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BATTERY PARK – INTERIOR [Ysera, Santo, Black Bolt, Kyo] fakethulhu October 29 2011, 22:29:36 UTC
The Earth itself seemed to tremble and quiver beneath the unearthly footfalls of the Thing that now tread upon it. Wherever the Emissary touched the ground of the park, It left immense misshapen footprints bubbling with corrupted seawater and toxic ichor. Trees were splintered and paths stomped out of existence as the Park’s beauty fell victim to the Emissary’s ravening for destruction. If It was to be stopped before the City shared a similar fate, this was the place.


ofthedream October 29 2011, 23:49:12 UTC
The earth beneath the Ancient Thing shuddered as it advanced... and then erupted as massive roots surged up like living, writhing things to wrap around it's legs and reach even higher to try to bind it in place. These were roots unlike any this world has ever known; strong as steel, they were as big around as a city bus and studded with massive, impaling thorns to grip it's vile flesh.

At the same time, all along the waterfront and out in the harbor itself, another army of creatures appeared out of thin air. But these weren't creatures of chaos and destruction; these were the protectors of Nature itself. Great and small, they spread out to destroy the abominations that crawled out of the abyss in the wake of the Ancient Evil. Some of the largest, giants of stone and metal, hefted great boulders to hurl at the Emissary, or entire fallen trees to use as great spears ( ... )


boltalicious October 30 2011, 21:43:57 UTC
There's a much smaller form not far behind Ysera. Black Bolt had been ready and waiting as well, silently poised at the edge of the same skyscraper. He's not entirely pleased either that this thing has been allowed so near to the City, but there's not much to be done about it. His own power is most effective in direct confrontation, without water between him and the creature.

But then it's here, and Ysera has taken her cue. Black Bolt isn't far behind her. He leaps into the air, fanned wings at his arms unfolding and working with his power to catch him and turn a fall into flight. He's a tiny black shape just behind the mass of Ysera, darting and hovering, equally seeking an opening as well as willing to stand back and let her fight in her own time and manner. For now.


rock_it_punch October 31 2011, 00:28:50 UTC
Unlike the others, Santo hadn't been ready. He hadn't even done any research on this Cthulhu thing beyond "giant monster", and what that told him was that to stand a chance, to help save the city, he'd have to play giant monster himself. That meant two things: going bigger than he ever had before, and tearing up some of this park for resources to do so.

As the ground rippled, undulated, and rose into the air like a miniature mountain, it became clear that Rockslide was okay with Battery Park taking a hit for the team. The supersized Rockslide pulled its way from the rock formation like it was some sort of cocoon, the ground trembling as his heavy foot stomped down. Sure, he wasn't as big as Jesus what is that thing? but at least like this he had a chance to make a difference.

After the first took had their crack, that is.


burning_fists October 31 2011, 17:28:35 UTC
Kyo was bringing up the rear in this case - fighting off a bunch of hellspawn or whatever these things were didn't exactly help him out in getting set for this part of it. But there was fire blazing in his hands, he was ready to slug whatever this thing was and send it back crawling to wherever it came from.

It'd be a nice warm-up for when he got back to beat the crap out of Ash, anyway. Besides, this gave him an opportunity to test out a new move he had developed: Ame no Murakumo. Though he wasn't going to do much all the way back here outside maybe a couple random fireballs, so running it was.


fakethulhu November 1 2011, 00:01:12 UTC
The Emissary bellowed in response to Ysera's challenge, a terrifying scream from another world, a world beyond sanity or light. In answer to Its call hundreds of Spawn burst forth from the waves It had emerged from and charged forward to meet the army Ysera had manifested. Running into battle without the slightest heed for their own safety, driven on by their own bloodlust, the smaller demons made contact with their enemies in seconds. There was a horrific crash as their ranks slammed into Ysera's, and the park became a scene from a medieval nightmare as the two groups of creatures tore into one another with preternatural ferocity ( ... )


ofthedream November 1 2011, 01:39:12 UTC
No fool, Ysera didn't move in to grapple with the Thing. She wasn't ready to give up her aerial advantage. More massive roots burst forth, seeking to at least slow it down and hamper it's movements. With great sweeps of her wings she rose higher for a better angle and opened her jaws wide to spray a stream her own acid toxins at what passed for the Fiend's face.


rock_it_punch November 2 2011, 00:35:08 UTC
The acid spray sure looked to Santo like an opening, and it wasn't one he was going to pass up before he let this thing get back on its...feet...stuff. This wasn't his first time fighting a horrible eldritch monster, though it was the first time he was able to fight on somewhat of an equal footing, and he was going to relish it.

