric to get the shit he needs, not speaking again until they're leaving finally.] You meant what you said.

RICTOR: /and you know, he'd just gotten his cheeks tan again/ ........... yeah.

SHATTERSTAR: [Finally not spazzing anymore. He actually seems at ease about this.] I'm glad, Julio... I did not know you would have to say that, I was surprised.

RICTOR: I, uh. Did. /coughs/ I had to prepare myself all week. 8|


RICTOR: Yeah. 8|

SHATTERSTAR: Why did you need to prepare for that?

RICTOR: Because I-- /frowns, scowls a little/ I"m not good with stuff like that.

SHATTERSTAR: [Totally amused now.] You needed to prepare yourself to tell me that? That is...so what is the word? "Sweet"? [Snorts.]

RICTOR: /shoves at him/ It is not! D<

SHATTERSTAR: [Stops in front of the car and just grins stupidly at him.] You can still be macho and be sweet.

RICTOR: >/ Fine. Just-- don't tell anyone.

SHATTERSTAR: I will not tell anyone. Maybe some things are nicer kept between us anyways, yeah?

RICTOR: Yeah. Families keep secrets, right?

SHATTERSTAR: [Nods.] Yes, I do believe so. [Pauses and gestures for him to get in the car so that they can go.] You said you had a surprise. I waited and I was patient.

RICTOR: /grins/ We have to go there first, amigo. /gives him the directions to the piercing parlor/

SHATTERSTAR: [Has no idea what or where this can be, but shrugs and goes along with it.] Are you buying me a present? Are we going to a bar? Can I fight someone?

RICTOR: I guess it's like buying you a present, but it's something I'm doing to me, not you.

SHATTERSTAR: [Have a scrunched up, confused face forever.] If it's for you then why is it a surprise?

RICTOR: You'll see. /grins/

SHATTERSTAR: [Paranoid. Curious. A little bit excited, but mostly paranoid.] Will it make you drunk?


SHATTERSTAR: Are you going to dance?

RICTOR: No. Well, not yet.

SHATTERSTAR: [Amused and speeds up towards the place.] So you have every intention of dancing tonight regardless? I should have guessed.

RICTOR: /grins/ What, you don't want to?

SHATTERSTAR: [Shrugs a little awkwardly and runs a hand over his head.] I will try for you, if that is what you want.

RICTOR: Hey, it's your marriage party too. If you don't want to dance, we won't dance.

SHATTERSTAR: [Sideways glance.] Isn't dancing a normal thing for such parties anyways?

RICTOR: What about us is normal?

SHATTERSTAR: [Shrug.] Maybe I can make an exception just this one time.

RICTOR: /smiles/ yeah?

SHATTERSTAR: [Nods.] Yes, Julio. [Glances at him again.] But I will only dance with you!

RICTOR: And I'll just dance with you. After this.

SHATTERSTAR: [Stops in front of a tattoo joint. He is just. Staring.] Julio.

RICTOR: /grins at him, gets out of the car/ What?

SHATTERSTAR: [Watches him climb out of the car, and scrambles to turn off the ignition and climb out too. He leaps in front of him, stopping Rictor by placing his hands on his chest.] What are you going to do!? You cannot-- you-- why!?

RICTOR: /puts his hands on Star's wrist/ I'm not getting a tattoo. I promise.

SHATTERSTAR: [Still looks conflicted.] Then what? Please do not say branding because that is even worse!

RICTOR: No branding! Just trust me, amigo. /tugs at his wrists for him to follow him inside/ You'll like it.

SHATTERSTAR: [Lets himself be dragged but he is weeping on the inside, okay?] Why would you want to mutilate your body? It is perfect just the way it is!

RICTOR: /just grins over his shoulder, and turns to the lady at the desk with so many piercings and tats, fomg Star just look at her/ I'm Julio, I scheduled ahead of time?

LADY: Oh, yeah. The piercist is right back here, follow me.

SHATTERSTAR: [Practically cringes all over the place; that woman is a beast!] Piercing??

