won't you come out to play;

May 30, 2009 18:56

WHO: Todd Tolensky and Lorna Lensherr OH GOD THE ALLITERATION.
WHERE: Brotherhood Central.
WHEN: Saturday, May 30, early evening.
WARNINGS: Possible cuteness. Also Todd.
SUMMARY: Todd's checking on Lorna. 8(
FORMAT: Babies

It wasn't like he was too, you know, concerned about people generally. Todd Tolensky was the center of Todd Tolensky's universe. That was how it was, that was how it should be. Didn't owe nothing to nobody.

But Lorna, well, she didn't owe nothing to nobody either and she thought she did. It was weird. But he was kind of worried about her. The whole envy thing, whatever was going on with Penny -

He had questions about Magneto, too, but that could wait.

He knocked on her door.

"Hey. Lorna?" Voice pretty even, for him, if nasal and obnoxious as always. "You got a sec?"

† todd tolensky | toad, † lorna | polaris, *in progress

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