[OPEN] LEADERS SABRINA and VOLKNER would like to battle!

Jun 04, 2009 05:45

WHO: Sabrina, Volkner, and OPEN to anyone who wishes to play spectator.
WHERE: New Saffron Gym
WHEN: Thursday, June 4th- afternoon
SUMMARY: Pokemon Battle! An exhibition battle between 2 Gym Leaders for anyone curious about Pokemon to attend, for the purposes of education.
WARNINGS: Cartoon violence? 8|


† sabrina | saffron, † pikachu | n/a, calvin | stupendous man, † maya fey | spirit samurai, † volkner | blackout, *in progress

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oh PS, I forgot to ask; is Sabrina's Alakazam male or female? shockinglybored June 4 2009, 20:29:35 UTC
Forgoing the use of Luxray's Pokéball, the two walked into the Gym with a purposeful stride. Volkner looked straight ahead, noticing the deactivated warps. Would be fun to play with later, to try and figure out. He made a face the lack of, well, stuff in the gym. Volkner was, after all, very preoccupied with the look of his gym. It gave him something to do.

"Pretty bare bones, isn't it?" he muttered to Luxray. The lion-like creature, however, was not paying attention to his trainer. He was sniffing the air and looking around, getting used to his new surroundings. But Volkner could tell Luxray was excited; his dark fur was crackling with static. Volkner, too, could feel his own electricity coursing through him. It'd been an ever present feeling since he'd arrived in the city and the tingling buzz increased when he was excited.

And excited he was. He longed for a battle, and Sabrina was a promising opponent. What he knew of her was that she was a powerful psychic, and, hence a trainer of psychic pokémon. Alakazam was a fast pokémon, Luxray would be at a disadvantage there. But it couldn't take hits very well, if he remembered correctly. Other than that, he didn't know.

Arriving at his side of the battlefield, he came to a stop and smiled a bit. "I heard you got Pikachu to ref for us. Good idea," he called out to the young woman hidden in shadows on the other side.


i can has kit's AIM? :3 pi_ka_chuuuu June 5 2009, 20:13:35 UTC
A young boy entered the gym a few seconds after Volkner spoke. His blond hair was a mess, considering he had yet to figure out how to handle human hair, and he was in a black-and-white referee shirt he had bought just for this occasion. Sabrina never said anything about how he should dress for the battle, but the Pokemon figured an official referee shirt would make him feel more, well, official.

"PiPikachu!" From the tone of his voice, it was obvious Pikachu was extremely excited about reffing. "Hi guys, I'm here!"

He looked around, and rubbed the back of his neck. He hoped he didn't interrupt any important Gym Leader talk. Sabrina was hidden behind the usual shadow, which brought back slightly unnerving memories of the last time he had seen her, but nevertheless, it was nice to see a familiar face. Volkner was more visible, and he grinned at the electric Pokemon Trainer and his Luxray. He then gave Sabrina a slightly awkward grin.

"So, where should I stand?"


sdaafd took forever sorry- I got back to everyone's questions, y? psywave June 6 2009, 14:33:01 UTC
Sabrina drifted away from her throne to greet Volkner, Luxray and Pikachu, giving a knowing look to Volkner. "There is no need for clutter on the Gym floor in a Gym meant for Psychic type Pokemon. Were you perhaps expecting a water or rock field?" She asked playfully, Alakazam's pokeball floating by her side, surrounded by a reddish glow- the evidence of telekinesis. "Yes, Pikachu will be refereeing. I believe he will do well, as I have heard his trainer made it to the Indigo League's top sixteen after gathering all our badges."

She turned to the young boy, once a Pokemon, with some amusement in her eyes at the shirt he had chosen. "It looks like you have eagerly prepared yourself." She still remembered the day that young stubborn boy from Pallet with the messy black hair visited her Gym- she had still been... lonely, then, still raw with power and nothing else. Alakazam had still been Abra, then. When it had evolved into Kadabra mid-match- an achievement and one reason she so remembered that battle- Pikachu had been no match, until her Father had intervened to take away her "playmates".

And then, the boy had the guts to come back- ghost-type in tow. Haunter was still back home, with the rest of her Pokemon.. confused, probably, and she feared lonely without a playmate. Perhaps Mr. Mime was taking care of the gym with him, and she hoped perhaps her Father was taking care of them all and the Gym, but.....

She gave a small smile- just a very small one, and turned to Volkner. "Shall we?" She held out her hand for a customary handshake- a sign of goodwill. "I wish you luck." She floated back towards her throne, standing in front of it and ready for Volkner to take his place at the other end of the gym, and for Pikachu to announce the beginning of the match.


shockinglybored June 7 2009, 02:11:26 UTC
"Heh," he snorted a bit through his nose, "Good point. But maybe some glowy floaty orb things?" He shrugged, "Though I imagine those warp panels I saw provide all the entertainment you need."

Volkner beamed in return to the small smile and shook her hand, "Best of luck to you, too." Volkner turned on his heel and waved a bit with one hand, then walked back to his corner and crouched in his distinctive pose, cracking his knuckles a bit. Luxray sat, tail twitching with excitement, clearly aching for battle.

Volkner nodded a bit to Pikachu, "Ready when you are, kid."


pi_ka_chuuuu June 7 2009, 04:20:55 UTC
Pikachu clasped his hands behind his back in a rather proud manner as Sabrina commented on how she believed he would do well. He was also proud at the mention of Ash. Although they didn't win, being in the top sixteen was definitely a sign of a job well done. He grinned and nodded, and he tugged slightly at his shirt.