RICTOR: Yep. /follows back and is seated in a chair/

LADY: He'll be right back; he's getting a fresh needle.

SHATTERSTAR: [Is going to punch this bitch.] WHAT are you piercing!?

RICTOR: /sticks out his tongue/



SHATTERSTAR: [Looks back to make sure the guy is gone.] Your mouth will swell! What if he strikes a nerve? What if he is not clean and it gets infected!? Za's Vid, I cannot even kiss you like that!

RICTOR: That's why I picked this place. It's clean, and the guy's got a good reputation. He's trained. And it'll only be for a couple of weeks. /grins/ Have you heard about what tongue piercings can do?

SHATTERSTAR: [Twitch] No. All I know is that I now cannot stick my tongue-- or anything of mine in your mouth for a couple of weeks. B|

RICTOR: It'll be worth it, amigo. Trust me.

SHATTERSTAR: I do not trust you about this! [Sulking his fucking ass off when the piercer comes in, and Shatterstar has many beautiful thoughts about all the ways he can slay this man.]

RICTOR: Well you should. I know what I'm doing. 8) /gets all settled as the man gives him instructions on how to keep it clean, how long to leave the piercing in, and sticks out his tongue when instructed/

SHATTERSTAR: [Glaring so so so so so so so much as the man puts Ric's tongue in the clamp and sticks the needle through. Shatterstar thinks he should take those needles and shove them all in every orifice of this man's body.] You are going to taste like mouth wash for a month!

RICTOR: /just glares at him and then rolls his eyes since he can't exactly talk back, even when the clamp is removed and he puts his tongue back in his mouth because it is all swollen even/

SHATTERSTAR: [Frowns at the silver and just grumbles and turns to the man.] Are you finished!?

MAN: /blinks/ Uh, yeah. That's it. Just make sure he keeps it clean and it should be good in 10-14 days.

SHATTERSTAR: B| [Waits for Julio to pay.] I cannot believe you just did that.

RICTOR: /pays, and just grins stupidly at him, talking thickly around his tongue/ Worf it.

SHATTERSTAR: No it is not. You do realize that you cannot drink beer with that healing, right?

RICTOR: /nods/ Worf it.

SHATTERSTAR: [Shoves him toward the car and just, UGH, still cannot even form words here.] You-- Julio, why-- what do I do with you sometimes? I do not even know!

RICTOR: /smirks, and scrambles for a pen and paper. writes down "Want to know why it's worth it?"

SHATTERSTAR: 8( [nods]

RICTOR: /"The tongue ring makes oral sex better."/

SHATTERSTAR: [His eyes widen, and he looks up from the paper and at his face.] How?

RICTOR: /"The metal ball on it, adds extra texture and a different sensation. I guess you'll find out."/

SHATTERSTAR: I hope it is worth it. I still would like to kiss you though. [Frowns.]

RICTOR: /"You can. Just not with tongue. For a week and a half anyway."/

SHATTERSTAR: [Rolls his eyes.] Not with tongue...

RICTOR: /nods/

SHATTERSTAR: That is practically blasphemy!

RICTOR: /grins. "You'll live."/

SHATTERSTAR: [Sighs.] I still think you are crazy for this.

RICTOR: /"I'll make it up to you in a week and a half."/

SHATTERSTAR: [Snorts, putting the car into gear and heading out onto the road.] I am holding you to that, I hope that you know.

RICTOR: /"That's fine. Trust me, you'll like it. I even did a little research."/

SHATTERSTAR: [That makes him crack a tiny grin.] You actually researched that? Now I feel flattered.

RICTOR: /"I told you you'd like it."/

SHATTERSTAR: Well I hope so. Though I hope you find a way to start talking within the next few hours because a wedding party with no talking will be awfully strange.

RICTOR: /"I'm just resting my tongue!"/

SHATTERSTAR: You need to take a week's preparation for this too, hm?

RICTOR: /shoves him. "And I guess you will be too, then!"/

SHATTERSTAR: [Snorts arrogantly.] You still have two working hands.

