(no subject)

Nov 21, 2011 17:29

WHO: molecularity & opennnn
WHEN: today (monday) & tomorrow (tuesday)
WARNINGS: uh... copious amounts of teenage angst??
SUMMARY: gwen runs away from home for a night before going back to her apartment. she left a note, though!!
FORMAT: i'm starting with a hideous amount of bracket teal deer because i am a rambly thing, but w/e is good. just put a place and time in the subject line? so people can bother her throughout monday&tuesday.

[ it's been a month since she found out about her best friend dying. to say that gwen's not dealing well would probably be an understatement.

she used to lock herself in her room every time things got to the point where she couldn't push the bad feelings away anymore. she would curl up on her bed and cry as quietly as she could. but all that went flying out the window when johnny caught her dancing to christina aguilera and posted it all over the network. if he could catch her at that, what are the chances of him catching her having a breakdown? that isn't something she can risk. so she shoves everything to the side and ignores it. which only works for so long until she can't ignore the urge to get out and away from everything before she snaps anymore. it's a bad habit of hers, running away, but it's the only coping mechanism she really knows how to work with.

she leaves school after lunch on monday, goes home and dumps all her books out on her bed. a haphazard mess of clothes and a few paperbacks get shoved in there instead, along with some cash and some food from her cabinets. gwen hastily scribbles out a note that she tacks to her fridge (Johnny - Staying somewhere else tonight. If I'm not back by Thanksgiving, call the cops. Try not to eat everything in the fridge or burn the place down. Make sure Jess doesn't freak. -Gwen) and then she leaves.

she starts walking and doesn't really know where she's going to go. she explores the city, she sits on benches in parks and reads while wrapped up in her sweatshirt, she sits in alleyways and tries to hold it together, but doesn't feel guilty when she can't and ends up walking down a sidewalk surrounded by people she doesn't know, head down and sniffling. it's easier to do this, to lose herself in the clamor of the city, than it is to do anything else.

too bad the city probably has more nosy people than she'd like. ]

cassie holmes | watcher, † jake jensen | the journey man, gwen stacy | n/a, john morley | ghost

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