getting coffee alone...

Sep 09, 2011 16:19

WHO: Lua and anyone
WHERE: An unspecified coffee place
WHEN: The afternoon
WARNINGS: Probably nothing but Lua can be a little special and awkward at times
SUMMARY: Lua: outside, looking nice, doing stuff, talking to people maybe, idk
FORMAT: paragraph to start but reply how you like

It was a nice enough day, possibly one of the last ones of the summer. Lua felt she should go outside and enjoy it, but Ladd had already left to do whatever it is he does. She never pressed for details. If it was something important or concerned her he'd tell her. Without her fiance to take her out or house cleaning to keep her busy at home she was forced to get her hat and go for a walk alone.

Normally Lua wouldn't be so relaxed on her own in public but she had been in the city for four months already and on the occasions she had ventured out of the MAC on her own nothing had happened. Nothing bad anyway. Since no one had tried to hurt her she'd eventually become comfortable in the places she'd been before at least.

That was how she came to be sitting alone at a table outside the cafe. Like always she was dressed nicely in a long skirt and a turtle neck shirt. A wide brimmed hat sat on top of her head, it was supposed to help her blend in but since 2011 wasn't anything like 1931 it only made her stand out more.

† lua klein | white skirt, eridan ampora | prince of hope, *open

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