Jun 24, 2011 02:22

WHO: soloisms and you! (OPEN LOG).
WHERE: Around the City.
WHEN: Just after Han's arrival!
WARNINGS: PG (for now).
SUMMARY: Han decides that it's probably a good idea to try and figure out where he is, but realizes it's hard when there's no Wookie or droid to do it for you.
FORMAT: ACTION TAGS or PROSE, it doesn't really matter.
NOTE: AHH life decided to kick me in the butt for the moment so tags are really, really slow :'( please bear with me!

[ The first thing that Han noticed when he got to the City was that it was all most humanoid, or just humanoid enough for him to be extra careful. While he couldn't speak alien languages, it was just a little bit comforting to know that they didn't know that he knew what they were saying. An advantage for a smuggler, most definitely, but it just seemed this place was way too ... homogenous.

Regardless, Han knew when to be on guard and that it was a bad idea not to be - ever. With his safety blaster gone and any other weapon no where near his disposal, Han had to use those extra sneaking skills he had learned from trying to avoid Jabba. Of course, he'd need money and those people with those very loose pockets might be able to help him out there. Not that he was proud of it, but a smuggler's gotta look out for himself in this big, backward world (really, who used wheels anymore?) he was stuck in.

For once, Han could honestly say that this was an irregular adventure. ]

han solo | scoundrel, mokuba kaiba | n/a, julian keller | hellion, rikku | machina maw, † ned | the pie maker, james bond | 007

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