WHO: Wufei Chang; OPEN
WHERE: The City Public Library
WHEN: This afternoon
WARNINGS: Possible flare of Chinese temper? Will update if necessary.
SUMMARY: Nerd boy goes to the library.
FORMAT: Whichever you prefer.
As much as Wufei wanted to keep a close eye on Meiran, they were getting on each other's nerves. Again. So, he'd taken himself to the library, hoping to gather more information and learn more of the layout of the city. If he met others who knew of a bookstore he could work at, fantastic. He would swing by that place on his way back to the MAC. Otherwise, he would just keep looking by foot until he found an acceptable place.
He walked through aisle after aisle of books, fighting to keep the utter awe and scholarly delight off his face as he saw just what this library had in store. Did the denizens not know what a treasure trove they had here?