(no subject)

Sep 14, 2011 16:46

WHO: Wheatley and Bakura
WHERE: A random junkyard of their choosing
WHEN: Naow
WARNINGS: PORTALS. And PHYSIIIIICS. And probably someone or something hitting someone or something at terminal velocity.
SUMMARY: Wheatley has a portal gun. Bakura is far more charitable than he should be. SCIENCE HAPPENS.

The ride on the subway had been an... interesting trip. For both of them. The former core had never even been on a subway before. The closest he'd ever come to fast transportation had been the transportation tubes in Aperture, so getting on the subway was about as close to a theme park ride as he'd ever been. ... Well, he had a good time, at least. There was no accounting for how awkward it might have been for Bakura. Sitting next to the only guy on the subway who had his face plastered to the window like an excitable dog, chattering non-stop about how awesome the subway was.

It was probably for the best that they were getting off now. Maybe he'd be too tired later to bother with all of this nonsense. At least Wheatley didn't seem half as paniced as he had been when he first boarded the subway, the nervous energy replaced with a more confident burst of excitement.

"That was amazing! Did you see that? I didn't think they made something that went that fast! I mean... out of the facility. And not... on a motor bike. But still! And it goes for miles! All over the city! Granted, yes, not... not exactly to the destination we wanted. I mean, nothing wrong with walking here, but it would have been great if we could have just... you know, ridden it all the way there. That would have been incredible."

He seemed perfectly oblivious to any stares he was getting, fiddling with the glasses on his face as he paused and waited for Bakura right outside the station. "We goin' on that again? To get back? Not talking one of those cars home or... or the bus? Because I'd really like to ride that again. If it is at all possible. I mean.. we... we don't have to, of course. Entirely up to you but... Oh that was just so much fun!"

The only person in the universe to be excited by the subway.

† bakura ryou | shiromadoushi, † wheatley | unit 701d1

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