soulbonder and
soulbondeeWHERE: The MAC
WHEN: October 23rd; afternoon
WARNINGS: Despite the candy-colored veneer, Yuma and Astral are tortured souls who are so grim and dark it makes the 90s look like little kid stuff in comparison.
SUMMARY: Idiots fail to deal with their emotions.
Humans were an unsolvable puzzle to Astral. The moment he thought he figured it out, a new piece would appear. It never got any easier! It was infuriating- how could humanity be so needlessly complex? Even Yuma, as foolish as he was, proved difficult to solve. But… he was a familiar puzzle, nothing like the City and all its inhabitants.
Once Yuma was inside, Astral made his way quickly towards the stairwell. While he could have easily phased through the ceiling to his room, he decided better of it. Yuma had trouble with the door! How in the world would he handle standing in a hallway all by himself? (Of course, Astral knew exactly how Yuma would react, by banging his fists on walls and making loud noises that’d startle others who lived there. He simply didn’t want to give that much thought.)
There was a question he wanted to ask, but he would wait until they were in private. Astral was not so keen on the idea of anyone being able to listen, an idea still quite foreign to him.