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meowminx March 30 2009, 01:14:04 UTC
Selina had chosen a silk chiffon gown in a deep shade of plum. Low-cut, but not too daring. It floated when she strolled into the banquet hall. A beautiful woman without an escort, perfectly at ease in the formal surrounds.

She gave the room a once-over -- nice, but not nearly as ostentatious as she might have expected from a demonic host -- snagging a glass of champagne for herself. She'd hold off on the bar for now. Nice to have it as an option as the night wore on.

She was a little curious who would show up the the event, she had to admit.


betwixting March 30 2009, 02:12:49 UTC
Although modeled after the potentially most wooden man in his world, this did not mean that Owen did not at least recognize beauty or elegance, even if he did not act upon it. Having selected his glass across from the tray when Selina chose hers, he nodded to her, taking up a post close to the the dance floor -- an ideal point to at least watch the majority of the room, if not to partake.


meowminx March 30 2009, 02:22:51 UTC
Selina returned the blond stranger's nod. Something about his stiffness, the slight air of bored disapproval, reminded her a bit of Alfred.

"Looks to be an interesting evening," she said softly, a hint of amusement in her voice.


betwixting March 30 2009, 03:01:26 UTC
True to her assessment, Owen was indeed giving the room an only-half interested glance-over, taking in the positions of people in relation to objects, taking a sip of the champagne before replying to her.

"A well-done, if so far fairly standard affair," was his reply. "They will talk, they will drink, and they will dance, and everyone will say it was a wonderful evening." A slight smile into the rim of his wine glass, as though enjoying a thought known only to himself. "Barring incident or partycrashers, of course."


meowminx March 30 2009, 03:16:15 UTC
Selina gave a slight laugh, sipped her own champagne. "Considering the crowd, I'd almost be disappointed if there weren't any incidents or party crashers."

It was true she enjoyed a night out. But Selina had to admit that the potential entertainment was also a draw. "I doubt you'll be bored for long, Mr..."


betwixting March 30 2009, 03:36:27 UTC
"Stonehenge." Better to give this name than the other -- few knew the other thus far to even make it worth mention, particularly in a place of social gathering such as this. But then, amended. "Or Burnett, if you so prefer."

"And considering the crowd, I would tend to agree."


meowminx March 30 2009, 03:56:20 UTC
Selina's smile widened. "Mr. Burnett, then. I believe you received a package from me. By courier."


betwixting March 30 2009, 04:17:09 UTC
Indeed? Owen's brows shifted upward slightly, turning his head briefly to take her in anew -- and with considerably more interest.

"Received and assigned as designated. A pleasure to meet you in person, madame."


meowminx March 30 2009, 05:18:27 UTC
"Likewise." Selina took another sip, then offered the man her hand to shake. The comparison to Alfred was at once more apt and somewhat comforting. "It's actually been quite a while since I met with any of my financial advisers in person."


Here we go! liverletdie March 30 2009, 12:31:56 UTC
Tony made his way over to the bar, leaning against it as he ordered another drink (water, of course, he wasn't stupid) before turning against it comfortably, and examining the room before him. A woman in a very lovely gown caught his eye, and he approached her slowly, a small smile on his face.

"May I just say," he said, a hand rising th adjust his bowtie slowly. "That you look absolutely lovely tonight," he said as he approached her, a flirtatious smile lighting his face.


oh that icon ._. meowminx March 30 2009, 16:29:04 UTC
Well well well. A handsome stranger who clearly knew how to wear an expensive tux well. Selina knew the type from the various events she'd attended during her years playing Gotham socialite. They were rarely as interesting as they thought they were.

Excluding Bruce, of course. But she was trying not to think about Bruce these days.

Still, Selina smiled the charming little smile that one wore for such encounters and inclined her head a bit. "You may," she replied. "I don't believe we've met..."


I abuse it so much, its not even funny liverletdie March 30 2009, 17:30:29 UTC
Tony chuckled to himself, and nodded. "Probably not, I haven't exactly had the opportunity to get out since arriving," he said, charming smile flashing bright, white teeth framed by his dark goatee.

"Tony Stark," he said, extending a hand in greeting towards her. "I don't believe I've managed to catch your name," he said with a small grin.


meowminx March 30 2009, 18:21:29 UTC
There was a slight shift in Selina's expression at the name. Her smile didn't vanish; that would have been impolite. But it definitely took on a cool edge.

"The infamous Mr. Stark." Selina changed her champagne glass to her other hand and reached out to shake his. Her fingers were long and slim and deceptively strong. Killer grip. "I'm Selina."


liverletdie March 30 2009, 23:55:10 UTC
The nearly imperceptible shift didn't pass by Tony, but he certainly didn't react to it in any way, the lofty, amused gaze shaking her hand, noting the grip as he did so. "A pleasure to meet you in person, Selina," he said simply, feeling the affects of her strong grip.

Most women knew how to be dainty. He suspected that this was intimidation alone, combined with the gaze. The way she wore the dress said enough about her ability to appear dainty. No, this was on purpose.


meowminx March 31 2009, 01:40:46 UTC
"I'm sure." Selina took her hand back and helped herself to another sip of champagne. "I have to admit, I'm a bit surprised you're out and about, what with your little mechanical stalker still on the loose." There might have been a hint of amusement in her eyes. Hard to tell.


liverletdie March 31 2009, 02:04:20 UTC
Tony watched her sip the drink, before raising his glass of water to his own mouth, and taking a small sip before responding. "Well, I was never in the business of letting something like a stalker hold me back," he grinned wryly. "Technological or no," he added with a shrug.


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