Moving out, breaking in. [INCOMPLETE]

Nov 15, 2008 20:54

WHO: TEAM INFILTRATION: Logan (heavymetalclaws), Door (goanywhere), Billy (hellshandpuppet), Victor (compworetennies), Xavin (manlygirlskrull) and Kitty (phaseback). Guest starring: Teddy (skrullactually) and some robots probably.
WHERE: Downtown, three blocks west of 42.
WHEN: November 14th, evening.
WARNINGS: None. Yet.

oh no go get your guns )

† xavin | n/a, † victor mancha | n/a, logan | wolverine, *abandoned, † zechs merquise | lightning count, † door portico | portal, † kitty pryde | shadowcat, † billy kaplan | wiccan

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goanywhere November 15 2008, 22:44:29 UTC
Door tilted her chin up, a little defiant. "Yes, I can."

She stepped forward and laid her hand lightly upon the wall. In her mind's eye, she could see the blueprints that Blue Beetle had sent her the day before. She pictured the floor closest to the L block, a small room off the main hallway. Closing her eyes, concentrating hard, she willed the wall to open.

Let us in. We need to find a friend.

She felt a dip and sudden gap in the wall, and opened her eyes to see a doorway open to what appeared to be a janitor's closet. She beamed. "Come on!" she said quietly, ducking through into the dark and grimy room.


compworetennies November 15 2008, 23:49:07 UTC
Victor was close behind, closing his eyes every once in a while to re-visualize the wiring of the area they were in. Thank God for poorly-placed circuit breakers, he thought to himself as he dragged a hand along the wall, finding the telltale metal box.

"Everyone get ready for low-light conditions. There's a good chance a few bulbs will go out with this burst." Blue crackles of electricity appeared around his mouth as he spoke, before his hand glowed the same color. With a visible pulse, a jolting current went into the the circuit breaker, overloading it and sending the nearest halls into temporary blindness, as cameras stopped recording and lights struggled to stay illuminated. "That should do." He stepped back, making way for someone to take point out of the door.


hellshandpuppet November 16 2008, 08:02:41 UTC
Billy stepped out the door, arms up and emitting a soft glow. He looked around cautiously before stepping forward and giving room for the others to follow.

He didn't know the layout of the place, so he simply waited, shields at the ready should anything appear to threaten them.


phaseback November 17 2008, 01:27:40 UTC
Kitty felt uneasy. She kept looking over her shoulder, jumped at nearly every noise the distraction team was making. Going to get Jimmy during Alcatraz was nothing like this -- the dark silence coming from the room Door had opened up was a thousand times more terrifying than Juggernaut. If they made a mistake here, they would have their asses handed to them, probably so hard they wouldn't be able to sit for a week.

She didn't know Iron Man personally, but Logan hated him and he was a dick to Teddy. That was enough of a reason in her book to break in. Still, Kitty was scared. She'd fought before, and Logan was there, but it was different this time.

Rolling her shoulders, Kitty took a deep breath and stepped in after Billy, glancing back at Logan for reassurance. Hopefully there were no adamantium walls.


manlygirlskrull November 19 2008, 05:05:52 UTC
Xavin observed the mismatched group before her. She had some confidence in Wolverine's abilities, and she already knew all about Victor and Wiccan. They would be useful, but the other two were strangers to her. However, with Dorrek trapped inside, Xavin did not have the time to gage whether they were trust worthy or not.

They were willing to risk themselves to rescue Dorrek. That, for now, had to be enough.

She remained neutral, kept her fire on the inside and invisibility turned off, as she followed the others in, ready to throw a force-field around them at the first sign of danger.


heavymetalclaws November 19 2008, 23:56:41 UTC
Wolverine caught Kitty's glance and nodded, as much out of habit as to reassure her. She was five or six years too young to be his Kitty, but she was close enough. Close enough.

He followed the rest of the team inside, peering around the space they found themselves in. All exposed pipes and gritty concrete floor; shelves of cleaning materials and some guy's swimsuit calendar tacked up on one wall.

Still. He'd had worse entrances.

He narrowed his eyes a little as Victor's pulse rippled through the air, thudding dully against the circuit breaker. As the quiet hum of electricity died away, Wolverine shouldered through the group towards the door.

He paused for a moment before opening it, senses alert. He could hear footsteps, dimly, and the many-layered sounds of a facility at work. Alarms blatted somewhere, but distantly -- Wolverine was willing to bet they were responding to the attack outside.

He folded the hand not resting on the doorhandle. *snikt* Turned to look back over his shoulder at the group, and tried not to think of ( ... )


goanywhere November 20 2008, 19:10:43 UTC
Door followed close behind him, keeping her eyes and ears open. If there was an attack, she would need to open a portal as fast as possible and get them out before anyone got hurt.

Noticing a sign on the wall, she tapped Logan on the shoulder and pointed to it. "J block," she whispered, loud enough so that everyone could hear. "We're two floors up from where Teddy is."


compworetennies November 22 2008, 15:01:46 UTC
Victor perked at Door's words as he followed, recalling the layout in his head. He'd probably have to overload some more grids as they descended, which made his next question very important.

Also raising his voice enough to be heard, mostly by Wolverine, he voiced his thought on the matter. "Stairs down is less detectable, but slower, and more likely we'll run into foot traffic. I can power an elevator car, but I dunno how stealthy that would be. It'd be faster though, and I could short it out after we exit." He was actually working on a bit of assumption; he'd never tackled something this scale before.


hellshandpuppet November 24 2008, 06:18:31 UTC
Billy let them talk, his attention focused on watching their backs. It was all he could do to do that, distracted as he was by thoughts of Teddy and what might be happening to him.

They were so close now. Billy would've drilled straight down through the two floors if he could have. Instead, he bit his lip and remained tensely waiting for the arrival of some sort of threat.


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