trouble EVERY day

Jun 26, 2009 22:25

WHO: Riddler, Rose
WHERE: Some busy street somewhere somehow IT DOESN'T COMPLETELY MATTER
WHEN: FORWARDDATED to 6/28, in the evening
WARNINGS: Rose has a potty mouth and at least one sharp pointy stick that isn't melted at the end still

because smug is exactly what i need when i'm two more missed showers away from Insane Hobo status )

† rose wilson | ravager, edward nygma | riddler, *in progress

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enigmaestro June 27 2009, 03:10:17 UTC
Every moment was essential. Edward Nygma had been laying low since the EMP blackout he and Stark had devised. He had been laying low and observing the chaos around him. Was it coincidental that thirty-plus civilians had encountered traumatic, apparently accidental yet technological deaths the day after Stark's press release gave him the credit for their plot?

No. No, there was no coincidence behind this. And Edward wasn't about to let this variable interfere with his plot. The communicative underground network established was meant to ensure a free channel of information, and whoever had it out for Stark would be met with opposition.

Seething at the audacity of the quandary, Eddie strolled down the evening-lit street, his mind obsessing over these puzzle pieces. So transfixed was he, that the man didn't quite notice brushing into a young woman until after he felt the cool touch of something that wasn't normal clothing. He did a double take.

And still couldn't believe it, really. Even knowing the City's denizens ( ... )


ravishravage June 27 2009, 04:10:39 UTC
She was practically numb to the comings and goings on the street around her until that name was spoken. Even then, it took three steps for her to stop and actually process it. There was a moment, with the knot tightening, that she thought it was him. Back to gloat. Just for a moment. Then reason returned, and she slowly turned to look back for the source of the voice.

Nothing familiar came to mind looking back at Edward, and that alone was starting to bother her. Her expression darkened, interrogating without even saying anything. Who?


enigmaestro June 27 2009, 04:35:00 UTC
Able to see her full visage now, he just barely restrained his surprise. My, wasn't that a nasty injury? Looked like a burn. Why hadn't she found a healer? Perhaps she had been preoccupied. In fact, now that Eddie pondered on the matter, he hadn't recalled hearing much from Rose Wilson. The last time they spoke, he was starkly under Delirium's influence.

"My dear." Eddie bit his lip, taking a moment to phrase this tactfully. "Do you require assistance?"

Had that translated to what is wrong with your face? Hopefully not.


ravishravage June 27 2009, 04:40:08 UTC
Rose's lip curled with distaste. Whoever he was, she already didn't like him. Something about the way he talked just didn't sit well with her--and too friendly, at that. What's that 'dear' business about? Maybe he thought himself a gentleman, talking like that.

Well, whatever the reason, she didn't warm to it. Taking two steps closer, head cocked to the side, she wrinkled her nose at him. "Do I look like I need your assistance?"


enigmaestro June 27 2009, 04:43:45 UTC
"Frankly? Yes. Otherwise I wouldn't have inquired, now would I?" Edward smiled, somewhat awkwardly, desperately fighting the impulse to step away from the teenage trained killer. But it wouldn't do to succumb to survivalist instinct just yet.

This was a hell of an opportunity.

"You look like you could use a hot meal, especially." And a shower. "Look, I don't really have time to waste bickering. So you can either take advantage of my offer or we can part amicably." Dear God, intentional stress on amicably.

"I obviously know who you are, and you don't know me. Aren't you curious?"


ravishravage June 27 2009, 04:56:02 UTC
He had balls, standing there smiling it up like the girl glaring him down wasn't armed and short-fused. Not that she'd say so just then. Rose let him jaw on, taking the opportunity to look him over. Definitely nobody she could recall. But he knew her by name, which meant just letting it slide wasn't a good idea.

That, and the prospect of food was something she was having a hard time ignoring. Maybe there'd be a shower out of the deal. That was more enticing. Dealing with Mr. Personality might be worth not feeling a month's worth of sweat and dirt all over.

She gave an indifferent 'hmph' at his question. "I dunno. Should I be?" But more importantly, "And is that offer legit, or are you just here to waste my time?"


enigmaestro June 27 2009, 05:09:01 UTC
"My dear Rose; I'm as legit as a person can get." Yet another smile graced his lips, though this one was far more deviant. "And to be honest, I'm not that disappointed that you don't recognize me. I do believe I reformed before your stint with the Titans. And before that? Well. I won't pretend to know everything about you."

And why should he? He knew the important facts. The rest he'd glean in time.

"Since you're still in my presence, I presume that means you're taking the offer." Quite interesting, Eddie thought. Whatever Miss Wilson had just come from, well, it was far worse. "Shall we pick up something quick--perhaps from a vendor--and we can catch a cab to my place."

