
Jul 16, 2009 19:48

WHO: Robin (13yo), Robin III
WHERE: I don't know.
WHEN: July 16th
WHAT: Robins talking
FORMAT: Quicklog (through AIM)

[lookit, Dick is failing at not being a homophobe.]

Tim: ... *FACEPALM.* Well. At least you're being polite.

Dick: Hey! I was totally decent!

Tim: Yes, I suppose so. :|

Dick: He started it.

Tim: Hm, I can see that.

Dick: You still have a problem with it.

Tim: *Sigh* No, it's fine.

Dick: *stares blankly* You do. And it's not. B|

Tim: ... Alright, true. It still bugs me a bit. But even so, does that matter?

Dick: >:| No, I guess it doesn't.

Dick: But I'm totally okay with you.

Tim: *Well he WAS going to get all withdrawn again but, hey. Blink.* ... Oh. That's - good. *Faint smile.*

Dick: *Teasing* You know, as long as you don't start dating Beast Boy and decide that DPA in the common room is a good idea.

Tim: *Makes a face* Not going to happen. Seriously not.

Dick: I hope not, he's green.

Tim: *Smirks slightly and raises his eyebrow* You know, you date Starfire, and she's kind of... orange.

Dick: *raises eyebrow* I-screwed-my-tan orange?

Tim: *Snerk* Not quite that bad, but, well. She's an alien.

Dick: *deadpan* 'I' date an alien. Is Beast Boy one?

Tim: *Shakes his head* No, Beast Boy is a metahuman. His DNA mutated thanks to a childhood illness and his parents' efforts to cure it, basically.

Dick: And it made him green.

Tim: Yes.

Dick: That sounds ridiculous.

Tim: *Shrugs* Science is an amazing thing.

Dick: *Stares* Uh. Sure. *Suddenly getting something* Oh! Green Lantern -- was he also alien? Or -- the ring was. I never asked myself where metas' powers came from.

Tim: *Heh* Yeah, the ring is. There's actually a lot of Green Lanterns, each one is supposed to be assigned to a specific sector of the universe. Some places get more than one hanging around though, like Earth eventually does.

Dick: So Hal Jordan was the first one.

Tim: Ah, actually, in my world at least, there's one before him - Alan Scott. But his ring is... different.

Dick: Never heard of any other than Jordan -- but Batman wouldn't have told me, most likely.

Tim: Hmm, well, he worked in Gotham for a while, you know. But that was a long time ago - he's, uh. Kind of old.

Dick: I wasn't in Gotham for long, either way. And I wasn't in a prying or researching mood while I was.

Tim: Ah. *Because he was eating rats?! No. Thoughtful* Well, it could be useful for you to know that Scott's ring is weak to wood, not yellow. Just in case he shows up.

Dick: *He wasn't eating rats and where did you hear about this anyway?* Uh. Sure. Thanks. Did I ever tell you about the time Batman and Green Lantern decided they'd have a chat?

Tim: *Back when everyone was freaking out over it, before the waffles.* ... No, I don't think you did.

Dick: *Well they were freaking out over nothing since it never happened. Fffff. Joking is too much of a concept for these people.* It was like - a few days after. Well... after my parents died. And my first time out in the costume as Robin ever. Jordan wanted to meet him because of me, actually. So Batman chose the place, and thought it'd be a great idea to make me paint a whole house yellow. It took me forever. Batman looks ridiculous painted in yellow, by the way.

Tim: *Stares a little.* ... You painted the whole place - and Batman - yellow?

Dick: And myself. And we'd drink lemonade and I brought in French vanilla ice cream to complete the picture.

Tim: ... *Laughs, quietly.* That's... really kind of. Amazing.

Dick: That's one way of putting it, I guess.

Tim: I don't know how else to describe it, sorry. *Apologetic wince.* So what happened?

Dick: Oh. Uhm. He accused Batman of kidnapping Dick Grayson. Who we convinced him wasn't me. They fought. It was... overall chaotic?

Tim: ... Sounds like it. *Shakes his head.* That definitely didn't happen with Nightwing.

Dick: Yeah. We should stop listing everything that didn't happen with Nightwing at some point. I think the list is getting long.

Tim: *Makes another face* Okay, sorry.

Dick: Don't be. At some point it will come naturally to you that I'm not him.

Tim: I know you're not. I really, honestly do. *Faint but sincere smile.*

Dick: *Smiles back* Heh. Okay. It'd be fine either way. The only others who kind of accept I'm not Nightwing is like - Raven 'cause I think she hates it. And Batman who just never talks about it. So you're doing better than everyone.

Tim: *Sympathetic eyebrow raise.* Ahh, yeah. Well - I'm not his Tim, either, and he just... doesn't mention that, so. Well, they'll just have to get used to it.

Dick: Whatever. It doesn't really matter if they do or not. As long as they don't expect stuff it's fine.

Tim: *... Headpat. :|* Yeah.

Dick: *Is not eight and doesn't need your headpat -- but won't say anything. Also let's change the subject or something.* Wanna spar? I'm sure I got better since last time.

Tim: *Well it doesn't last long, at least.* Ah, sure. Good idea.

Dick: No superpowers.

Tim: *Rolls his eyes* Fine.

dick grayson | batman, *complete, tim drake | robin iii

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