(no subject)

Sep 15, 2011 12:12

WHO: flotillaborn & iron_liver
WHERE: StarkTech
WHEN: Wednesday Afternoon
WARNINGS: None so far!
SUMMARY: Tony has promised Tali a tour of StarkTech, and possibly a job.
FORMAT: Prose to start! I'll match whatever, though.

Tali would certainly not admit easily to anyone that for the last few weeks, she had not been responsibly saving the small stipend that was inserted into her bank account. She had, in fact, been slowly trying to expand her wardrobe. After a bit of research, she'd purchased a small amount of basic makeup -- and a few skirts and blouses to go with them, along with an adorable pair of shoes (purple, naturally). The draw of being able to wear different clothes every day (as opposed to one suit for most of your adult life) was just too big for her to able to responsibly save money when combined with the ability to also eat things other than vegan paste. Admittedly, eating meat was still a bit like drinking too much alcohol - the next day she felt sluggish and sore, but so far it had proved to be worth it.

After a short communicator conversation with Mr. Stark (and another with Ghost, whose concern she really did appreciate), she'd started to her closet to try and decide on an outfit. She ended up with something that she thought looked professional based on the women she'd seen on the streets in the city, a blouse and pencil skirt ensemble. Then it was a matter of finding the location of StarkTech and taking a taxi over to the location ... after convincing her combat drone (still unnamed) that coming with her would not be helpful in the least.

"You're not very inconspicuous, you see. I don't want you scaring anyone who's going to be driving me around." Despite some insistent beeping, it eventually conceded and went to float unhappily by the window.

She headed out of the MAC's doors and hailed a cab after a few minutes of watching other people, tapping her foot against the floor of the taxi for the duration of the ride (much to the driver's chagrin). She was still nervous -- after all, Cerberus was the closest she'd come to being hired by a big-wig corporation and that had only been at Shepard's insistence. She didn't exactly have experience interviewing for things.

Once she'd paid the driver, she headed up to the front doors of the massive building and headed over to the reception desk.

"I'm here to meet Mr. Stark," which seemed obvious once she'd said it, since she was at the building he owned and everything, "ah, for a tour?" She bit her lip briefly, hoping the woman wasn't just going to laugh in her face and tell her to take a number.

tali'zorah vas normandy | the machinist, tony stark | iron man

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