sweatquius and
supertieroWHERE: Equius and Aradia's disgusting MAC apartment
WHEN: Shortly after
this post!
SUMMARY: Aradia flips a shit upon Sollux's death. Her trollfriend of newly-questionable quadrant status gets angry, which makes her get angrier! They yell at each other a lot and probably break stuff!
FORMAT: quicklog!
[It's just after Aradia's initial burst of psychic energy, and she's standing in the middle of the half of the apartment she inhabits, breathing heavily--not so much because of the exertion as because she's so angry and trying hard to calm down. Breaking things is supposed to work, but she's not that girl(-frog-robot-ghost) anymore, and it's not going to change the fact that Sollux is dead, even though she knows he'll come back. This is different than it was in the Veil, and it's different than hearing about the deaths when she was in the City. She feels like screaming and, for the first time in a long while, Aradia doesn't know what to do; she can't just flutter around on the edges of things with certainty that everything is going to be okay, she can't visit him in a dream bubble, she can't even hear his voice among those of the dead because that's not her power anymore in this stupid place. It's too frustrating to properly articulate, and she kind of wants to cry, but she's not going to let herself do that. It's not the time.
Also, she might have accidentally blown up some of Equius' posters. Whoops!]