That is what we are supposed to do when we are at our best - make it all up

Sep 16, 2011 13:27

WHO: Maggie (origamiguardian) and Ames (thescrappy)
WHERE: The Village to start
WHEN: Late August
WARNINGS: None yet
SUMMARY: Maggie and Ames want to see if they can work together as "detectives." She has a case that will be a good trial.
FORMAT: Para to start, but if it gets draggy, feel free to quicklog

The weird thing about the Village is that where the rest of the City's streets stuck to an orderly grid pattern, the streets here wended and wove in an utterly rebellious manner. But it made it attractive--and also a good place if you didn't want to be watched or tailed because it was easy to meander. Maggie still picked what she hoped was an easy to find place, not far from a subway shop. There was a bar on one corner and a coffeeshop nearby. Across the street was a bookstore but Maggie was working very hard not to go in there. A bead of sweat trickled down her face as she focused very hard on not wanting to go buy books--she had someone to meet. And work to do.

She wasn't hard to spot. Being the anomalous six foot tall Asian woman tended to do that. She stood, slouched, one hand in her buff-colored cargo pants pocket. She had an eye on her large black watch with the yin-yang face.

† ames | mercury, maggie mui | paper sister

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