
Jun 30, 2011 10:19

WHO: James Potter and YOU!
WHERE: Various places in the City, but he's starting in Central Park.
WHEN: Sometime this afternoon, after he gets off work.
WARNINGS: ...For crazy Potterness?
SUMMARY: Prongs wanders around and does stag-like things! James cuddles his wife and hangs out with people. Good times all around.
FORMAT: Whatever man formats are for squares.

Though he'd be hard-pressed to admit it, the City was growing on him. Especially now that Lily, Harry, and Sirius were back, this was going to be the best summer ever. James was on his way home from work. Today, however, was one of those every-once-in-a-while days, when he got the urge to prance around parks as a certain stag. So some people might have noticed a red stag nosing his way around Central Park, sometime in the early evening. After getting a few confused looks from passers-by (and taking a few moments to frolic), the stag disappears.

Eventually, James emerges, and heads for the park exit. He is debating whether or not to walk home or just apparate there. Or, maybe, if he meets up with some good company, he'll go out for drinks or something. You never could tell, around here.

† anders | healer, † sirius black | padfoot, james potter | prongs

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