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May 24, 2011 13:43

WHO: Terra & OPEN
WHERE: The City
WHEN: Tuesday, May 24th, between the hours of 7am and 7pm.
WHAT: Esperchan. Doing... things... literally just roaming around town all day so just about anywhere you want it to be, it can be. Except central park because haha walking around Illidan's back yard, no.
WORDS: yes...

blah blah set up blah )

† lydwine novie | apusa, † harleen quinzel | harley quinn, peter parker | spider-man, terra | esper terra, † john constantine | n/a, zelgadis | greywords, *open

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/forces out tags like woah afriendtosell May 28 2011, 05:41:08 UTC
John's been searching the city for answers today. The Porter is a hot button topic -- part curiosity, part rumor and legend -- but no one seems to know anything concrete about it. Worse still, there's an undercurrent of...it's an almost palpable sense of fear running through the underground, like they're expecting something but have no idea as to what it may be.

The knowledge that another event like the one that turned him into a seventeen year old sprog for a week had a chance of happening soon set John on edge. He despised having the very essence of his freedom -- choice -- taken away from him.

Naturally, planning what to do next was best done underneath a street lamp at dusk, when most of the city was getting ready to shift to the nightlife scene.


/collects them with care speedofnaked May 30 2011, 00:22:13 UTC
It was right around then that Terra was planning to make her way back to her apartment, for being out after dark usually led to meetings with a certain individual she would rather like to avoid. She wished she had followed Zelgadis's advice more carefully, all those months ago. She didn't even have contract with the demonic Illidan, and yet he seemed to hound after her footsteps.

It was for this her senses were focused less on the sight of streets lightening under bright lamps, or the hazy colorless dark sweeping overhead. For this, the sounds of the city were mostly ignored. Instead, Terra's attention was more focused on that other sense, where her skin would tingle and her muscles tighten. The world itself was mostly empty of magic, so sudden blips of presence like Illidan would be easy to detect.

In so looking for that specific sensation, Terra missed completely the man beneath the street lamp. It was only after she'd passed, five or six long paces on heeled shoes further down, that she stopped to look back over her shoulder.

... )


/finally able to tag again. weddings are hell. afriendtosell May 30 2011, 15:51:46 UTC
John ran over his plan of action twice before he noticed that the back of his neck had broken out in gooseflesh. He didn't move, but subtly sent out a pulse of his second sight to try and feel out if he was in any immediate danger. The pulse traveled quickly, bouncing off of every inanimate object in the vicinity until, unsurprisingly, they settled on a source of power nearly a magnitude above his own.

He should have known that his day was going too well. He cursed underneath his breath, then started channeling a free-form hex into the palm of his head, ready to be loosed at the nearest sign of danger.

When he turned whomever it was, he was all smiles. "Do I got something on me face, luv?"

He ignored the overall form of the young woman -- worse than anything, he knew he couldn't trust anyone he wasn't already familiar with.


was it a nice wedding, though? speedofnaked May 30 2011, 22:19:27 UTC
The girl -- for even at nineteen, Terra didn't quite have the build of a woman -- looked a bit startled, turning where she stood to face John front to front, rather than leave her back exposed like that. The prickle only seemed to get worse, hair standing on end across her shoulders and arms. Unlike many she'd met, the power of this man was not laid clear to her; it was like the prickling start to a rain shower, and not knowing whether that was all it would be, or if torrential rains and the crackle of thunder would follow.

And with the number of times she'd nearly been killed for underestimating, she wasn't quick to dismiss it as nothing.

"No," she answered, her hesitation and wariness clear in her soft voice. "You startled me."


it was, but i haven't been able to do anything since. afriendtosell June 1 2011, 20:54:41 UTC
Now, what was this? John Constantine startling someone who had originally invited the back of his neck to do the cha-cha-cha? He dug in his coat pocket for a cigarette and lit it without taking his eyes off her, his body language rather closed off and tight, tensed to spring.

"By doing...wot, exactly?" he arched an eyebrow while exhaling, the picture perfect portrait of incredulity.


I am glad you are back now though speedofnaked June 2 2011, 00:44:33 UTC
The words and the gestures seemed ordinary, but both of them were tensed, anxious for the moment that would ignite conflict. Terra very much didn't want to fight, especially not someone whose power she could not judge; her words were cautious steps.

"Not... doing," she answered, eyes flicking over his form quickly. "... Being."


Re: I am glad you are back now though afriendtosell June 2 2011, 02:34:05 UTC
"There a difference?" he asked, all gruff and expertly feigned toughness. "Never knew either to be a crime."

He smiled around the cigarette in his mouth knowing that he had an edge over the girl. She thought John was dangerous; the way she spoke certainly gave that away easily enough. He knew next to nothing about her, but the fact that she couldn't read him right off the bat was telling enough.

She was being cautious because she didn't know if John could beat her or not.


speedofnaked June 2 2011, 22:49:23 UTC
Cautious, but not timid. The clench in her muscles and the almost imperceptible shift in her power were safeguards, shields and swords.

She could have rebutted his statement, correcting his (seemingly) intentional misunderstanding of her words, but instead her reply was blunt. "What are you?"

A rich question coming from someone like her, but asked all the same.


afriendtosell June 3 2011, 01:49:04 UTC
He gave her a quick, noncommittal shrug in response. If she didn't know by now, who was John to give up the ghost? She certainly wasn't presenting him with any reason to be forthright with her through the slow tensing of her muscles.

"Think you want to ask 'who,' luv." he asked back, his voice tinged with just the barest hint of amusement. "Seeing as I'm not a bloody thing."


speedofnaked June 10 2011, 08:48:06 UTC
"Love?" She questioned to the first, unfamiliar with the slang and surprised by that word specifically aimed her way. No, she thought, he couldn't know anything about her like that. It didn't make any sense, but it wasn't something she should focus on, either.

Terra shook her head, eyes scrutinizing his rough face. "You're not... an ordinary human. Who are you?"


afriendtosell June 11 2011, 04:17:29 UTC
"Ordinary human?" he questioned, perking a eyebrow. "You met any other kind?"


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