(no subject)

Sep 11, 2011 04:37

WHO: askedtobe and YOU?
WHEN: Sunday!
WARNINGS: N...ooone?
SUMMARY: Peter's takin' a day off and chillaxin the city when YOU TALK TO HIM.
FORMAT: actionspam, but feel free to go for para if you waaant

[ Peter hardly knew the meaning of the words day off, considering how rarely he got them, and how even more rarely, he ever actually took them. But things had been crazy enough as of late, that he needed more than just an evenings worth of hours to himself. At least once in his life.

So, shock of all shock’s, Peter's taking a day off. He had some errands to run anyway, he might as well use it to his advantage. And sure, he was still on call, but that hardly mattered. Just like he hardly knew what to do with himself.

Which was why he ended up, for the most part, walking around the city. At one point he might go grocery shopping (for... peanut butter, most likely), at another he’s stopping by the liquor store to pick up beer. Most importantly, however, he takes a detour through Central Park. Despite the fact that it’s still in the phases of being reconstructed, built back up to its former glory, he’s wandering through. He knows he shouldn’t be here, that it’s not exactly the most safe. But he can’t help it. It reminds him of home, and somehow that unto itself is comforting. Not that he entirely wants to go back home either, it’s enough to get glimpses of things he used to have.

Or so he tells himself, making his way back out of the park and onto the main streets again, headed in the direction of a cup of coffee. ]

[ ooc; LOL OKAY GUYS, feel free to hit up Peter pretty much.. anywhere stated, as well as the cafe he's going to get his coffee from before he continues his way to... idek, his local movie rental place X( no seriously, he's just goin' everywhere. ]

dick grayson | batman, peter petrelli | n/a, julian keller | hellion, † mordin solus | the professor, † ned | the pie maker

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