Well. Lust's place. But she was never around. The probability of the apartment's owner discovering Eddie had brought back yet another
guest? One hundred percent. The probability that she'd find out this day? Twelve point seven percent. Margin error of three percent. He'd deal with Lust later. Because, honestly, this chance before him? Well now ( ... )


ravishravage June 27 2009, 05:30:16 UTC

So. This guy was from home? Or he was just very good with his information. Either way, he wasn't just an ordinary schmuck. That meant not punching that look right off his face. For the moment. Besides, she'd bummed off of sleazier before. It couldn't be that bad.

"You're buying," she answered, raising an eyebrow at him.


enigmaestro June 27 2009, 05:40:24 UTC
"I figured as much," Eddie said as he sauntered past Rose, retracing his steps. Fortunate how there was a food vendor rather nearby; Riddler had noted the smell of cooked lamb during his thought-consumed walk. He rather hoped Rose enjoyed gyros, as that was the apparent meal on the menu. Funny, really, considering how the Greek word was pronounced as hero. Exceedingly amusing.

"Hope you don't mind eating on the way to 42nd. Taxis flood that area this time of night, so it would benefit us to be in that general direction." Which was, what, merely a few blocks westward? Nothing heinous. Approaching the vendor, Eddie gave the order for just Rose. Without asking her consent, of course, but there wasn't much of a selection to begin with. He assumed she wouldn't mind terribly. As he surrendered the warmed gyro wrap to Rose, Edward quickly searched her face for any clue to her intent. He knew this lithe lady to be lethal, but at the same time, she was young. And the young were always easier to manipulate. Question was, was she an exception ( ... )


ravishravage June 27 2009, 05:49:52 UTC
As long as it wasn't a fucking hot dog, Rose could've been eating pre-heated cat food for all she cared. Table manners were not present that evening--not that there was a table to begin with. She scarfed down the wrap, more involved with that than small talk. Introductions were small talk at the moment.

Balling the unedible remains of the gyro in a fist and pitching it in a can that crossed their path on the way to 42nd--see that? All that good guy stuff rubbing off on me. Keeping the streets clean. Ha.

Only after she'd made sure nothing was left underneath her fingernails did she bother to respond, skeptical look returning. "I'm not a fan of guessing games," she said. "You'll either tell me now, or I'll get it out of you later." The tone seemed to imply an unpleasant sort of 'later'.


enigmaestro June 27 2009, 06:04:44 UTC
"Pity. I happen to be quite the fan of such games. Though really, I'd term them as intellectual pursuits rather than guessing." A pair of green eyes flickered towards Rose; Eddie was clearly amused. He knew he sparked her curiosity, despite what her aloof demeanor wanted him to think. Why else would she go along with him? It certainly wasn't out of fear; Rose Wilson could maim or paralyze Riddler in less than three seconds. It wasn't out of necessity. Rose undoubtedly had her own life. Edward had made a promise to her and thus kept it. And how often did that happen ( ... )


ravishravage June 27 2009, 06:15:22 UTC
His remark got an eyeroll out of her, but nothing more. He may have talked like a bad blind date, but he wasn't an idiot. No pointless small talk. Nothing said unless worth saying. Maybe he was actually dangerous beneath all that--wouldn't that be funny. All the more reason to stick around. At least, for the moment.

That last observation got her interest, glancing over her shoulder at him before climbing into the cab. Well, if he was from back home, then, duh, he'd have one of those glorified Blackberries, too. Good guys and bad guys all seemed to get one.

"Twenty-seven days," she replied with a grunt, sliding to the other end of the seat. "And that shouldn't be a big surprise--I hardly used the thing."

The thing she'd 'accidentally' thrown across the room and left to collect dust.


enigmaestro June 28 2009, 03:08:27 UTC
"True," Edward conceded to that point. She wasn't necessarily the social type, was she? For all appearances, at any rate. But it was more than merely her presence, or lack thereof, over the network. Those whom he knew to be her friends and companions had gone silent about Rose's situation. Or, at least, had communicated in channels he was not privy to; which, in itself, was a suspicion worth nothing.

Edward opened the back door for Rose, tilting his head slightly.

After giving directions to the cab driver, he turned his full attention back to Rose. And smiled. "And just where were you?" The question was on repeat. That in itself was telling.


ravishravage June 30 2009, 02:48:50 UTC
"Here and there," came the reply. Casual and vague. Rose sighed, already getting the feeling that question wasn't going to go away until she gave a straight answer. What a pain.

She added, smirking vaguely as she tilted her head away from him. "Nowhere you'd be excited to be, anyway."


... i hadn't seen this in my mailbox i am so, so, so sorry bb enigmaestro July 12 2009, 06:49:12 UTC
"Oh?" Well wasn't that a curious statement? The minx had caught his attention, that was for sure. And she was being ever so coy with her answers, too. Perhaps she knew what kind of man she was dealing with.


"Next stop over." Edward directed the cab driver, and soon they pulled to a stop.


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