Soaker to the right of them, soaker to the left of them

May 11, 2011 14:37

WHO: Calvin, many NPC children, very OPEN
WHERE: KaibaLand amusement park
WHEN: Afternoon on Wednesday
WARNINGS: Gutwrenching hydro-carnage. Not for the faint of heart.
SUMMARY: With an entire City to use as cannon fodder, Calvin takes over KaibaLand to make the ultimate water fight.
FORMAT: There is no format. Calvin can rant about sides all he likes, but this is a free-for-all and he knows it.

Calvin had spent a busy morning running around the amusement park, fortifying it into a work of genius in the field of aquatic warfare. Arms dumps of water balloons and buckets were hidden in strategic vantage points, and convenient taps and hoses were marked with flags so they could easily be found for resupplying. Most importantly, many, many boxes were piled on top of one another in the center of Kaibaland to form a makeshift fort. A flag with Calvin's face drawn on it in crayon proclaimed who was its lord.

Shortly after he made his post to the Network, Calvin rallied the native children to war too, simply by flying around the City and yelling 'WATER FIGHT! WATER FIGHT AT KAIBALAND! GO TO KAIBALAND' as loud as he could. It left his throat sore, but it worked great. In less than thirty minutes, KaibaLand was absolutely crawling with kids, and most of them brought their own implements of damp destruction with them!

Encouraged, Calvin began to harangue his mighty army from the highest tower of the fort (which had once contained a washing machine). "ATTENTION SOLDIERS! You are all about to begin the greatest day of your lives! You will all- hey, what are you doing?" Organizing large numbers of children was hard. Getting large numbers of children to stay still for a speech by another child when they were completely pumped up for a water fight was impossible. Calvin's audience was already scattering. "Listen to me! I'm in charge here! You had all better-" a water balloon splashed at his feet. Down below, someone laughed. "Oh, that's it!"

Calvin threw his own balloon, and a first-grader ran away soaked, shrieking with laughter. All around Kaibaland children scattered, scrambled, and opened fire. The battle was on.

calvin | stupendous man

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