WHO: Ryan [
yayashton] and whoever else wants to kick some demon ass.
WHERE: Close to Broadway.
WHEN: 03/17/09; about noon
WARNINGS: If your character identifies with the word thug, you're prone to singing and possibly attempted harm on Ryan's part.
SUMMARY: In case of an emergency, BREAK DANCE!
FORMAT: You can choose, I mostly just felt like writing.
There were about five of the things currently crawling the city coming down the street. Ryan stopped for a second to consider his options. On the one hand, he had a ticket to the 7:00 showing of Phantom of the Opera. He wasn't going to think about how exactly he'd gotten it, but he had it. On the other hand, these things were probably going to terrorize - dammit, they were already starting and that effectively pushed aside anything Ryan was about to do. Even if the show wasn't for a long while, Ryan still had to go get something to eat and then walk the rest of the way there . . . These things took time!
Time that Ryan had, but still. It was the principle of the matter. Then again, that was probably what he got for going outside when he wasn't supposed to be outside.
Ryan sighed and made a steel rod before walking toward whatever those things were. Actually, ugly. Ugly was what they were. And even though he was opposed to hurting people, Ryan figured that was the only way to do this. A little persuasion couldn't hurt either way though. Taking a deep breath, Ryan started to sing. It was loud enough for the uglies to hear him and it was laced with a very specific message: Hey, you thugs! Join me in
this number.
"It's time to fulfill my purpose in life.
We are born with a destiny.
It's time to accept my calling -
To go on a ravenous killing spree!"
The uglies were struggling with the suggestion, Ryan could see it. It was about twice as powerful as his normal suggestions because he was focused on making a specific group of people sing. It was the same basic thing that happened in the cafeteria every time someone decided to sing at East High. The difference in effort was hardly noticeable, but the effect it was having on the thugs was remarkably clear. In any case, the fancy spinning tricks he was doing with the piece of metal in his hands were mostly for show. Ryan always figured the more badass he looked, the more badass people would think he actually was.
"It's time to finally take a stand,
Fight with my stump and my good hand.
Stop talking trash and kick some demon ass.
It is time!"
One of the uglies stepped forward, "Oh, it's time, Ash, but not for what you think."
They sprung into song. Ryan took that as a cue to break out into interpretive dance. Sort of. It was really stage fighting designed to hide the fact that he was actually hurting his targets, but no one needed to know that.
[ooc: long story short is that Ryan is only going after the people singing. You can come in to help him, you can be drawn in by the song, you can tell him that HEY MAYBE A SHOTGUN WOULD BE A BETTER WEAPON, ect.]