RICTOR: /grins "I dunno. Maybe we should hold off. You know, build the tension."/

SHATTERSTAR: We just got married and you are cutting me off already!?

RICTOR: /just fucking grinning "Welcome to married life."/

SHATTERSTAR: [Jaw drops] Are you for real? Can we still get annulled?

RICTOR: /laughs "You have to wait two months. You might as well just wait for the tongue ring to heal."/

SHATTERSTAR: Za's Vid. I feel cheated.

RICTOR: /"Do you seriously think I'm going to not have sex on my wedding night? Unlike SOMEONE, this is the first time I've been married."/

SHATTERSTAR: [Face brightens.] You were just playing?!

RICTOR: /grins cheekily. "Yep."/

SHATTERSTAR: [Just happy grins.] Okay maybe I like being married after all.

RICTOR: /laughs. "We did that when we weren't married too, though."/

SHATTERSTAR: [Nods like this still changes something.] We did. But now it will be better, like you said!

RICTOR: /"Oh, so now you believe me?"/

SHATTERSTAR: [Pointedly] You said you did research.

RICTOR: /nods "I did."/

SHATTERSTAR: So I should believe you. It must be very important if you were actually motivated to do homework for once. [Grins]

RICTOR: /rolls his eyes at him and sticks out his still swollen tongue/

SHATTERSTAR: [Almost tempted to grab it to teach him a lesson, but refrains.] You should not do that. That's how people lose body parts, you know.

RICTOR: /raises an eyebrow. "You wouldn't cut off my tongue."/

SHATTERSTAR: Stick it out again.

RICTOR: /does so because he is just a brat/

SHATTERSTAR: [Lifts his hand and goes to grab it, seeing how close he can get before Rictor chickens out and shuts his mouth again.]

RICTOR: /doesn't even pull it back, beacuse he is the cockiest bastard ever/

SHATTERSTAR: [Grabs the very tip of his tongue, not hard, but just enough to hold it there] I can pull if you want.

RICTOR: /glowers at him "The more you hurt it, the longer until you can use it again."/

SHATTERSTAR: [Still just holds it there.] You are cruel. You do it and use it as leverage.

RICTOR: /just grinning now/

SHATTERSTAR: [Shakes his head and lets him go, but leans over to kiss his lips. He may or may not be paying attention to the road now, way to go.] Brat.

RICTOR: /"You knew that before you married me."/

SHATTERSTAR: Married you, took your name, and brought you to get your tongue pierced right after. You make me stupid, I think. [Grins]

RICTOR: /grins stupidly right back "Hey, you're the one who sticks around."/

SHATTERSTAR: [Turns to fully face the road again, grin fading into something a little more serious.] I stay around because I love you. I meant what I said earlier too, you know. [Swallows and glances sideways with a small grin.] It still makes me stupid though.

RICTOR: /bites at his lip until he realizes it hurts, then grins a little too. "My kind of stupid."/

SHATTERSTAR: [Snorts amusedly.] So where are we going now, Julio?

RICTOR: /"Anywhere."/

SHATTERSTAR: [Perks eyebrow] Red Sox?

RICTOR: /grins. "Second best idea we've had today."/

SHATTERSTAR: [Heads in the direction of the stadium.] The first was definitely not you stabbing your face though. Have fun eating popcorn or hotdogs now.

RICTOR: /stares. then.... "DAMNIT!"/

SHATTERSTAR: [Snorts] I'll make sure to enjoy mine extra for you then. [Amused sideways look.] Unless you want me to chop it up very small and feed it to you.

RICTOR: /gives him SUCH A FACE. "I'm not a baby bird."/

SHATTERSTAR: [Actually laughs at that.] Maybe not a bird. Still a big baby though.

RICTOR: /teefs "I am not a baby!"/

SHATTERSTAR: [Cracks a grin.] Then why don't you start talking and stop writing on paper?

RICTOR: /glares. "Because it hurts!"/

SHATTERSTAR: Right, of course. [Snorts] And how long do you plan to stay silent then?

