
Oct 20, 2011 02:06

WHO: soldarius & nottheanswers
WHERE: Vic's office
WHEN: tonight, after sneaking into police HQ.
WARNINGS: none for now?
SUMMARY: inquiring minds wish to to know what is omnoming on people.
FORMAT: quick log to start.


kate kane | batwoman, vic sage | the question

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nottheanswers October 20 2011, 22:36:46 UTC
[Vic is one the floor, cross-legged, with some of the photos he'd managed to acquire of the victims already laid out in front off him. He's been in this position for hours, considering the various pieces and how they may fit together.

He doesn't open his eyes or turn his head when she comes in. In fact, the only acknowledgement he makes to her entrance is:] Find anything interesting?


soldarius October 21 2011, 00:57:03 UTC
[ She shuts the window behind her as she slips in, holding her cape partially before letting it drop behind her. She takes a quick look around the office, then glances back at Vic. ]

Only that there's a lack of evidence police found and kept on record. This thing covers up its tracks good.


nottheanswers October 21 2011, 03:03:12 UTC
[He opens his eyes and turns his head to look at her.]

It's smart, so we'll have to be smarter. Find something it missed. You get a date on the earliest reports?


soldarius October 21 2011, 03:25:56 UTC
[ Her fingers grasp the edge of her mask and wig, pulling them back. ]

April twenty-ninth [ insert old aged, wealthy white woman description here. THANKS LIZ. ]. There's a lot of missing persons reports but this one seems to have stood out to the cops for a while. She vanished into the night completely.

Around a month later, it's high risk victims that up and disappear. [ She frowns slightly. ]


nottheanswers October 21 2011, 04:50:38 UTC
That gives us a window, then. We start looking for imPorts who first make themselves known within the week or two prior to that.

[He stands up and takes a peek at the report.] Well, that's why she got all the attention, cops have a tendency to follow the money, and when the victim doesn't have any...

Figure this was a beginner's mistake. As our beastie got used to how things work, they started feeding on those less likely to be noticed. Taking advantage of the cracks as they grow familiar with them.


soldarius October 21 2011, 05:09:33 UTC
[ Kate leans against his desk, looking thoughtful. ]

Not much of a trail for the homeless. [ After all, high risk victims were perfect targets for assault, or in this case, someone's dinner.

But this has been bothering her since she found out about Dick. ]

So it nabs victims from isolated or run down areas. They aren't ImPorts, they don't come back and most importantly they don't have powers given by the Porter to fight back. It doesn't have to worry about that.

But why did it leave Dick and the female victim half eaten? All the reports up until now, no bodies were recovered. [ She rubs her chin. ] That's too sloppy.


nottheanswers October 21 2011, 13:55:35 UTC
[Vic carefully picks up the photos off the floor and drops them on the desk before taking his seat behind it, pulling his notepad out of his back pocket.]

That's a good start. What would cause our little giant monster to leave these two unfinished? From the information we have so far, the best guesses I could make are indigestion or interruption.

We could, after all, imagine Dick had put up some kind of a fight. But it's harder to imagine him getting away with these wounds.

Do we know what his powers are?


ffff she's asking damian about the power thing. I'M JUST GONNA GO WITH NO FOR NOW. soldarius October 24 2011, 23:41:18 UTC
It must have not been expecting Dick, for one. Confident enough to nab single victims but not in pairs.

[ She glances at the photos. ]

No, but if I can get a hold of Tim, maybe we can find out.


okay! we'll just like...fudge that one nottheanswers October 25 2011, 02:23:38 UTC
[He makes a few scribbles, stopping to tap the pen on his chin every now and then before scribbling some more.]

I'm thinking there's a chance he could've been the variable in both incidents, but it's just a guess right now.

Powers or not, he would've at least tried to put up a fight. How well he did depends on what we're looking at, and what kind of powers he had.

Interesting shape to the bite marks. What do you make of them?


soldarius October 25 2011, 22:57:18 UTC
[ She falls silent for a moment while staring at the photos. Certain memories bristle in a corner, hardening her gaze. ]

Similar to the hybrids back in Gotham, but they don't need to eat people. Only these -- [ Her fingers trace one of the wounds on the photo. ] look how deep they are. And the length and width of them alone. This thing is huge. Twenty feet?


nottheanswers October 26 2011, 07:56:16 UTC
Big and smart. Not a combo I'm a fan of.

[He traces a finger along the shape.] There's the snout to notice, too. Looks like it could be some kind of wolf, maybe an alligator.


soldarius October 27 2011, 00:28:27 UTC
Reptilian, maybe. There wasn't anything about fur being found at any of the crime scenes.

[ Looking thoughtful again. ]

If dogs were included in searching, they didn't pick up any scent.


nottheanswers October 27 2011, 09:51:23 UTC
[He taps his pencil against the top of the desk.]

Well, what methods could be used to mask that?


soldarius October 27 2011, 23:19:01 UTC
Its own powers or biology? [ It's difficult to mask scents, even skilled hunters when out tracking deer have to purchase neutralizers, equipment and soaps that are odor free otherwise animals pick up on it. ]

Teleportation would grant it the ability to take off without leaving too much to track.


nottheanswers October 29 2011, 17:51:22 UTC
Well, the powers themselves could mask the biology, perhaps. But the scent, the evidence, that's what has me curious.

[He makes a few more scribbles.] Teleportation could get it in and out before most witnesses might catch a glimpse, but leaving a scene clean is trickier.


soldarius October 30 2011, 00:46:41 UTC
[ It's quiet in the room again as Kate sinks into her thoughts. What causes scent to go unnoticed or how is it not detectable at the crime scenes? She bites her bottom lip, shutting her eyes for a second. Something's missing. ]

If it can fly...


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