Men seldom, never deliberately, rebel against anything that does not deserve rebelling against

Jan 03, 2012 16:06

WHO: sh_consulting and technophantom
WHERE: Sherlock's apartment
WHEN: Tuesday, January 3
SUMMARY: Ghost pays a visit to Sherlock. Lots of talking ensues and no cars explode or even flip once.
FORMAT: Probably para.

it is strange to be known so universally and yet to be so lonely )

sherlock holmes | n/a, john morley | ghost

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sh_consulting January 3 2012, 21:21:33 UTC
Sherlock was alone. He was standing, back to the window, violin on his shoulder and under his chin. He would play a few bars, pause, lower his bow, and then speak. "No, the diamond theft just isn't worth my time. It was obviously the niece - all you had to do was look at inner seam of her trouser leg." Then he would play more. It had been going on like this for an hour, or more, as Sherlock slowly destroyed every last case he had been contacted with in the last week, the song he was playing (or apparently composing) growing more melancholy as it went.

"I simply don't see the point in wasting my time. And don't tell me to simply take whatever I can simply because I have no cases."


technophantom January 4 2012, 00:30:48 UTC
The saboteur spent several seconds just watching, suit analyzing the silent words. The lenses flickered bright red and then faded off, as he ducked in through the wall and peered at Sherlock. No visible bluetooth.

"Who are you speaking to?"


sh_consulting January 4 2012, 00:44:22 UTC
Sherlock turned immediately at the voice, and then relaxed visibly when he saw ghost - small white notes instantly appearing around the man, notating every difference since he'd last saw him. Every new mud stain, ever new, small piece of wear on the suit. Sherlock lowered the violin.

"John, obviously," as if the question was one of the most boring he'd heard that day. He turned to the chair, lips parting as if he was about to say something, and then snapping shut when he realized it was empty.

"Oh. He must have left. When did he do that?"


technophantom January 4 2012, 01:59:30 UTC
Ghost ran a quick test on the composite materials of the air inside the room, making sure there wasn't a gas leak, and then tilted his head. "I don't know."

The words above his head intrigued him more--he glanced down at himself briefly to note he had in fact spilled spaghetti sauce on himself and had lost an estimated three pounds off an already painfully slim frame (but whatever, it's not like that really mattered).

"Accurate. Is this a manifestation of your observations? ...It may hinder your future reproductive success."


sh_consulting January 4 2012, 03:01:03 UTC
Sherlock frowned, looking around, and then shrugged. "Not my fault if he isn't listening." He set the violin down carefully into it's case.

"An early christmas gift from the porter." His tone made it all too clear how impressed he was about that. But the second comment made him pause, and look back at Ghost with a raised eyebrow. "... My reproductive success." He repeated the words with a flat incredulity.

The lights slowly winked out once everything was cataloged.


technophantom January 4 2012, 19:46:22 UTC
"Are you certain you didn't have it pre-Port out?" He looked intensely curious for a moment, "Power sets for the previously unpowered would be an interesting line of study."

At the second part, he tilted his head, "If you were to make similar observations about--perhaps--Norman Osborn... you may not survive the experience."


sh_consulting January 4 2012, 20:04:05 UTC
"I am quite certain. It started immediately upon my return and hasn't ceased since."

"Ah. Yes, I'm aware." He makes a bit of a face, snapping the violin case closed. "There's a reason I've been forced not to take many direct cases in the last few weeks."

Violin secured, he threw himself down on his arm chair, crossing his leg and pressing a finger to his lip, looking up at Ghost. "My attempts to control the situation are resulting in progress, but much too slowly."


technophantom January 4 2012, 23:13:17 UTC
"...Certain things may require the opposite of control." This enigmatic statement brought to you by the paranoid schizophrenic currently inspecting the kitchen through the wall, "I am not familiar with the instructional methods of mutants, but I believe mental resistance and suppression may only amplify certain effects."


sh_consulting January 5 2012, 04:46:07 UTC
Sherlock tsked, looking to the window, the frustration on his face evident. "I have to do something. Doing nothing about it is not an option."


technophantom January 5 2012, 05:06:48 UTC
"Why not?" He returned to the living room, floating over to alight gently on the back of the chair and crouch there like some strange robotic gargoyle, peering down at Sherlock's curly head.


sh_consulting January 5 2012, 05:43:01 UTC
Sherlock glared up at him.

"Because as you stated, it hinders my ability to do my job significantly. I may as well wear a signpost around my neck."


technophantom January 5 2012, 19:03:33 UTC
"Have you experimented with the nature of your power? Is it linked inextricably to sight alone, or all your senses?"


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