You've got the power to know

May 30, 2011 20:07

WHO: Betty Ross and Hermione Granger
WHERE: Central Park
WHEN: Backdated to Thursday
SUMMARY: Hermione and Betty go for a walk

[It was nice to get out of the MAC and into the fresh air of the City. Betty was still adjusting to life in fake New York, still coming to terms with the meaning of her abduction, still reeling from the shock of the City exploding into a war zone, but with the nice weather and the nerdy combatants dispersed, she was eager to get outside and find her way around. She was also glad to meet new people. A walking partner seemed like a very good thing to have.

Betty sat down on a bench next to the famous statue of Alice in Wonderland and waited for the young stranger to join her. Perhaps it wasn't wise to randomly accept invitations on the Network. Oh well. It was just too nice a day to waste inside bemoaning the world around her.]

† hermione granger | know it all, † betty ross | peacemaker

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