fantasycliche, and their new guest star,
WHERE: The streets of the City! With dragon encounter occurring in Some Dark Alley.
WHEN: Forward-dated to Monday night, June 13th.
WARNINGS: Gruesome violence. Also, it's Jack Harkness and Zevran.
SUMMARY: Certain secrets of immortality are uncovered. Via dragon attack.
FORMAT: Words.
Wonder of wonders: this time, Jack and Zevran's trip to the shooting range goes uneventfully, at least in the sense that no one gets bled on. Zevran learns a bit about handling guns (the literal type), innuendo is exchanged, and the proprietor comes within a hairsbreadth of telling the two of them not to grope each other in public. This means it's a good night. As far as Zevran is concerned, it's only going to get better once he takes Jack home. Learning new methods of inflicting death and violence, followed by what he is rather reasonably assuming will be excellent sex: what more could he ask for in a night?
Well, maybe he could ask for certain worries to stop nagging at the back of his mind. He can't quite shake the memory of his conversation with the Doctor after the whole...inexplicable singing incident. Oh, it would be nice to dismiss it all as a bad dream, but that's not very practical in the City. So he's left with the worry that the Doctor will have passed along to Jack the things Zevran let slip in their conversation. The man was simply so persistent, in that innocent, goofily beguiling way of his. Really, the only thing Zevran didn't admit was the assassin thing, and he's already told Jack that anyway. How much does Jack know now about his elf's depressing childhood? Does he pity him? Does Jack think him too pathetic and common to waste time on now?
No, no. Such thoughts are silly and unproductive and, well, useless, really. But Jack might note that Zevran is perhaps a little too eager to please tonight, especially when given moments to dwell in uncomfortable silence, and a little too quick to change the subject away from himself--moreso than usual. His adventures, at least those of the recent past, are fair game, though. "We found them both stripped to their undergarments when we reached the cells, of course. It was really a shame their equipment was stored so nearby."