i've got katy perry stuck in my head really bad right now

Dec 30, 2011 00:30

WHO: A gal with a scarf-hoarding problem and a guy who has had the compulsion to wear makeup thicker than Christina Aguilera before
WHERE: Outdoor ice skatey place
WHEN: Some day recently
WARNINGS: Probably nothing violent but if it does get violent I promise to write it like a Grey's Anatomy episode
SUMMARY: Look horrible shit is going to happen really soon so we're going to resume cute datey things and pretend like horrible shit isn't going to happen until it does

Businesses in the City weren't much different than anyplace else he had been if he thought about it. At the core, at least. And merchants in places like Zephilia or Seyruun weren't above dragging out already dragged-out festivities for the sake of extra coin.

The City just...just had scale. It was comparing ants to elephants that way. And he was liable to go cross-eyed trying to keep pace with it all, especially amid lingering string-lights and evergreen fixtures. He found it best to just keep his eyes forward with bobbing green hair in the frame somewhere, regardless of whether or not he'd had a hold of her or not. Two hands browsed faster than one, after all, and he could make like those other boyfriend saps who foolishly followed along, all standing like multi-layered poles breaking up the yards and yards of discounted merchandise.

Questioning it all was an exercise in futility, too; so what if the gift-giving portion of the season was over? Those boots are so cheap. And with flash of light, soft yet bright, I walk beneath the shadows of the evernight. Never could have known there was a place like this, where the world burns and still I can exist. I can't hear the storm anymore and I don't know what it's for; I can't feel my legs, but still I keep going. I can't feel my hands, but still I rest, knowing that I won't go alone. In the far twilight awaits, opens up to embrace this barren soil, scorched and stained by the blood of soldiers left fallen in the rain. All the light in the world today won't light up the night into which I walk away.

But there was a break, at least, walking out from one business to an outdoor plaza of sorts. It had been a reflecting pool or something, perhaps, but frozen over and given over to folks skating around with blades on their shoes for...for some reason. For enjoyment, apparently. Or to watch others fall and laugh at them, which seemed to be happening a lot, too. It was curious enough, and something different to focus on other than the blast of cold to the face stepping outside caused. His grip on her hand adjusted needlessly, and he wound up drawing her over there despite curiosity; there was less chance of getting mowed over by more ravenous shoppers in that direction.

terra | esper terra, zelgadis | greywords

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