Spinning deceit

Aug 10, 2011 00:41

WHO: Gamzee and Mindfang
WHERE: In a dark locale near the City's so well known warehouse district
WHEN: Late into the night of the ninth, possibly into the morning of the tenth of August.
WARNINGS: Who do you see in this log?
SUMMARY: Two trolls sneaking around in the dark run into each other.

in webs. )

gamzee makara | mirthful messiahs, † marquise spinneret mindfang | n/a

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octaocelli August 10 2011, 15:48:56 UTC
Mindfang hadn't really been bothered to watch where she was going -- she had quite a bit of luck today with the locals and it showed, judging by the way she was stuffing money into the slips of her petticoat. She had turned down the alleyway with the intent on cutting through to the next street, even taking a moment to remove her hat and dust it off.

However, she gives pause when she spots Gamzee in her pathway, one eyebrow raising slightly. A troll -- how interesting. Idly, she wondered if she had met this one before. It certainly wasn't her descendant, though he looked suspiciously familiar, and not in a good way.


hasgonehonkers August 11 2011, 05:57:45 UTC
For the second time today Gamzee realized he was being observed by someone, and again he turned to look at them. Unlike with John though the homicidal troll did not grin at Mindfang. Keeping his mouth in a firm line and letting his eyes narrow into a glare he peeled his hand away from the wall, but was careful to make his movement slow. Luck siphoning could hurt him where other powers might not, and the clown remembered the things he learned about his ancestor.

"You're motherfuckin' Mindfang," he half hissed.

Though Gamzee didn't realize it, the purple symbol on his shirt had just become visible.


octaocelli August 11 2011, 11:44:13 UTC
"Very good," Mindfang quipped in reply, a smirk pulling at the corners of her mouth. Of course, it threatened to disappear the moment her eye fell upon the blood caste symbol. "Aren't I lucky to have stumbled upon you."

She was beginning to grow tired of running into children -- though in this case, she would have rather dealt with this one than his counterpart.

"Descendant of the Grand Highblood. How positively charming."


hasgonehonkers August 14 2011, 20:11:53 UTC
"He was all up at in being one of the only respectable motherfuckers up at in from your motherfuckin' time. Should get our motherfuckin' hope on that it's in at more motherfuckin' charming than all meeting some other motherfucker with a worse motherfuckin' ancestor."

Slowly he moved his right arm a little in front of him, the robot arm would be better than his still fleshy arm for blocking any sudden attacks. His left hand didn't twitch, but it did curl a bit into a position that was perfect for holding something like a club. There'd be no attack thrown yet, but Gamzee wasn't about to be unprepared.


octaocelli August 14 2011, 21:42:17 UTC
"Oh I don't know about that," the older woman chuckled, half-shrugging. "I always thought I was fairly tolerant of my generation, for how stupid the majority of them were. Such was the curse of Alternian civilization -- doomed to a perpetual spiral of terror and violence until the next ruthless tyrant commanded leadership...only to continue throwing their weight around like a worthless woofbeast."

Mindfang let her eyelids lower a bit -- for how dangerous Gamzee had the potential to be, she was oddly relaxed. Perhaps because he was a child.

"So many dangerous words, yet so little strength to follow through with. So many politics. But you're a bit young for that, I think."


hasgonehonkers August 15 2011, 06:22:15 UTC
The subjugglator hissed and then disappeared in a step, only an outline of his form was left behind. His afterimage still visible, he reappeared a few feet away from his spot though still the same distance away from the pirate. Caution be damned, he wasn't going to be seen as weak.

Sneering he said "Why are you all at having that idea up at in your thinkpan about me? Or about motherfuckin' me? Us all being up at being motherfuckin' young doesn't motherfuckin' all mean shit at us."


octaocelli August 15 2011, 06:44:50 UTC
"Would you prefer to discuss politics then, little highblood?" Mindfang practically purred in response. "I've found myself with nothing but time in this fair civilization, and I would hardly be opposed to the entertainment."