Rockslide charged across the park, grabbing at the beast's arms after the dragon's breath wasn't in the way and attempting to drag the horror to the ground


burning_fists November 4 2011, 15:45:52 UTC
Kyo was forced to duck and weave around the ensuing fight on the ground, especially considering that he had no way of getting there quicker, no flight or teleportation capbabilities. For a fleeting second, he thought he was well in over his head with this, but that thought was driven out of his mind as he leaped, crashing down on one of the demons with a fantastic arcing kick, only to twist around and swing forward with a fire-laced bunched that exploded into a veritable inferno upon contact - Orochi Nagi. he'd have to keep an eye on his reserves though to make sure that he didn't get too worn out before actually reaching the main target of this mess.

"Phew ... thought Orochi was an ugly fucker. This guy takes the cake!" He said to nobody, considering everyone else was way too busy fighting off the creature or its hordes of minions. It was unfortunately going to take him a bit to reach the center stage, but he supposed that the others that were here with him would be able to take it on until that point.


fakethulhu November 5 2011, 01:24:37 UTC
Jellylike flesh bubbled around the Thing's face as Ysera's natural toxins scarred and corroded the Emissary's unnatural form, yet It seemed to pay no heed either to the acid or the new roots snatching and tangling at Its feet. The Emissary did at least come to a halt, at least for the moment, in order to properly engage with Its rival giant.

As Rockslide seized hold of Its arms, It remained standing tall despite the immense strength trying to pull It downwards. It stood like a mountain and laid claws on Rockslide's own arms, and It squeezed. From where It gripped Santo's stone surface came the sound of rock being strained under impossibly strong pressures. The Emissary intended to crush Rockslide to rock powder with Its bare hands. It was so focused on Santo and Ysera however that It paid no mind to Kyo burning a swath through Its minions, getting closer.


burning_fists November 7 2011, 16:46:47 UTC
A few barbequed mooks later and Kyo was staring up at the Thing, making a face at it. "Yup, definitely uglier than Orochi."

Then again, at least Orochi just looked like a giant snake with multiple heads in its true form. A deep breath, and flames erupted from his fists again. Now or never, time to test out the new move. He knew the Ame no Murakumo would do something, but how effective it would be? Well, no time like the present to see.

He charged forward, letting loose with a few fire-laced punches to start, spinning around to kick, then throwing one arm forward, pillars of flame erupting from the ground behind him, only to blast forward and head staight for the monstrosity in front of him. "COME ON!"


ofthedream November 8 2011, 05:19:19 UTC
Seeing an opportunity as the Thing grappled with Rockslide, Ysera reached out with her power and shifted the landscape to match her imagination. The solid ground beneath the Thing's feet suddenly became a slurry of sucking mud at least fifty feet deep. The ground beneath Santo, however, stayed solid and firm.

Kyo might be in trouble from all that quicksand-like mud, though. So she sent a dragonhawk to try to pull him out and give him a lift if he got caught in the mud.

Ysera herself suddenly rushed forward, aiming to dart past, over the Fiend's hideous head. As she did, she lashed out at it's eye with the massive boney club on the end of her tail.

[ooc: Lii, let me know if you don't want the assist for Kyo and I'll change it.]


s'all good! :D burning_fists November 9 2011, 19:03:06 UTC
He growled as he landed, nearly slipping into a full-on split thanks to the mud, only to right himself at the last second. "Great." That would not have been fun to explain to Cass and the others once this whole fiasco was over. Well, if they had any students to work with when this was over, anyway.

He nearly tumbled off the dragonhawk as it swooped down to pull him up and out, clinging for dear life. He then pulled himself up proper, letting out a sigh. So it looked like he would be taking the aerial approach for now. Alright.


rock_it_punch November 13 2011, 07:12:50 UTC
Santo strained to get away from the horrific monstrosity, not wanting to stay this close any longer than he had to. And in the process, his arms finally broke, sending Santo stumbling backwards with rocky stumps. "Christ, how strong is this thing?" He grumbled as he stuck his arms to the ground, dragging more stone out of the earth to form new limbs.


fakethulhu November 13 2011, 18:49:09 UTC
The Thing emitted a sort of warbling hiss when Ysera's tail smacked one of Its eyes into green jelly. Something oozing and pulsating began to plop out of Its head, dribbling out of a cavernous socket and down Its face. Halfway down though the flow abruptly, impossibly reversed itself. Like a film being run backwards, the smashed eye flowed back the way it came and reconstructed itself in seconds within the monster's head. Truly, this creature cared nothing for physics or causality ( ... )


ofthedream November 17 2011, 06:37:27 UTC
Even as Ysera had circled back around, she paused in shock as she watched it's ruined eye reverse itself. She recoiled as she felt the very laws of Nature twist and warp into maddening perversion as it escaped her mire. She was so shocked that she missed seeing the massive stone missile until the last moment - just enough time to twist enough to avoid it crushing one of her wings. But it was still enough to knock her out of the sky with a bellow of pain and shock as something in her side gave way ( ... )


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