mightymortal Cap and OPEN!!
WHERE: All around the City!
WHEN: After 3PM till around 11ish on monday-friday.
SUMMARY: Cap superheroes around town all week!
FORMAT: Tag in with whatever you'd like and I'll match it!! Exclamation points!!!
then we wouldn't have to wait so long )
So there he was, dangling by his ankles on an overpass with daytime traffic buzzing below him where something safe like water or...or big piles of wool ought to have been. All the while, the young, angry, probably drunk men laughed and japed, apparently forgetting their initial outrage in the light of how amusing it was to cause Steve such distress.
"Please, sirs!" he squeaked, flailing his arms once more until he felt himself slip. "I, I told you I was deeply sorry! I-it was my fault entirely, bumping into you and...and causing you to drop your, ah...ah..." What was it again?
"My iPHONE!" snarled the one holding his left leg, anger rekindled.
"Yes! That! And I'm very, very sorry about that! I know I, I don't have the money to replace it, but I'm sure we couuohhh dear me no!" He shrieked a little as a gust of wind caused his body to sway.
This was, by far, the most unpleasant aspect of his organic adventures.
Unbeknown to both Steve and his spiteful captors, his legs began to stretch at the ankle, little by little, as though gravity were going to stretch him out like a spaghetti noodle. The moment it became known to the men, however, was the moment Steve appeared to have put on a foot or so of leg length, like a Stretch Armstrong, which was, sober or drunk, rather strange for the average man. They did what was natural: They yelled in disgust and let him go. Steve yelled in terror, because now he was mere seconds away from becoming rather large roadkill.
At first, he wasn't really sure what was going on. He couldn't possibly imagine that somebody was going to be dropped to their death right into afternoon traffic, so when the little shape began to descend at a worrying speed--
"Oh my gosh!" He rocketed forward fast enough to leave a cloud of broken sonic barrier in his wake before slowing as much as he is able when he reaches out for Steve. He angles them both down to land softly on the sidewalk, both hands on the poor guy's shoulders in case he needed steadying. "Are you alright? What happened?"
He decided he could go confront the men that were responsible after he made sure that Steve was going to be okay.
It was very dizzy business altogether.
His legs might as well have been rubber for all the good they did when first making contact with the ground, but they seemed to start catching on soon enough. Under the guidance of large, sturdy hands, Steve scrambled to right himself, the world still a big blur and his head practically spinning from so much excitement, adrenaline and fear.
He meant to say, "Oh, goodness! That was very frightening!" but in his overwhelmed state, it came out more like a series of little gasps and half-sounds.
Eventually, the world stopped spinning enough for Steve to look up and practically gawk at the man keeping him from falling over assbackwards.
"Oh, my!" he exclaimed, still frazzled, but much more coherent. "When did you get here? Wasn't I upside-down just a moment ago?"
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