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The Kitchen! batmantled November 24 2011, 05:15:12 UTC
[ somebody else bring dessert. :c ]


open. brevipennate November 24 2011, 20:29:02 UTC
[Nill hadn't ever had a real Thanksgiving celebration, and was excited to spend the day with Damian and his family and friends. She had been glad that her dress wasn't to ridiculous, not wanting to meet some of his friends for the first time looking silly. She had brought some ginger snap cookies, and made her way to the kitchen to set them down.]


open. batmantled November 25 2011, 05:13:35 UTC
[ He'll give her a smile when he sees her and reach to take the plate of cookies. ]

Heya, Nill.


brevipennate November 26 2011, 04:09:51 UTC
[The blonde handed the platter over with a smile. She liked Dick; he was a good person for Damian to be around, she thought. As far as she knew, he was very even-tempered and kind. As he took the tray, she snagged a cookie off it, her smile turning a bit impish as she started to nibble.]


batmantled November 26 2011, 16:34:43 UTC
[ Gosh Nill, why so adorable. He lets her have it and sets the platter down on the table with the other dessert. ]

How you been? I think Damian's, uh- [ probably in hiding. ]

He's around, somewhere.


brevipennate November 26 2011, 20:14:04 UTC
[It's just how she rolls. She begins to eye the other treats there; she's a sucker for sugar, okay. She nods at that--she saw him when she walked in, but he looked busy so she didn't want to bother him. Hopefully he'd have a good time today--she was pretty sure that was what Thanksgiving was about.]


batmantled November 27 2011, 13:07:01 UTC
[ He grins, then back off from the dessert table so she can move up closer if she wants. Time to get the rest of the turkey ready, anyway. ] Good choice. I think we have a little of almost everything else.


brevipennate November 29 2011, 02:49:12 UTC
[O-oh gosh. She does, in fact, take the opportunity to scuttle closer to the table. She nods, eyes wide as she stares at the plethora of desserts laid out. It was amazing.]


open ofthedream November 29 2011, 03:52:06 UTC
[After arriving, Ysera also made her way to the kitchen so she could find a place to set down her pumpkin pie. She smiled at Nill as she reached the dessert table, and, with closed eyes, glanced over the spread for a place to set down her pie.

Nill's dress wasn't silly at all. And it certainly wasn't the most unusual, considering Ysera's pilgrim robes. But then, Ysera tends to wear whatever she feels like, regardless of modern social conventions.]

Hello. I don't believe we've met? I'm Ysera.


brevipennate November 29 2011, 15:21:54 UTC
[The blonde blinked at the address, turning to face whomever had spoken, head tilted. No, she certainly hadn't met this woman before, but she didn't mind doing so now. So Nill smiled, raising her hand in greeting. She wished she had some paper on her so she could write her name, but figured that she would just have to make do.]


open! meowminx November 25 2011, 08:47:37 UTC
[ Selina slips in late with some (pre-bought this year) side dishes. She isn't planning to stay for long, but she can at least make sure the kids all have something that's edible. ]


blondevigilante November 25 2011, 20:33:09 UTC
[Steph was busy finishing up a few side dishes when she spied Selina sliding in with a few dishes of her own. She'd be lying if she didn't admit to being more than a little surprised at seeing the woman stop by]

Oh! You're, uh, here...and staying?


meowminx November 25 2011, 20:39:46 UTC
[ She stares at the younger woman. ]

That a problem?


blondevigilante November 26 2011, 01:03:54 UTC
No! I just...I'm surprised to see you that's all.

[Don't mind the slight mess, please]


meowminx November 26 2011, 01:50:20 UTC

[ Not the friendliest. ]


blondevigilante November 26 2011, 05:02:50 UTC
I'm not saying you're not welcome, because obviously you are I just, well, you know, didn't think you'd actually show.

[Suddenly her brain catches up to what she's been saying]

Oh, look you brought a dish! Thanks!

[Is the overly friendly thing a bit much? For some reason it's so much harder being on the level with Selina than it is Catwoman.]


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