WHO: Jack Bauer and OPEN
WHERE: Throughout the City
WHEN: The following takes place between January 3rd and January 10th. Events occur in real time.
WARNINGS: Violence
SUMMARY: Captain Bauer is fed up with having to do administrative stuff for the cops and goes to get back to his roots: running around, yelling at people, and fighting bad guys.
FORMAT: Whatever works. Comment on
this post if you want to plan something out!
Jack was frustrated and restless. Paperwork lay on his desk like a tablecloth. He was by both training and inclination a field agent. He belonged out there, chasing down leads and suspects. However, he was also the force’s head Import officer, which meant he had to deal with the bureaucratic fallout of incidents like Khisanth escaping. Proposals and recriminations were flying around behind the scenes, and without the Red Queen to put a cool, professional, somewhat unsettling face on the super-jail, Jack had to handle them: the AI she had left behind was very efficient, but it couldn’t do memos. Two-Face’s escape had its own consequences, but at least NoHOPE wasn’t under police jurisdiction like the jail was.
This was on top of a police station being attacked by a dragon in November and Calendar Man ruining both Christmas and New Year’s, to say nothing of the Joker robbing a museum, trying to destroy the Porter, and not even staying in this universe to be imprisoned afterward. With all the new things happening, old work got pushed to the side, and so Jack still had to give an opinion on new riot control procedures stemming from the Thanksgiving debacle. He would have to testify at Roomba Man’s trial soon as well.
And Laurie and Yusuke were gone too, back home with her mother and his fiancée, a bittersweet thought that brought its own personnel paperwork with it. The fact that he might never yell at Yusuke about something or know that he had his back in a fight put a pain in his heart. He pushed that pain deep down, nestling it inside him next to all the other feelings that had been gnawing him for what would soon be two years, next to missed friends and family and people he hadn’t been able to save.
It all added up to Jack having to do more work that he didn’t consider work. He had never had to deal with this in the less regulated environment of CTU, and it grated on him. While he was bogged down in administration, Jack was all too aware that things were happening even beyond the high-profile Import crises that ate up the public’s attention. The Dolvanian mob group Zero’s Children had expanded its operations in the City, and was now involved in several nasty rackets. Yet most of Jack’s information on them had been acquired illegally, courtesy of James Bond. He couldn’t act on it, especially while he was doing this office crap.
Jack put down his pen. He stared at his desk for a moment, at another cost justification for the plasma gun Ted Kord had made for him. Then he looked at the force’s open case file.
“Screw it.”
Jack grabbed his jacket and headed out. He would spend most of the next week outside of the station, getting some real work done.