batmantled and
WHEN: forward dated to end whenever we finish it! until it gets a definite set date. assume it's like two weeks or so in the future. :|a
WARNINGS: there will definitely be some violence/possible torture, because Dick doesn't get anything nice in life.
SUMMARY: Batman saves/tries to save some innocent people from death by being dinner! It doesn't go very well for him.
FORMAT: quick!
[ It's one of those nights. One of those nights when the thousand tiny daily irritations and injustices of the City have built up more than far enough, and she's in a mood to take out her frustrations. And, really, in a city where humans are as numerous as flies on a corpse-- who's going to miss a few? The first man, sleeping on a bench in the park not far from where she'd changed, was lucky. She'd simply used him to sate her hunger, and he'd been dead before he'd had a chance to wake up.
But one measly human is hardly a full meal, and so Khisanth went on the hunt. The second man she encountered, scrounging through the garbages outside a closed restaurant, had been a little less lucky. But still, she'd been too hungry to get too creative, and so he hadn't had to last through more than a minute or so of her attentions.
This woman she's found though, with her hair long and tangled, her clothes dirty and poorly kept, well-- it's just not her lucky night. Khisanth crouches above the woman, the picture of a cat with a mouse pinned beneath her claws. Her tail lashes happily, and the terrified wimpers her toothy grin gets are more or less tantalizing. This should be good. ]