RICTOR: /glares some more. "Until it stops hurting."/

SHATTERSTAR: Will you at least let me stop somewhere and get you some painkillers then? [Quick pause.] Without you being macho about it? I hear those make swelling stop, yeah?

RICTOR: 8| /".... fine."/

SHATTERSTAR: You'll live. And I'm sure you will forget all about the pain soon enough. Baseball, dancing, camping...?

RICTOR: /"Alright. But if I get too doped and pass out, you have to carry me."/

SHATTERSTAR: [Smirks.] That is nothing I haven't done before, you know.

RICTOR: /glares. "I want a divorce."/

SHATTERSTAR: Why because I carry you around like you are my bride? 8)


SHATTERSTAR: [He is so amused with himself.] Now you are just turning my words around!

RICTOR: /folds arms. >/ "Then say it right!"/

SHATTERSTAR: I said "like" a bride, not you ARE a bride! [Starts grinning again.] You just hear what you want-- or don't want to hear, I swear it. [Glances over at him and jokingly pinches his cheek.] Why don't you say that you do not want a divorce for real? I am just playing like you were earlier.

RICTOR: /slaps his hand away. D< "You can just go eat fish assholes."/

SHATTERSTAR: [Makes a face.] Eat what!?

RICTOR: /"You heard me!"/

SHATTERSTAR: A fish. Asshole........those do not sound tasty at all. 8|

RICTOR: /"That's why I said it."/ 8|

SHATTERSTAR: [Still making a face.] There is really such thing as people who eat that?

RICTOR: /"Yeah. I saw it in New York once."/

SHATTERSTAR: ...You ate some, didn't you?

RICTOR: /............... "NO!"/

SHATTERSTAR: [Reaches over to grab at his face annoyingly.] I am not sure I believe you!


SHATTERSTAR: [Snorts again.] See? Baby.

RICTOR: /kicks him/ 8|

SHATTERSTAR: I am trying to drive and you are kicking me. I already died once this week, thank you very much!

RICTOR: /"Then maybe you should be driving instead of pinching my face!"/

SHATTERSTAR: Then maybe you should not be sulking about your fake dislike for fish rectum.

RICTOR: /"FAKE DISLIKE!? Who even would like that?!"/

SHATTERSTAR: 8| Some people might not mind the taste of "assholes". Though the added fish flavour would probably not be appealing. Do not ask me, I am not the one who ate them-- that was you!

RICTOR: /"What are you--- you like-- I DIDNT EAT FISH ASSHOLES!"/

SHATTERSTAR: [Just shrugs.] So why do you keep talking about them then?

RICTOR: /"I'm not! You are!"/

SHATTERSTAR: [Shakes his head like he's saying 'Nuh Uh!'] I was talking about you being a bride, you talked about fish assholes.

RICTOR: /"I'm not-- you are infuriating."/ 8|

SHATTERSTAR: [Here, have an infuriating smirk then!] Are you mad?

RICTOR: /"Yes."/ 8|

SHATTERSTAR: [Still amused.] Whatever do you want me to do to apologize then?

RICTOR: /"Eat fish assholes"/ 8)

SHATTERSTAR: [Snorts.] Okay. When I stop and get you tylenol, I will see if I can find a can and I will eat the whole thing.

RICTOR: /........ "Well good then."/ 8|

SHATTERSTAR: [Shrugs.] I am not some wimp. I can do it.

RICTOR: /"D< you calling me a wimp?!"/

SHATTERSTAR: [Looks at him very seriously.] You are the one practically crying about them.

RICTOR: /"They're fish assholes! It's gross!'/

SHATTERSTAR: *Shrugs* I still think you are a baby. [Pulls into grocery store parking lot.]

RICTOR: /"Then that makes you a pedophile."/ 8|

SHATTERSTAR: Then so be it. [Smirks.] Are you coming inside with me? You can even pick them out and everything.

