
Jun 10, 2009 10:27

WHO: Ace Rimmer and open to anybody coming to Stark Tower to check out the 'Porter with him.
WHERE: The Tower.
WHEN: Evening of 6/9/09.
SUMMARY: Ace needs info that only the 'Porter can give him. Time to storm the castle.
FORMAT: Quicklog! For a change.

Bye bye, boys. Have fun storming the castle! )

† arnold rimmer | ace rimmer, † spock | green-blooded hobgoblin, james t. kirk | captain awesome, edward nygma | riddler, tony stark | iron man, *open, *in progress

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POSTING ORDER: Rimmer, Kirk, Spock, Nygma, Stark. ajrimmer_ssc June 11 2009, 15:43:26 UTC
[He nods at Nygma and Stark as they arrive, and then checks his watch. They had to get moving.]

All right, lads, looks like we're the only players tonight. So let's get this pantomime on the highway. If any others show up, we'll find 'em later.

Here's what we're after: We need to know exactly how many Polymorphs have been 'Ported in. So we're looking for logs, records, video recordings, anything that'll help us out.

Let's do this thing.

[And he leads the way into the Tower.]


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oftwoworlds June 12 2009, 17:04:37 UTC
[Spock nods at Kirk and shakes Rimmer's hand as the others arrive.]

Then it would be wise to ascertain who among us has already been affected as they will likely be targets.

[He follows the others, walking along side Jim.]

Captain, the towers encryptions were in no way challenging for Mister Checkov or myself. Unless the systems have been dramatically updated, I foresee no difficulties entering the porter lab.


enigmaestro June 12 2009, 18:22:47 UTC
[Strolling alongside Ace, Edward kept shooting glances backwards. Namely, at Tony. The affected Iron Man was rather unnerving, though Edward was loathe to admit it, and he idly wondered how the now-dismantled suit would have taken to the change. Curious thought, that.]

Ace, query: for this amount of Polymorphs to have been ported in--I mean, the number of people affected is well over a hundred, nearing two hundred, civilians included, if the reports are correct--and for so many to be ported in within a short time... Still would have taken time.

There is a pattern to this.


liverletdie June 12 2009, 22:51:11 UTC
[ Iron Man looks over at Kirk, and shakes his head. He pauses, and then turns to the door. ]

Getting in won't be a problem. I can bypass anything he programmed with ease. He wasn't exactly creative.

[ Any doors in their way? Yeah, not a problem now. ]


ajrimmer_ssc June 12 2009, 22:56:59 UTC
[He nods in approval, going by memory to the room where the 'Porter is, where he came to this City five months ago.]

There's a hell of a pattern to this, Nygma. I mean, we all watch the Armour go boom, no offense, Stark, and then the next thing we know we're up to our nadgers in Polymorphs? It can't be a coincidence.*

I just hope this isn't the start of a trend. Monsters from home dimensions showing up and playing hob.

((**OOC: THIS IS JUST SPECULATION ON HIS PART and should not be taken as game canon.))


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oftwoworlds June 13 2009, 04:35:35 UTC
[He glances over at Jim a little surprised that his captain is actually encouraging the idea of capturing a polymorph.]

Yes, any advice you can offer on the subject would be greatly appreciated. I have created a containment area within my quarters at the MAC. Still, I am slightly unsure as to how to go about subduing one.

[Spock pauses, then gestures to a small messenger bag that he's carrying.]

I have taken the liberty of bringing with us a variety of tranquilizers. Given that these creatures are mutated from human DNA, it seemed prudent to acquire the most of those. However, due to the mutations it is impossible to know how these drugs will perform on the polymorphs.


enigmaestro June 14 2009, 23:47:32 UTC
Tranquilizers will be effective, in theory.

[Edward intoned his approval. His attention, however, was focused on the immediate possible outcomes. Any potential date found could be encoded; of course, such was child's play for someone of Riddler's credentials, but the type of coding would speak volumes. What interested him more was the environmental clues. What tangible evidence could he find of, perhaps, the she-hacker's presence? ... But that was a different query altogether.]

I'm inclined to this is just one piece to a bigger puzzle, gentlemen.

ooc || sorry for the delay!


liverletdie June 15 2009, 00:19:03 UTC
Only in theory. Don't feel upset if, when they don't work, I obliterate the things.

[ Tony was already looking around the room, accessing logs, plans, stowing what would be useful for later in his memory. After all, if he didn't take advantage of the opportunity, there wouldn't be much use for coming, now would there? ]


ajrimmer_ssc June 15 2009, 00:26:21 UTC
Tranqs should do the trick. But, like Nygma said, practice and theory are different things. The only problem is that they can metabolize it pretty darn quickly if they've just eaten. They get stronger with every emotion they nom on down. Stark, chum, I'm not gonna stop you. I've got no love lost for these little blighters, and while they may have a touch of human DNA, they're decidedly not human.

Best bet to catch one alive? Freeze 'em. Quick burst of dry ice to the gob, and down they go.

[He's looking thoughtfully at a security camera up in the corner of the room.]

Well, we know they've been filming in here. What a surprise that is. Smile, fellas, we're on candid camera.


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oftwoworlds June 15 2009, 02:21:27 UTC
[Spock somewhat visibly stiffens at the consensus reached by the others. He's still not comfortable killing things that could very well be sentient and that more than likely intended no harm.]

It is beyond my ability to control any of your actions toward these creatures. I do not, however, anticipate that subduing them shall be a problem.

[He moves over to one of the display monitors, deciding whether the information is at all relevant.]

Captain, while we are here it would be logical to learn all we can, not just about the origins of the polymorhps, but about the porter itself.


enigmaestro June 15 2009, 03:28:37 UTC
[Now the camera was very interesting. Ace aptly pointed it out, and Eddie eyed the model. Not your run-of-the-mill security camera either; and he had seen many variety in that vein. Interesting to note. Edward strolled around the base, looking for any signs of life. The Porter would have left clues to his nature. Any being, human or otherwise, did.]

There must be other security tapes, or references, located about the building.

[Commented the Riddler as he strolled back around, peering up at the aforementioned camera.]


liverletdie June 15 2009, 03:32:30 UTC
[ Tony didn't even bother looking at the camera. ]

The cameras aren't rolling at the moment. I've taken the liberty of downloading the security recordings from the pertinent time-frame. We won't have any problems with security, or anyone seeing us.

[ Well, Tony was a bit concerned about her, but until he encountered her, he was safe. ]


ajrimmer_ssc June 15 2009, 03:42:19 UTC
[First he addresses Spock.]

I can tell you the origins, Commander. They were engineered on my home world about...oh, time travel taken into consideration, three hundred years after I was born, three million years before I became a hologram.

[He grins.]

Long story, I'll tell you over a beer some time. They were made to be soldiers, essentially. Perfect, non-lethal soldiers. Send in a cluster of Polymorphs, have 'em suck all the aggression out of an entire army, and Bob's your mother's brother, you've got no more war. Of course, what with the human race being extinct on my timeline, the ones we're dealing with haven't had a proper human meal in three million years. It's no wonder they're going a bit bananas.

[Then, he addresses Tony.]

Good. Could you please roll back to the beginning of Monday. That's when the first attack occurred. I want to see how many of these little perishers we're dealing with.

((OOC: The mods have requested that we fail in this little endeavor. So! The video is corrupted and no amount of ( ... )


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