so you think you can tell / heaven from hell / blue skies from pain

Jul 31, 2011 15:42

WHO: Severus Snape and anyone who might engage him, IE, YOU!
WHERE: Wandering New York; pick a place, he could probably be there.
WHEN: TODAY, 7/31/11
WARNINGS: Snape is Snape.
SUMMARY: What with a few people coming by to see if he'll go to Harry's party (clue: he won't) and breaking doctor's orders (sorry Andromeda) Snape goes out to explore the city for the first time, on his own.
FORMAT: Words. Prose to start, will match whatever you do.

It's like sneaking out to the latest Death Eater Soiree. Except that instead of going to where he's been -- arguably, by some people, who should really know better -- invited, Snape was headed to places that really won't care if he's there or not because there would be no potential for fist fights where-ever he was headed.

Cue one Severus Snape; using the clothes Gemma had brought him, slipipng out sight unseen from the MAC building. Adding smoked lenses obscure his eyes -- an unfortunate necessity, when the blinding migraines were only made worse by light -- to his new clothes, he looked-- well, fairly normal. Just a nearly-forty man, headed out into the City, with a perhaps peculiar style that didn't scream I am a wizard to the nearby. Didn't want his want wasn't on him, though.

He'd looked at maps and had fetched some information from the provided brochures and things, but for now he was merely mapping out important points; a green grocer, a bontanica -- a real one, he'd hoped, that actually had good herbs and other acoutrema that he could put to use, a butcher, general store, and so forth. Along the way, he would pick up dinner with his tags and head home-- after all, he didn't expect one of Lily's visits what with her son's party likely to be in full swing for hours-- after he'd gotten some air and seen the city some. It wouldn't do to be lost or confused in it, after all. He was going to be stuck here for some time.

† bakura ryou | shiromadoushi, nill | n/a, wesley wyndam-pryce | watcher, † aphrodite | goddess of love, han solo | scoundrel, davesprite | orange creamsicle, geddoe | raijin, severus snape | the potion master, michaelangelo | michael j angelo, *open

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