It's the season of scars and of wounds in the heart / Of feeling the full weight of our burdens

Dec 25, 2011 00:24

WHO Two friends (and a party crasher)
WHAT Trying to make it through the holidays
WHERE At Roxanne's house
WHEN Christmas Day.

The Ritchi house was remarkably still. She had, out of habit, gone to Midnight Mass at a local church, though her heart wasn't in it -- she at least tried. She'd fallen out of faithful habits years ago, but she hadn't wanted to be alone in her house -- especially after she'd sent the Brainbots to find their 'daddy' and stay with him. One of them kept coming back, for whatever reason, but she didn't-- feel right, trying to shoo it off or punish it. So it kept her company as the night faded into dawn once she'd come home; she had fallen asleep on her couch with it curled up next to her like some bizarre, glowing cat and risen the next day sore and unrested.

Treating herself to a hot bath to try and reach some semblance of 'human', Roxanne emerged less sore and more awake, if still troubled. She turned off her communicator, set aside everything that wasn't work related, and let the radio carole away for her as she decided that today she would remain in her comfiest of pajamas, drink eggnog -- eventually with Rum Added -- and resolve not to think about anything but her work and ignore the absence of friends and family. It was old habit, easy to fall into -- not like she hadn't spent several Christmases alone-- when she wasn't tied to a rocket sled, or... any other number of contraptions.

The morning turned into afternoon, the snow came down and Roxanne could not bring herself to do anything except notate CPS reports and listening to whatever came over the radio.

megamind | megamind, andromeda tonks | muggle lover, roxanne ritchi | n/a

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