the worst log ever.

Aug 07, 2011 19:53

WHO: humanjuicebox and sdrawkcabcigam
WHERE: at the Institute.
WHEN: some day at a time
WARNINGS: the most hideousness
SUMMARY: Mochool consults Zoo on his dumb power.
FORMAT: words and plurk emotes. you know the drill.

[After Hank had told him about Xavier's, he had made an appointment...and then promptly missed it, like a boss. So here he is. And the place is seemingly deserted, which really shouldn't seem that strange for a school in the middle of summer, but he's a little creeped out.

Michael goes up to the placard and examines it, scrolling past all the AWESOME X-MEN NAMES. This place - though terrifying - had so many amazing people he never thought actually existed. And now that he had superheroes? He couldn't wait to do hideous things with them.

Zatanna Zatara Why did that look familiar? Other than being obviously a superhero name, what with the double Z's and the not even a real name vibes, he was sure he'd seen it somewhere before.

Oh well. It couldn't hurt to see if she was in. Maybe she was hot. Not that...he would care...if she were. He knocks on the door, jiggling the handle once.] Ms. Zatara? ...Hank sent me.

zatanna zatara | zatanna, † michael scott | agent michael scarn

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