Damnit, Deadpool, Stay Put

May 19, 2009 13:09

WHO: Deadpool (wadewilson) and Siryn (is_more_sonic)
WHERE: City rooftop Deadpool designated
WHEN: May 19th at 8:00PM
WARNINGS: Deadpool. He's pretty much his own warning.
SUMMARY: After avoiding her for days, Deadpool finally sets a location for the two of them to meet.

Siryn was about ready to punch him in the teeth. )

† theresa cassidy | siryn, wade wilson | deadpool, *in progress

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wadewilson May 20 2009, 04:21:20 UTC
She'll see that familiar red and black-clad figure doing an odd little skip-dance along the corner ledge. Not all that different from Peter Venkman's skip-walk in Ghostbusters.


[Do you not wanna do a para log?] is_more_sonic May 20 2009, 04:38:40 UTC
She lands not far from him, stomach clenching when she spots him on the ledge. Typical Wade, she can't help but think before she tucks her hands carefully across her chest. Now that she landed, now that she saw him, she was more confused than ever about what she wanted to do first.

Maybe she'd let him speak.

".. Wade.. ?"


[Um, I totally do! Some paragraphs are shorter than others. :)] wadewilson May 20 2009, 04:59:55 UTC

He'd had a whole big speech planned, a big gregarious rig-a-ma-role that's all immediately scattered to the wind when she actually descends from the heavens sky, and it feels like it's been years since he's laid eyes on her.


He stops his little stutterstep, but doesn't move closer for a moment. That weird thing where he feels like he's karmically not allowed to be near her has kicked in.

It's not many who can render Wade Wilson near-speechless.

"Hey, Red!" he finally forces out. "Fancy meetin' you here!"


[I know! :P That was just formatted more like quicklog usually is, so I wanted to clarify. :)] is_more_sonic May 20 2009, 05:15:31 UTC
And that's when her eyebrow twitches. So this was how he was going to play it.

"Fancy meeting? I've been looking for ye for three days, Wade Wilson. Ye know, from just after ye hung upon me? After avoidin' me all this time ye wanna meet up and what ye've got to say s 'fancy meeting ye here?'"

Her fists were clenched at her sides. "Ye better 'ave a explanation a damn sight better than what ye've given me so far."


... I thought a quicklog was just a log that wasn't given its own log post... I'm still learnin' wadewilson May 20 2009, 05:25:59 UTC
His hand reaches up and scratches the back of his head.

Still cute when she's mad. Guh. Stop with the 'guh.' Get yer jaw jaw jabberin, jabberjaw!

"Hey hey hey, now now now! Is that anyway to greet a guy who managed to get himself undeadified since last you saw his deadness? Where's the love? Where's the huggies? Aren't you concerned about the top of my mornin'?"


I think the C&C rules has some info defining the two. But I can't remember. is_more_sonic May 20 2009, 05:36:41 UTC
"Nae!" She began to stalk towards him, fists bunched at her sides. "Maybe at first. Yanno, when Dom told me ye were talkin' to me. Ye remember, when ye hung up on me? And then avoided me for near three days? I had to get yer friend to track ye down!"

Her jaw flexed and she stopped just short of him, staring up at his mask defiantly. "Why? Why after all this time did ye just--" Siryn's eyes wavered for a moment before letting them flicker back to anger. She did anger better than tears, damnit, and Wade hadn't earned any of those yet.


wadewilson May 20 2009, 05:51:46 UTC
"I hung up on you because there was no way I was going to let the first time I laid these living eyes on your baby blues happen over some schmancy-pants Blackberry."

A sentiment that might've worked... but he can't leave well enough alone.

"And maybe I freaked out. A little. Paramecium-little."


is_more_sonic May 20 2009, 06:02:51 UTC
She'd been all set to swing at him, but then he'd talked.

"... freaked out," She repeated. "Freaked out is finding out someone ye care about's come back from the dead." That made Siryn frown. "Sam mentioned some people appear from different timelines. Did I die, or.. ?"


wadewilson May 20 2009, 06:08:19 UTC
"No, it was probably finding out Hydrox the Multiple Mutt knocked you up. Yeesh! Talk about the skeeviest of alternate universe skeeve! What the high holy heck-spelled-with-double-Ls was that about?"

This is Wade, diverting the conversation.


is_more_sonic May 20 2009, 06:20:07 UTC
She recoiled visibly, upper lip curling. Suddenly Siryn was very glad she'd already been told about this. It gave her time to stem the scream of frustration.

"I dunnae! I've had nothing to do with Madrox in years, and I'd certainly never-" She shivered. "I've been told it's an alternate reality future of myself." Siryn's eyes narrowed. "Ye avoided me 'cause of tha'?"


wadewilson May 20 2009, 06:36:59 UTC
She doesn't let him divert. Typical.


He twitches a little.

"Maybe... I figured you'd be better off without me and my baggage of nutzen."

He's looking at his feet now, kicking little bits of stone off the ledge.

"You're stuck in this fershlugginer burg away from yer da and yer pals and yer crazy uncle and little gay cane and his Big Gay Cain, so maybe ya shouldn't have to also be all burdened up with that ol' promise to help me through my whiny-ass crapola all the time."

A shrug.

"I have a lotta crap, y'know. Tons. Metric and otherwise. The ugly, twitchy kind that makes skin crawl and babies barf. I don't want you stuck under it. It stinks under there. Like shinola."


is_more_sonic May 20 2009, 17:21:16 UTC
Terry softened a bit.

"I've got friends right here. Sam, and Dom, and Rictor, Cable, Star-- almost the whole old team. And yeah, I miss my da, but.."

She reached forward and took one of his hands between her own, giving him a small smile. "I made a promise to ye, Wade. And I'm not gonna back out on it just cause ye've gotten scared on me."


wadewilson May 20 2009, 17:59:00 UTC
Touching. She's touching. Voluntarily touching.

"Look," he protests. "the last time I saw you, my ex-girlfriend had just lost her mind, shapeshifted into me and beat the snot out of you. I don't even have to be around for my crap to fall on you, it's so gigrungeous. Plus, I was apparently here once before but I dinnae remember any of it, so I don't even KNOW what kinda yutzes and putzes are gonna come yutzin' and putzin' after me here, and you know that they're gonna yutz their putzes after you once they find out you're my kryptonite..."


is_more_sonic May 20 2009, 18:08:18 UTC
Her eyes went a little wide. Ex-girlfriend. Copycat. That had been what'd happened. At the time she'd just been so angry that she hadn't even paid attention, but afterwards she'd had time to consider how very un-Wade it would have been for him to do something like that. Well, to her at any rate.

"I'm tougher than I look," She assured him with a solid 'you should know that already' glance. "And if they're really gonna come after me because of ye, they're gonna whether I keep my promise or not. So I might as well make good on it."


wadewilson May 20 2009, 18:47:24 UTC
A deep sigh.

"Maybe they won't if I release you from your hastily made contractual obligation to exhibit amazing grace," he softly says.

"I have too many ups and downs. No, I only have one up, and everything else is downs, downs, downs. You can't be expected to dig me up every time I get buried. I'm just gonna disappoint you and piss you off and beat up your friends because half of them are jerks. You just know I'm going to have to knock Shatterstar around for being such a douchenozzle..."


is_more_sonic May 20 2009, 19:09:24 UTC
"Yes, because the people who are typically after ye are famous for forgiveness," She said, giving him a wry smile and a light hand squeeze.

"And I've told ye before, I'm the one who gets to be the judge of that. While I'd appreciate it if ye didn't try to beat up my friends, my friends are all pretty tough too. They can take it. And it's not their call."


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