Bullseye > Tommy what? [COMPLETE]

Nov 21, 2008 23:41

WHO: Tommy, Bullseye
WHERE: Idk, somewhere in the city.
WHEN: Friday, November 21st- beginning of the night? Fffffffff too many things happening to night.
WHAT: Tommy gets beaten by Bullseye.
FORMAT: Para-form
WARNINGS: BUSTED KNEECAPS ♥ More seriously, violence and swearing

I've been wanting for Tommy to be that much of a jerk for so long <3 )

*complete, † tommy shepherd | speedy mcnasty, n/a | bullseye

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trop_rapide November 23 2008, 03:17:12 UTC
Tommy dodged that one easily. He was prepared and in the middle of a fight now, and dodging was what he did best. The guy was solid though, because Tommy couldn't tell if his punch had hurt him or not.

That meant he would just have to go on him again. Tommy didn't understand why he had picked a fight with him because he wasn't landing a hit. Like, ever. Except that one time where he managed to kick Tommy's left leg but that totally didn't count because he had been trying to make a witty remark and had been dodging a fist at the same time.

He clearly didn't have superspeed or any magical powers because he insistently continued fighting physically and it actually got boring after a couple of minutes. Tommy thought about vaporising him at some point but that would have been overkill. Not to mention every one that would have been on his back if they learned he had killed someone.

And so he ran around him, too fast for his eyes, stopping momentarily only to hit, until he considered the fight was his. He stopped and rolled his eyes at his opponent, "So, wanna walk to the police station or do I really need to knock you out?"


SORRY IT'S LONG. Just... setting up the next STEAMY EVENT. deadontarget November 23 2008, 13:02:14 UTC
Damn, this was getting irritating. The pain was searing through his body and he didn't like it one bit. Bullseye's stamina was keeping up with him, but he wasn't sure how long he'd have before he was going to have to fall back. No way. This was his target. What the hell was he thinking? Falling back. Hah. Fuck that.

Currently, he was sprawled on the ground, clutching his stomach from the amount of hits. Gradually, he was feeling more resilient, preparing to stand up. First he had to think though. How was he going to do this?

... and then it happened. The brat served him what he needed on a silver platter.

Bullseye was silent. If he went for one of his darts, or anything on his belt for that matter, the kid would see and floor it. Tsk, tsk. Guess he'd just have to make do.

Naturally, his hands clawed at the pavement as he pushed himself up. His eyes focused on the kid's stance. Oh that smug little son of a... well, at least he wasn't a moving target anymore. That was going to make this a little bit more fun. He pretended to collapse once again more.

"You got me, kid," he sighed in exasperation. Then, without another word, without even looking up, he craned his hand up from the ground slightly, and snapped his wrist forward. If the kid was still standing where he was supposed to be standing, everything would be golden.

Bullseye had clawed up a small piece of loose pavement and now, it was shooting forward, faster than a blink of the eye... right for Tommy's left kneecap.



Ahah, I think this log will have a small number of tags. But they'll be long. trop_rapide November 23 2008, 22:31:21 UTC
When you attacked someone, you needed to know who you were up against. To launch at someone without knowing what they could do wasn't the best tactical plan ever.

That was basically what Tommy was thinking as he looked at his opponent on the ground, barely able to get up again. It had been an overkill even without using any molecules destabilization - and it hadn't been a very interesting fight overall.

When Bullseye fell down again Tommy sighed audibly, wondering if he would have to bring him to the police station. He could probably knock him out and get someone else to do it. Or write something on the board to request some sort of assistance.

Tommy hadn't known what he was up against because he never would have stopped observing Bullseye's every move if he had known. He was going to open his communicator when something pierced through his left kneecap. A piece of gravel.

He screamed in pain and fell on the ground, holding his knee although it didn't change anything except for the fact his blood was getting everywhere on his covered hands. He tried taking a few steps back but he was so used of being able to use his legs all the time that he naturally used his left one and that just made him fall again in addition to get him a little dizzy.

"Fucking bastard," he swore dangerously. If he couldn't get away quickly, he could still kill the shithead and get help after. And to do so, he only needed his hands and a couple of seconds to shake every single one of his molecules out of place.


FINALLY here ya' go deadontarget November 24 2008, 19:47:05 UTC
Now that was more like it. Music to his ears.

