she's the sea i'm sinking in;

Jan 04, 2012 20:09

WHO: goshilovearrows mockingbirdie
WHERE: avengers mansion
WHEN: this evening
WARNINGS: feelings
SUMMARY: clint is back from tahiti, bobbi has been talking to electro... basically there needs to be words.
FORMAT: whatever!

( Clint knew he had done something stupid in up and leaving the country without telling Bobbi--or anyone, really--about it. In his typical fashion he had made up a list of excuses for it, but he probably knew somewhere that he'd been running away from a situation he hadn't wanted to deal with. So, upon arriving home, he set about righting things, first things first. As he wandered through the mansion to his and Bobbi's room, he mouthed to himself, making up excuses and apologies that all sounded lame, even to him. Something he wasn't prepared for, however, was turning the doorknob only to find the door locked. )

Bobbi? Hey, Bobbi, open up.

bobbi morse | mockingbird, clint barton | hawkeye

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