"Yup! I couldn't help myself!"

The Pokemon-turned-boy then stood there and waited until the two went to both of their sides, and he found himself standing in the center of the gym. He nodded back towards Volkner, and raised his hand, facing the audience on the right. He wasn't too sure as to how to open this fight, but he had somewhat of an idea.

He spoke with a raised tone. "Let the battle between Leader Sabrina's Alakazam and Leader Volkner's Luxray..." he threw his hand down, "begin!" Not a terrible intro. It was short, sweet, and to the point, though it probably could have been better. And with that, he hurried himself off the arena and onto the sides, ready to watch and ref the battle.


psywave June 8 2009, 01:46:50 UTC
Sabrina let the tiniest crack of a smile through- the Silph Co. had created the original designs for those warp panels in her Gym, and had them throughout their own building- she had replicated them here, as a maze to both protect herself and the gym and confound attempts to get to herself by challengers.

She watched Pikachu from her spot, and when the call went out to begin, she commanded in a monotone, suddenly battle-serious, face blank.

"Go, Alakazam."

The Pokeball that floated around Sabrina suddenly shot outwards at the flick of her hand towards the center, halfway to the center before it opened and spilled out with the familiar white energy, forming Alakazam's body before he appeared himself. "Alakaazam.." He raised his spoons in the ready, and in complete unison, his and Sabrina's eyes became aglow, their telepathic link established- they battled as one unit.

They both watched Luxray carefully, awaiting the challenger's first move.


shockinglybored June 8 2009, 03:29:58 UTC
Volkner stood up and brushed himself off, the smile still spread wide on his face. He wasn't like his friend in the Elite Four, Flint; Volkner didn't care if he won or lost, it was the thrill of a good battle that sent shivers down his spine.

He pointed forward and nodded to the pokémon.

The large cat leapt forward onto the battle field and roared splendidly. He seemed to be even stronger than before. So that Alakazam was male, since it has activated Luxray's ability, Rivalry. Volkner and Luxray may not have had a psychic connection, but they were connected; the sort of bond that only a trainer and his very first pokémon could have that came from countless battles and journeys together.

"Alright Lux, let's get started! Let's go with Thunder Fang!"

The cat snarled and electricity gathered around his mouth and long fangs, then he bounded forward towards the other pokémon, growling maw crackling with electricity.


psywave June 8 2009, 14:07:57 UTC
Thunder Fang- Luxray would have to get close, then, to attack. Sabrina and Alakazam stood stoic and still, watching Luxray charge towards them. Waiting, waiting... it seemed at first as if they wouldn't do a thing, but when Luxray was just about to attack--

"Teleport. Then, Psybeam."

Alakazam vanished as soon as the command escaped her lips, Luxray's would-be attack left with thin air to chomp down on. Alakazam reappeared a number of feet away behind Luxray, waves of rainbow-colored energy shooting towards the electric Pokemon from the crossed pair of spoons in Alakazam's hands, eyes glowing a bright red. "zaaam."


shockinglybored June 8 2009, 16:40:38 UTC
So much for that. The cat tore into thin air, electricity crackling, only to realize too late that the pokémon had moved. It took the psychic attack well, shaking off the rainbow light with a snarl "RAY!"

Alright, Volkner's original line of thought had been correct; Alakazam wasn't going to be an easy target to hit... in that case...

"LUXRAY! Use Thunder Wave! Keep using it until you get in a hit!" We have to make it so it cannot move. I know special attacks aren't your specialty, Luxray, but we have to do something.

The pokémon lunged towards the floating Alakazam. The cat's eyes glowed brilliantly in red and yellow and his hair stood on end, unleashing weak, but paralyzing jolts of electricity towards his opponent. And they just kept on coming; running out of electricity wouldn't be a problem for the Luxray who had been storing it for days in preparation for the battle.


psywave June 10 2009, 09:47:07 UTC
And now, it would be something of a wild goose chase- between Alakzam's teleports and Luxray's Thunderwaves, the Gym floor was alight with crackling electricity and the flickers of teleportation- each time Alakazam moved a Thunderwave was right on his trail.

But the chase couldn't be kept up forever- and when finally a crackle of electricity caught up with Alakazam it cried out- "Zam!"- stuck in place for the moment, the paralysis making it hard to Teleport again, and besides that moving around so much had been beginning to wear it out, forcing it to have legged slightly and gotten hit. Sabrina's eyes visibly hardened as she watched, waiting to see what Luxray would do with this paralysis next before calling out another attack.


shockinglybored June 10 2009, 16:19:27 UTC
Luxray kept on releasing electricity until it connected.

"Finally!" Volkner called out, "Now Luxray, time to use a secret weapon... CRUNCH!"

While it was a terrifying sounding attack on its own, Crunch had a secret; it called upon the element of darkness to make the attack even more vicious. And Volkner knew, psychic types had only a few weaknesses... one of those was dark.

As Luxray charged forward, swirling blackness filled his mouth, much like the electricity had before it. As he ran, his powerful muscles acted as turbines and created more electricity to replenish the energy lost by thunderwave. As long as he kept moving, Luxray was almost a perfect power plant.

With fangs cloaked in darkness, the cat leapt like a lion would on to a helpless prey animal, claws outstretched. Both Volkner and Luxray silently prayed the opponent would not move again.


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