Bullseye pushed himself up and off the ground, standing once again. He’d recovered, at least stamina-wise. Not to mention that this kid’s senseless wailing was giving him an adrenaline rush. Due to the beating, he could taste the thick and familiar texture of blood welling up in his mouth. The assassin carelessly spat to the side.

His brow furrowed a bit at the insult. “Now that ain’t very nice,” he nonchalantly snorted, pacing toward the now half-crippled boy. As he began stepping forward, his hand retreated to the signature pistol on his belt. He was somewhat tempted to ask his name before all of this, but to be honest, he didn’t give a damn.

Finally, he was towering over Tommy, only inches away. “I really hate brats like you, always spoilin’ my fun. But you know what? I’m willin’ to forgive for a couple o’ bucks. Actually…” His armed hand snapped forward, fixing an aim at Tommy’s other kneecap and pulling the trigger. “See that? That wasn’t necessary. I just did it for shits and giggles.”


There! (surprise! :P) - Tsssssss TYPOS trop_rapide November 25 2008, 14:27:16 UTC
There was something about speedsters people kept forgetting because they usually managed to dodge things - they didn't have super-strength or some kind of intense resistance to every thing, or endurance. They didn't have an intense constitution like about half the superheroes out there.

And that basically meant that if they were overwhelmed by pain, just like any regular people, they got dizzy and tented to faint. Everyone just expected supers to be able to fight with 3 bullets in the chest or something - well that wasn't real life and normal bodies just drained all its energy to heal the wound and left none for consciousness. It was to wonder if Captain America stopped his body from trying to heal itself when hurt in order to stay conscious - which would have been pretty stupid and dangerous.

Tommy was hissing between his lips and his vision was starting to get blurry. He was in so much trouble. He managed to continue his movement just enough to start vaporising Bullseye's hand but couldn't continue the motion beyond that. Still, he probably didn't have any skin left on the hand. Here, have a nasty bruise too.

"That was also for the laugh, you fuck," he said weakly.


EPIC VIOLENCE HELL YEAH <3 omgwrong journal deadontarget November 25 2008, 15:14:10 UTC
Well then.

He didn't see that coming.

Within seconds, the skin on his hand had completely eaten away. A few bits and piece of it still clung from the now, completely exposed underbelly. He could see his own tendons and veins at work. At first, it didn't hurt. He was in too much shock. Then, in a sudden wave, the massive pain seared through his body. Bullseye staggered back, letting out a garbled mix of of a roar and a growl.

"You piece of shit!" He screamed, clinging to the wrist of his bloodied hand. If he actually touched the exposed flesh, he was in an even bigger world of hurt. "I'm gonna' fuckin' kill you you brat!" Bullseye let out another heave, and spat another wad of blood to the side. He was constantly cringing now. Oh yeah, he was feelin' it alright.

"You've got no idea how fucked you are, and you know what?" The uninjured hand retreated to his belt. He still had it in him. One more shot. One more shot was all he needed on this little fuck, and then he was golden. At least... somewhat. This was who he was. This is what defined him. Bullseye. Bullseye.

"I've had just about enough of your shenanigans." That hissed, he snapped his wrist forward once more, aiming for the neck, this time letting go of a rather painful looking tranquilizer dart.


OMG like woah *.* Your tag owns. And the notifications are failing so badly. trop_rapide November 25 2008, 16:53:53 UTC
Bullseye's angry answers might have made Tommy smirk under different circumstances. The prospect he may have ruined his hand for quite a while would also have been quite satisfying if Tommy wasn't busy being nauseous and didn't have the distinct feeling he was going to get killed soon. He had a thought for Billy because his twin was usually the one getting him out of dangerous situations but this wasn't like most situations. In most situations, he could walk and he didn't feel desperate like he did now. He usually just hoped for the best and waited - that probably wouldn't work this time around.

Bullseye stopped swearing at him and got something else to shoot at Tommy. If he could catch a knife, he could catch whatever was coming for him, too. He also could have dodged because all of his body had superspeed and moving his upper-body didn't require his legs to work. It did, however, require for him to see well enough to pinpoint the projectile's location and he would also have needed to concentrate on something else than the pain in his knees. And trying not to faint.

For a moment, he thought that whatever was coming at him would perforate his cervical artery and that that you be it. For a moment - and then he felt the dart in his neck. It would have hurt a lot more if he hadn't been numb from his other injuries - at that point, he barely felt it. All his efforts to stay awake were reduced to nothing when the tranquilizer spread into his bloodstream in the next minute and he shifted into unconsciousness.


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