WHO: Slade (
wantsapprentice) and OPEN
WHERE: Jail.
WHEN: During Slade's incarceration...yeah. *vague*
WARNINGS: Er...Slade being himself?
SUMMARY: Slade is languishing in jail after his assault on Titans Tower. People come to question/visit him. 'Nuff said.
FORMAT: Whatever.
The days passed slowly, each waking moment filled with a tedium that seemed to have no end. He'd grown bored with analyzing what he could of the forcefield around his cell on the first day, and toying with the influence and effects of the sedatives currently inundating his system could only be so interesting after a while. Perhaps they thought he didn't know, but Slade was actually quite aware of just how much the police had chosen to give him - more than they could possibly imagine. And that was how he intended to keep it. The sedation wasn't enough to keep him unconscious all the time (though he did find himself slipping into that, now and then); it did hamper his concentration, however, and prevent him from tapping into the demonic fire. Sometimes, he even felt like he was drifting. He let it happen, though, knowing that if he didn't, suspicion would be aroused, and that was something he could do without for now. Besides, it told him something, the fact that they would go to such lengths to keep him contained.
They were afraid.
Perhaps not consciously, but at the very least, they knew what he could do and were wary of him.
It wouldn't be enough, though. Not to hold or keep him. And the moment he felt he had overstay his welcome, Slade would let himself out, just as he'd told the Major he would.
The Titans' victory was a hollow one.
And everything was under control.