Everyone was kung fu fighting [Closed;Incomplete]

May 07, 2009 13:51

WHO: Hiruma Youichi, Melee and Shin Seijuurou!
WHERE: The Initiative house, presumably outside
WHEN: May 7th, Morning. Before the biblical plagues ok.
WARNINGS: Violence. Melee kicking the crap out of Hiruma and Shin.
SUMMARY: Hiruma goes for his training with Melee and also gets the story behind the Initiative and why people are so against it. Shin starts his training today and Hiruma takes advantage of that.

It was looking to be a warm, breezy day. At 7 AM, the last of a bit of fog was burning off, and the smog that formed a barrier over the City had not yet accumulated, so the air was crisp and clean. Riding the wind and what few thermals there were this early, Hiruma could see for miles before the horizon cut him off. The only clouds in the sky were big fluffy ones. Of course, this would all change later with some very peculiar weather, but he didn't know that.

As promised, Hiruma flew not one, but two "laps" around the city, each one consisting of several miles at varying heights and in different wind conditions. It made for an invigorating exercise.

Plus it was flying, what could be better than feeling so free AND exercising your body at the same time? It was like a runner's high and definitely his favorite part of his shapeshifitng power.

Laps done, the large bat made his way to the Initiative house where he would be training today. He swooped down and landed with the usual lack of finesse (bats are not birds, after all) and shifted back into a shirtless, skinny (but well muscled!) human being.

"FUCKING SENSEI!" he called out as he removed his earrings from his ears and placed them in his pants pocket, "You promised me a story today!" Hiruma smiled brightly, the sort of smile that Melee was one of the few to see. He removed a roll of white tape from his pocket and began wrapping his hands and feet. "As long as I did pushups, right? Kekekeke. Curiosity beats out pain!"

[[ooc: HAHAH this is hideously long. DON'T FEEL OBLIGATED TO WRITE A NOVEL IN RETURN jskdjks I was just inspired. But now I am going to take a nap, so tagbacks will happen LATER!]]

† hiruma youichi | devil ace, † araceli rodriguez | melee, † seijuurou shin | 40

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