That was an interesting trick he seemed to have. It even sparks a sort of curious expression on her face, though she doesn't actively comment.


The way her nose is done there it almost looks like a little skull and I only just now noticed hasgonehonkers August 15 2011, 06:53:06 UTC
He frowned at the lack of a greater expression in response to his speed, but let it go for the moment. If anything he'd just go for a better reaction later, maybe definitely try for something funnier.

"Don't all motherfuckin' call my ownself little," he paused for only half a second, "Fine, let's all get our political discussion on. Get a motherfuckin' subject up at in here what you motherfuckin' all want to get at motherfuckin' talking in on for."


...will never unsee octaocelli August 15 2011, 07:01:07 UTC
"When you provide me with a name, I will address you by it. For now, that's what I have to go on," Mindfang offered calmly, folding her arms across her chest.

"How fares our fair Alternia, then? Before it ceased to exist, of course." Briefly, her tongue slides across her upper lip in distaste. She had already heard that story.


I'm not sure if I should say sorry or you're welcome hasgonehonkers August 15 2011, 07:13:46 UTC
"Same wicked shit as it was always up at in being. Motherfucking lowbloods were getting their motherfuckin' shit in at where it should motherfuckin' not up at have been. Some motherfuckers were all up at in trying to motherfuckin' say blood wasn't up at in being a good way to all cast a motherfucker. Some other motherfuckers weren't up at believing on a motherfuckin' good religion, my ownself's motherfuckin' religion, and the empress was all up at in trying to motherfuckin' find a way to motherfuckin' get rid of Feferi probably, but motherfuckin' all couldn't since she motherfuckin' up and got her ownself's motherfuckin' lusus."

He'd have gone into more detail, but Gamzee somehow got the idea that his stoned self didn't really know much of anything from that time and it'd be bad to admit that he actually didn't know as much about what was going on as he should have.


HEY TAG, WHERE WERE YOU IN MY INBOX BRO octaocelli August 19 2011, 00:23:39 UTC
That last sentence allows a laugh to bubble from her throat. "Oh, so the Condesce is finding herself dethroned in short order by none other than a child. How quaint."

But as she muses on this, the first part of his sentence really sinks in, causing her to raise an eyebrow. "A second uprising?"


PROBABLY HANGING OUT WITH SOME OF MY TAGS hasgonehonkers August 20 2011, 23:30:15 UTC
"No. Just some dumb motherfuckers who were at in trying to get motherfuckers in equal feet when them all motherfuckin' shouldn't have. They didn't get in making a movement at that shit."

He paused only because of the risk of seeming too interested in something.

"What was the first uprising about all kinda like?"


octaocelli August 20 2011, 23:38:36 UTC
"Now that's not interesting at all," Mindfang sighed, letting her hand fall limp. So much for that. But she could entertain the highblood a little longer.

"Short-lived, I suppose. The Condesce is a rather ruthless woman, after all. She didn't take the blasphemy very well. The mutant and all of his associates were killed or silenced in some other fashion."


hasgonehonkers August 21 2011, 00:24:28 UTC
"Got no details at your thinkpan in how those motherfuckers all got at dying?" If he didn't look curious before he certainly did now.

Gamzee could tell that Mindfang was probably going to leave soon, and that was for the best as he didn't want to risk getting in a fight with her, but all the same he hoped she'd stay around just long enough to tell him a gruesome tale or two.


octaocelli August 21 2011, 01:14:29 UTC
Spitting image of the Grand Highblood.

"They hung the mutant by his wrists in hot irons, of course. Put him on display for the entire planet and let him bleed out," Mindfang offered with a bit of a careless shrug. "He was the only one of note who perished, I'm afraid."


hasgonehonkers August 21 2011, 01:27:36 UTC
"Sounds like that would all have been at being motherfuckin' wicked good to watch," his grin grew large enough to practically split his face, he could practically smell the burning flesh and hear that first long scream of agony, "Too bad no one else having an interesting death at there was noticeable."


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