Eye for eye and this for that

Oct 22, 2011 21:12

WHO: Alastair and Kaiba
WHERE: Spark Roast
WHEN: Sunday morning around 11 am
WARNINGS: swearing?
SUMMARY: Alastair was tasked with getting Kaiba out of the house prior to his birthday party. Hijinks ensue.
FORMAT: we are the prose monsters

You hit me I'll hit you back )

seto kaiba | n/a, alastair | hacker, *in progress

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ceodragon October 23 2011, 02:41:02 UTC
Kaiba was not having a good day. He knew something was up as soon as he woke up. Mokuba had been acting odd for a few days. He assumed it had something to do with his closely approaching birthday. He always made a big deal out of Mokuba's and hadn't found a way to explain he didn't want anything in a way his brother actually believed. At least he thought he had until Tuesday before whatever plans Mokuba was making would actually come to fruition.

He figured the added excitement this morning just meant that Mokuba had already found a present for him and it was probably already in the house. He smirked at the thought of finding out which closet it was hidden in by walking around the house and watching Mokuba's reactions depending on which closet he was closest too.

But all plans for the day were cancelled as soon as his cell phone went off. In 5 minutes he had enough of the story to know he had to go to the office. It was the weekend, the normal IT head was on vacation and none of the back ups who knew how to do anything would do anything over the weekend. Part of it was his fault for keeping such tight reigns on the security programs himself that the weekend crew couldn't make some of the alterations necessary without him. Still, heads were going to roll.

With a quick shout to Mokuba that he wouldn't be gone long he was on his way to the office. Within minutes of arriving he was besieged by his frantic staff trying to explain how horrible it was and why it wasn't really their fault please don't fire them. Once they all finally shut up and let him look at the damage it took all of two minutes to fix. Partly because nothing had been broken. It was all a light show that looked impressive but didn't actually get into anything.

The irritation of being toyed with, doubled when he recognized the coding. "That bastard," he said under his breath. He looked at the clock 10:30AM. The timing was much more forethought than he would even have given Alastair credit for.

He stormed out of the office, the only explanation for what he had found was an "Idiots" tossed over his shoulder. The challenge in the message was clear, and hell if he wasn't going to meet it.


hackeralastair October 23 2011, 02:49:39 UTC
It was still warm enough in Alastair's estimation to be riding his bike around - he wasn't putting it up for the winter until there were snowflakes, no sir. It pulled up down the block from Spark Roast with minutes to spare, and Alastair sashayed his way up the sidewalk with his gray coat floating magnificently behind him. Perfect, he thought as he ducked inside and checked to see whether his prey had made it. The shop wasn't too busy, they could have a chat without making too much of a scene. He took off his sunglasses and ordered his new signature drink before this could all get started.


ceodragon October 23 2011, 03:01:24 UTC
Kaiba arrived shortly after. It was an imposing sight on a Sunday morning. He threw open the door and glared at everyone in the shop looking for the annoyance that had brought him out here.

Seeing him at the counter, he walked right up behind him and barked, "What?"


hackeralastair October 23 2011, 03:05:58 UTC
Fortunately for Alastair, he was in the process of turning around, so he saw Kaiba out of the corner of his eye moments before he could be startled into dropping his coffee.

"I see you got my message," he said as smoothly as he could. Tipping his head in a gesture, he led the way over to a corner by the windows where no one else was sitting. "You want to know, I'll tell you, but you better remember that we promised Agatha, no more fighting in her shop."


ceodragon October 23 2011, 03:14:04 UTC
The other's flippant attitude was only pushing him further, but he wasn't going to show that it was getting to him.

Kaiba stopped several feet from the table with his arms folded. "Talk."


hackeralastair October 23 2011, 03:16:57 UTC
Alastair just gave him a raised eyebrow over his coffee as he took a sip. But he was in too good a mood to start shit just now. He lowered the hand with the cup and tossed his head casually. "All right, it's like this. Your brother's throwing you a birthday party today. It was my job to get you out of the house."

Before Kaiba could react, he stepped forward and prodded a finger into his chest. "And you're going, because it's all Mokuba's idea. He's doing this for you."


ceodragon October 23 2011, 03:22:42 UTC
Kaiba slapped the hand away from him as soon as he was touched. Alastair was just lucky he didn't have enough space to swing his briefcase at his head inside the coffee house.

"You expect me to believe that Mokuba told you to get my attention by hacking into Kaiba Corporation?"


hackeralastair October 23 2011, 03:26:21 UTC
"No, Mokuba just said he needed you out of the way for a little while." Alastair drew his hand back to himself and tucked it in a pocket, not very ruffled. "I told him I was going to challenge you to a duel, and he figured you'd accept since you always do. But he doesn't know how many times we've dueled, and I wasn't interested in playing cards this morning. Hacking your system was way more fun." He sniffed a small laugh. "It's not like I hurt anything. If I was out for blood, I'd hope it would have been a lot harder to get through your security."


ceodragon October 23 2011, 03:35:27 UTC
Kaiba knew Mokuba had been planning something, and he wasn't that surprised that he had asked Alastair to help. He did have to correct Mokuba at some point about their 'friendship.'

"When does his party start?" Kaiba asked. He wasn't pleased by any of it, but he could stay away for a few hours to keep his brother happy. He would get the time to be back, and spend some time alone before being thrown into whatever Mokuba had planned.


hackeralastair October 23 2011, 03:38:49 UTC
Alastair sipped happily at his coffee. This "Morning After" spice was really something he could get addicted to. "Dunno, exactly," he replied. "Mokuba just said he'd call me when they were ready. Maybe he wants to wait till the cake is done, I don't know. And I'd appreciate it if you didn't tell him what I did to get your attention," he added with a knowing look. "I don't care if you tell him you kicked my ass, that much would be fair."


ceodragon October 23 2011, 03:50:23 UTC
Yes, Kaiba was not having a good day. The irritations were continuing to pile up one right after another. He held out hope that the cake was the only reason he was told to leave. He did not want to have to try to be surprised at a party he didn't want when he finally got home.

"Hmpf," Kaiba 'said' brushing past Alastair to sit down at one of the tables. "It's insulting he thought it would take longer than 5 minutes to defeat you. If we had dueled I'd be half way back by now."


hackeralastair October 23 2011, 03:52:35 UTC
"Yeah, yeah," Alastair sighed. It would take more than that to bait him today. He turned and set his coffee cup on the same table Kaiba had chosen. "I said I was paying, so what do you want?"


ceodragon October 23 2011, 04:02:46 UTC
"I don't need your charity," Kaiba retorted. He may be stuck here until Alastair's phone rang, but he wasn't going to enjoy a second of it if he could help it.


hackeralastair October 23 2011, 04:15:04 UTC
"...shit, man, it's not charity. Is your sense of social interaction so stunted you don't even recognize somebody buying you a drink...?" Alastair frowned at him. "Just for that I'm not getting you a birthday present."


ceodragon October 23 2011, 04:17:11 UTC
"Is that supposed to be a threat?" Kaiba asked with the first smirk of the day.


hackeralastair October 23 2011, 04:25:39 UTC
"My god." Alastair stood back and folded his arms, putting on a droll look. "You're so stunted you don't even recognize a joke. Do you need pictures?"


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