Jun 22, 2011 14:50

WHO: Ned, Digby and YOU
WHERE: Roaming the streets.
WHEN: June the 22nd, early to midday.
WARNINGS: extreme cuteness
SUMMARY: Ned is looking for the perfect place to open his new pie shop. Also to live.
FORMAT: prose but if you commentspam I'll follow along.

Getting out of bed this morning for Ned the Pie Maker had been especially difficult. It had been Digby, at last, who had persuaded him to rouse, barking and lapping around their small apartment until Ned finally agreed to take him out. More appropriately dressed for the weather now, he walks, Digby walking just a bit farther in front of him than most dogs might. Ned grips tightly to his leash, trying not to think. But Ned is a thinker, and his feelings are often overwhelming, and here in a new place in a dimension far far away from Chuck and home and the Pie Hole isn't a conducive environment to dialing back his own pensiveness.

Real Estate was expensive here, or at least, more so than he was accustomed to, and it only makes his many thoughts multiply. Gaze trained to the sidewalk, he allows Digby to lead, shoving his hands in his pockets and hunching his shoulders as he walks. He supposed he could take a break and find Digby some water, the dog looking as tired as he felt, emotionally run ragged by all the new information threatening to burst his head open.

Superpowers. Everyone had them here. Not only does it inspire acid reflux and panic of a whole new level, it also comes with a degree of peace. If someone were to find out about Ned's ability he wouldn't be a societal pariah, skirting along the edges of the city. He could probably even tell people without much worry at all. He knows better though, knowing full well what someone would risk to bring a loved one back. He couldn't risk being used in that way.

It's with this inattention that Ned fails to notice Digby noticing you, pulling away from his loosening grip on the leash to rush to your side. Not being able to get his pets from the Pie Maker, he's looking for any contact he can, wagging his tail excitedly. By the time Ned realizes, the golden retriever has already sprung free, and he's helpless to pull him back without the leash.

"I'm sorry, he's usually so well-behaved," Ned immediately apologizes, following after Digby with a stern expression. "Sit." The command brings Digby to immediate obedience, sitting by your feet, Ned looking on apologetically.

peter petrelli | n/a, kate kane | batwoman, ted kord | blue beetle ii, shirley bennett | tattleina, nymphadora tonks | badger, damian wayne | robin, † ned | the pie maker

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