(no subject)

Jul 15, 2009 01:55

WHO: Rictor and Domino
WHERE: X-force base
WHEN: Sometime in the late night
SUMMARY: Rictor's a sad panda about his dead boyfriend. Den!Mom to the rescue.

Rictor: /doesn't even glance up. he's staring at a set of red and green bandanas in his hands/
Domino: /She walks in. Sets the bottle in front of him and sits right there./ Brought you something.
Rictor: /still doesn't look up/ All his stuff's still here. When people are ported does their stuff stay here?
Domino: Yeah, it does. /She sighs/ But their bodies go. And his is still here.
Rictor: /stomach turns/ I don't even know if I should bury him. What if he heals? Or comes back? Would I kill him if I buried him?
Domino: Wait a couple days, Ric. Comin' back to life after a couple days is pretty popular in this city.
Rictor: Not everyone does, though.
Domino: Most of 'em do. /She stares/
Rictor: ... /grabs the bottle and takes a good, long swig/ Yeah, well. You notice anything in particular about my luck over the last few years?
Domino: You're no different than the rest of us. /She frowns/ But hey, things usually have a way of falling into place for me. So if he can come back, he will.
Rictor: /chuckles dryly/ Yeah, maybe we should try to hunt down Longshot again.
Domino: /She grins a little/ Then we should watch for random portals to pop in, huh?
Rictor: /grumbles/ I hate that guy.
Domino: Why's that? The happy go lucky thing a bit much for you?
Rictor: /gives her a sideways glare/ .. after that pun, I need this. /pulls the tequila back again/
Domino: Drink up, kiddo. There's more where that came from.
Rictor: ........ I don't know what I'm supposed to do now. /spreads his hands, motioning towards the room with the hand that held the bottle, laughing a little/ I don't-- I don't even think I can stay in this room.
Domino: No one said you had to.
Rictor: We had-- we were gonna steal your car and go on a road trip. /takes another swig, wiping at his mouth with the back of his arm/ Can't-- do that now, I guess.
Domino: /She's irritated they thought they could do that, but now's not the time for it./ A road trip, huh?
Rictor: Yeah. /leans forward glumly/ Just-- camping out. Like we used to. Just living off the land for awhile. It'd've been.... nice.
Domino: Wait a couple days before you give up on the idea.
Rictor: I feel so useless! I wanna do something, but there's nothing I can do! /he's getting a little pink in the cheeks now, losing a bit of his balance/ We were gonna go get--
Domino: You were gonna what? /Stares./
Rictor: /slumps again, and takes another drink/ ....... get married.
Domino: /Ooookay. So is everyone on this team going to get hitched one person at a time/ Huh.
Rictor: It was- kind of a joke at first. Like, he was making fun of me for being an illegal alien, and got weirded out when I said I could be deported, so we just-- thought we'd drive up to Vermont and-- /shrugs/ Yanno, just in case.
Domino: /Figures/ Right. Just in case. /She sighs/ He could come back. It's happened to a lot of people.
Rictor: /just sinks down/ ...... yeah. he could. But. The worst stuff happens pretty reliably in my life, Domino.
Domino: Yeah, I know. But remember you're not the only one who--- /Stops. No. Change that sentence right around/ If that idiot Doctor Horrible can come back, then so can Shatterstar.
Rictor: /peers fuzzily up at her/ Only one who what?
Domino: Nothing. Drink up, kiddo.
Rictor: .. /drinks, but he's still staring at her all squinty-eyed/
Domino: I know it's hard.
Rictor: /snorts/ Cable's still here.
Domino: Lucky me. /She rolls her eyes/ But I wasn't talking about him.
Rictor: Who?
Domino: Well I did blow up my husband before, but you know how it is. /Folds her arms/ And now we get to play the waiting game for 'Star. Swell.
Rictor: /stares up at her/ Wait-- you-- ... were married?
Domino: /I'm married now hurr hurr/ Yes. That so hard to believe, Rictor?
Rictor: W-- uh, no, I just-- you never mentioned it.
Domino: And now you know.
Rictor: Uh. Sorry.
Domino: Don't be. It was a long time ago. /She looks at him/ You lookin' to do some damage still?
Rictor: /rubs a hand down his face/ Takin' it a day at a time. Sometimes I get pissed, so I blow stuff up. Sometimes I-- /glances to the side, doesn't want to admit to the crying/ -- you know how it is.
Domino: Yeah. Just remember we've got rocket launchers to play with.
Rictor: .. /raises an eyebrow at her/ You're offering me the rocket launchers?
Domino: Me and 'Star used to play with 'em. /She sits back a bit./ They help out.
Rictor: ....... yeah. sounds-- good.
Domino: And when he comes back. /She smirks a little/ You can borrow my car.
Rictor: /both eyes widen, and then actually blushes a little/ If he comes back.
Domino: We'll see.
Rictor: ....... don't tell Cable.
Domino: I won't, Rictor.
Rictor: Not that it matters. He'll just read your mind anyway. /sulks/
Domino: Yeah, he does that. /More than you know, Rictor./ But I can keep secrets from him pretty easily.
Rictor: How? O_O
Domino: Just gotta bury it. He knows where he's not supposed to go.
Rictor: /mutters/ That's a trick I need to learn.
Domino: Ric, he doesn't dig deep into people's heads unless he has to. If he's talking to you telepathically, he's just on the surface.
Rictor: And I guess it's just up to his judgement when "has to" happens. /glowers into the bottle/ We just gotta trust him to dig around in our brains and keep clear of where he's supposed to.
Domino: Why would he care to go deeper? /God, does he have to bitch about Cable now?/
Rictor: To be nosey. So he knows what to do or say to control us. /grumbles/ Like when he thinks it's his business what me and Star say-- said, in Cadre.
Domino: You'd be surprised, Rictor.
Rictor: I doubt it.
Domino: You know, talking about Nate probably isn't going to do much for you.
Rictor: /groans loudly and throws himself back on the bed/ Whatever.
Domino: /Rictor, shut up/ Right. You almost done with that?
Rictor: /glances down at the half-empty bottle/ Hmmn? Yeah, I guess
Domino: /She tosses another at him./
Rictor: /fumbles a bit, but catches it/ ... at least when I black out I won't dream anything at the rate this's goin'.
Domino: /emo/ At least you're thinking positive.
Rictor: /laughs a little again/ I don't even know what I'm doing. Or saying.
Domino: Gonna regret it later, huh? /smirks/
Rictor: If I can even remember it.
Domino: Those are always the best ones.
Rictor: /another swig/ Uuugh. .... /squints/ Did yooooooou... come to .. check on me?
Domino: I came to give you what I knew you'd need. /The answer is yes, Rictor. She's your mommy./
Rictor: Alcohol and rocket launchers?
Domino: Yep.
Rictor: You're like.. Santa. Only the good one.
Domino: Gee, thanks.
Rictor: /grins and sits up, leeeeeeeans over/ Welcome.
Domino: You need anything else?
Rictor: ... /looks down sullenly/ Not that you can bring here.
Domino: I'm---sorry.
Rictor: ....... me too.
Domino: /Silence for a bit. Dom misses him too./
Rictor: You really think he'll be back?
Domino: If everyone else gets to, why shouldn't he?
Rictor: I hope you're right.
Domino: If I'm not, I'll give you my car.
Rictor: ..... deal.

*complete, † n/a | domino, † julio esteban richter | rictor

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