WHO: Cannonball and Sunfire
WHERE: Idek somewhere not busy in the city
WHEN: Today
WARNINGS: Awesome powers and maybe secret angst thoughts
SUMMARY: Sam and Mariko have been talking. Obviously, they need to race.
FORMAT: Parawhatever we want
Sam's mind had been everywhere the last week. Between what happened with Tabby and Crane, her being ported back home, and the constant fights that had been thrown through the city, he needed to get his mind off stuff. Stress came with who he was, and though he was used to it, he still didn't care it. A race sounded like the best option he had for the moment, so he was game for it.
All he needed now was for Mariko to show up.
They had chosen to do it far from the main streets to avoid too much destruction with this. Sam had only seen a small bit of her power, but he knew enough that it could cause damage and she probably thought the same of him, too.
Lord, he really hoped this would distract him for at least a little while.