RICTOR: /"I am not picking them out! And we're not even in New York!"/

SHATTERSTAR: So maybe they have some in Boston. Maybe they have cans of different assholes here. [Raises his eyebrows.] I thought you wanted me to eat some!?

RICTOR: /"Just forget about the assholes!"/ 8|

SHATTERSTAR: How come? Now I'm hungry. 8|

RICTOR: /"Then get something else!"/ >(

SHATTERSTAR: [Just scoffs and gets out of the car without another word. He goes inside to find some foods, dammit, whether that brat comes or not.]

RICTOR: /this brat is totes going for the pain medication isle man/

SHATTERSTAR: [He can't find assholes. Not that he wants to eat them, but hearing Rictor shriek at the sight of them would have been worth it. Instead he just settles on some freaking granola bars and grabs a couple of things for them to eat when they're out in the woods later. He meets up with Rictor at the cash register, and still has that annoying smirk on his face.] Guess what I found.

RICTOR: /looks aghast. "You didn't."/

SHATTERSTAR: Gushers. [He snorts and dumps his crap on the cash counter.] You really are a big baby. With a weak stomach like yours, I do not know what you will do when I finally give birth to our first child, Julio. [He smiles at the cashier with a very serious face.] Do you sell fish assholes?

RICTOR: /JUST WANTS TO DIE, AND SHOVES STAR. Manages to speak/ Ignore him. He forgot his medication. /GLARES/

CASHIER: *Just. Stares. Then starts scanning things and shaking her head.*

SHATTERSTAR: They eat those in New York, you know. It is a delicacy, I hear. My husband here has tried them. He told me.


SHATTERSTAR: *Grins so huge* You're finally talking to me without writing things! 8D


SHATTERSTAR: [Just grins happily at the cashier before taking his things and running to catch up with Rictor.] Do you wish to drive the car now? 8D

RICTOR: Fine. 8| /takes keys and gets in/

SHATTERSTAR: [Gets in passenger side and just stares at him as if nothing at all out of the ordinary just happened.] Does your mouth hurt still?

RICTOR: /glares at him/ Yes.

SHATTERSTAR: Did you take your pills? Maybe you can stick a hotdog in your mouth if you do. [Still casual.]

RICTOR: Oh, I won't be sticking any hot dogs in my mouth for quite some time. 8|

SHATTERSTAR: Not even foot longs?

RICTOR: You wish. 8|

SHATTERSTAR: B| I meant at the baseball game, but thank you anyways!

RICTOR: At the baseball game?! I knew you liked to be watched, but. B|

SHATTERSTAR: [Drops his head in his hands.] How is is that I am the one being misunderstood? That never happens! [Stares out his window and just glares at everything for like ten minutes.] If you wanted to duck in a bathroom there though...

RICTOR: Well someone's a horndog today. And here I thought you were all set on fish assholes. 8|

SHATTERSTAR: [Biting his tongue, biting his tongue. Says it anyways.] I can settle for yours.

RICTOR: ........... I never should have showed you that.


RICTOR: Because. 8|

SHATTERSTAR: [Shrugs helplessly.] I do not know what to say about myself then, okay?

RICTOR: /sighs, ruffles his hair/ Whatever. Let's just get to the game, yeah?

SHATTERSTAR: Fine. But I will just bug you later, I hope you know this.

RICTOR: About what?

SHATTERSTAR: [Rolls his eyes.] Me being a "horndog" today.

RICTOR: /grins/ Impatient much?

SHATTERSTAR: [Grins right back.] I am allowed to be.

RICTOR: Oh yeah? How's that?

SHATTERSTAR: As you said earlier: "do you seriously think I am not going to have sex on my wedding night?" Good enough reason, yeah?

RICTOR: Well, maybe if there's an extra long inning..

SHATTERSTAR: [Smirks and looks back out his window.] That's what I thought...

RICTOR: /grins/ Whatever, amigo.

SHATTERSTAR: [Grins right back.] Whatever yourself, Rictor.

† n/a | shatterstar, *complete, † julio esteban richter | rictor

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